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Haley Robbins Jul 2013
I lived without living, Died without
dying, My soul is gone, and all that
remains is the hurt.
When I think that all the tears have
fallen, that all the pain is gone,
I see you once again, and all but
life returns.
Love has no meaning, and sorrow
fills where my soul once was, My
heart no longer races at the thought
of you, but slows as if, my very
existance wants nothing more than to fade into the darkness.
From hour to hour, from day to day,
week to week, month to month, and
year to year, I will carry nothing
but the memories, the failures, the
pain, and in that know that you have
given me each of these.
So now one more tear will fall, not
for you but for me, as I say
good-night to you all, and wish that
my life was someone else's dream.

— The End —