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  Dec 2014 hani shibli
Bad Haiku
To all those suffering today
Write it down
Sometimes suffering sounds beautiful
hani shibli Dec 2014
No more numbing, dumb wars.
Each country proud to even the scores.
For that loss of love and life.
We give each other strife.
**** that hatred.
Because you say,
We're more sacred!
Whose lives they take,
To build their empire,
The families they break,
Lies a leader will aspire,
For he will make you believe,
The hype and the spin,
Behind a devil's grin.
Not sure about this one, welcome any criticism.
I think it lost it's rhythm, got meet a friend whose crazy about timing.(my downfall)
hani shibli Dec 2014
Don't be afraid of art.
Don't be afraid of your mind.
these are not my words.
I saw them somewhere and noted them down like I do a lot.
I liked them, it resonates to the HP following and this whole community of sharing our thoughts and words with each other.
i'm really happy I found this site with all these gifted artists.
artists of words.
hani shibli Dec 2014
There is a poem
hani shibli Dec 2014
'Tis a friend,
  right till the end.
   Made mistakes,
    Just like we all do.
     But, alas his mistakes,
      cause his biggest heartbreaks.
       He's helped others, always,
      but with each good turn.
      His mind burns.
     Like a cancer tearing him apart,
    a tumour through his heart.
   I wish he would learn.
    So, he would not burn.
      I can only help,
       so, so much.......
A friend, a good friend is a gambler.
I'm trying to help build him back, but he keeps burning all those bridges that people keep giving him.
I was the last bridge.
hani shibli Dec 2014
Come fly with me,
Come cry with me,
Don't let the words die on me.
Fleeting words while I roam around the house eating a bowl of cereal.
hani shibli Dec 2014
When my mind is alive!
I carry myself across in a wind of thoughts.....
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