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  Sep 2014 HALIM
Either I'm black, or white
I'd like to say " NO TO RACISM "
It hurts me, what's going on the worldwide
Why don't everyone respect themselves at least ?
This is a problem of all mankind
From north to south, from west to east
Yeah, it's a matter of humanity
And whom agree with me
Switch on your pity
To stop this enemy
Why do we say "*****" ? "*****" ????
We're coming from the same source, aren't we ??
What happened that day
In Missouri U.S.A
When a policeman, have killed a Blackman
In a horrible and ugly way
Without respect, with no shame
And what's happening in
A lot of European countries
Against Islam, why are they racists ?
Are Muslims terrorists ?
We all know
That terrorists have no home
No religion, they're unknown
They might not be shown
So, why do they attack
The world of Islam ?
It doesn't deserve that
If they really represent Islam
You say that it's a revolution
In a lot of nations
Listen to me carefully
We're able to disobey
Our wrongdoer president
But, by the way
We haven't to take
Something to be hidden
We mustn't veil
Are we terrorists ??
And now, don't you understand ?
Do not be racist
I shall defend
By my diamond pen
'cause obviously I'm an artist
I'm gonna fly
I wanna shine
For all mankind
Yeah, I'm that kind
Just open your mind
And think about what I used to write
  Sep 2014 HALIM
Like the rain, there's a lot of things often
Appear, come, or happen
By others, they might not be interestingly taken
But for us, they always fasten
Our minds, before they go hasten

When you open your eye
And look at the pretty sky
You'll ask her, if you can fly
This is true, not a lie
We all wanna be high
Either am old, or a young fry
I'll fight for my nature, until I die

This is our beautiful nature
Protected by GOD's creature
It is really our treasure
Let's preserve it forever
This is our adventure
it refers to a new type of HAIKU
5 lines 7 lines 5 lines
i call it MOH's HAIKU
  Sep 2014 HALIM
I'm a dreamer, it's the fact
This is what I'm able to deduct
After looking at my special tract
My dreams are like seeds, protected by a bract
'cause I wanna shine, due to my powerful tact

I shall fly, like a shiny bright light
I'm gonna be, in the perfect sight
Am still hoping, and I want to fight
Until my dreams will be accomplished, to be allright
I stayed awake, awake overnight
You couldn't know how I feel, because it's so tight
And deep in my heart, isn't that right

Listen to me carefully, mate
There's no time for us to wait
Our dreams to be real, we'll be so late
We must get them out, 'cause they're innate
Yes you believe me, we're all able to change our fate
it refers to a new type of HAIKU
5 lines 7 lines 5 lines
i call it MOH's HAIKU
  Sep 2014 HALIM
we'll do it

BAC twenty-fifteen
You're which we're gonna beat
Yes we could
Even we should
Isn't that understood
I think it's so cool
You are coming
And we are fighting
And also swimming
In our dreams
Wanna exchange it, to reality
Without stop, without even pity
Yeah we have to fix it
To hurry and do it
'cause we've our special dynamite
I mean our clever minds
Which are dynamic
So, we do not worry
We don't panic
This is our lorry
And no one can drive it
Am Inot right ?
In all what I said
We all wanna fight
By our smart heads
And now with the advices
Or we say the rules
Which might not be understood
By a lot of fools
Nothing to play
No time for fun
This is a closed place
No way to run
Do not be shy
We don't wanna someone cry
In the final day
In the real place
Where everyone have to brave
It's just five days
We must care
But we mustn't be scared
We have to revise
Without fears, without horrors
Just open your eyes
And pray for your lord
Obey your mother
And also your father
They will stay
Besides you together
Believe them forever
Whatever, and however
They always pray for you
A lot, not just a few
The same with your teacher
Do not be a cheater
'cause you're deceiving yourself
Check your real note
To see either you are
In need of help
Or you are
In the straight road
Eat a healthy food
It will help you
To revise good
Now is everything understood
I am praying
Allah always with us
I am seeking
His merciful for us
Dear GOD
Please forgive all what
We have done
No matter what
little or strong
Was our faults
Dear GOD
Help us, especially this year
Please, please yearn
Us when we gonna be tested
And also that day
when the results will be announced
because in ourselves
we all have faith
dear GOD
please, do not upset our hope
we wanna feel cool
when we'll return home
after seeing our results in school
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