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Hamza Ali Feb 2020
Want to descent
in a cold night
right by your side
to get the warmth of your
blazing bright soul.
Hamza Ali Feb 2020
The difference between you and I is,
you grab a drink to surround yourself
with madness and I,
a soulful person.
Hamza Ali Feb 2020
Your existence crippled me,
dripped me with all the love
I will ever need.
Hamza Ali Feb 2020
In the midst of the chaos your overwhelming power gave me such hope, dragged me out of this loop hole of never ending madness.  

Hamza Ali
Hamza Ali Feb 2020
Dark was my life
with clouds deterring
the stars until you
shone as the moon.
Hamza Ali Mar 2020
My heart screams,
what my tongue fails to tell.
Hamza Ali Feb 2020
Distancing myself from you
is like crucifying my heart
again and again.
Hamza Ali Feb 2020
Even demons are tamed by your angelic presence.
Hamza Ali Feb 2020
Looking at you
was like gazing at stars, serene and heartwarming.
Hamza Ali Feb 2020
Everlasting madness,
distinctive chaos,
yet I still crave you more.
Hamza Ali Mar 2020
Somewhere in me,
You still exist.

— The End —