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May 2013 · 1.2k
Haley Penland May 2013
My mother is no mother.
For some time there is laughter, a tangible happiness runs through the air.
Day to day and everything is ok.
As the laughter fades the days grows dark, because, my mother is no mother.
What was bubbly, sarcastic, and even fantastic! is now rude, ungrateful, and hateful.
My mother is no mother.
The time has come; she feels it at the very core of her being. An internal
clock, tic tok, tic tok, tic tok and stop!
Calm before the storm, we wait. What more is there to be done?
Its world war three for about the thousandth time. Down to the bunker, also known as our room,
we'll wait out the storm. Call in for back up; it’s going to be a long night. We can leave, but what
about the others? Decisions we shouldn’t have to make. Decisions deciding others fate.
For, my mother is no mother.
I’m sorry, it’s ok. I love you, I know.
The peace is weak, how many times can you sign the same treaty?
Force a smile....look some light creeps back in.
But still, my mother is no mother.
Tentative at first, but then more secure. We laugh, we sing, we run, and we yell.
Simply for the sake of a hiatus in hostilities.
Even if, my mother is no mother.  
Inside she knows she is lying. I'm sorry, are you? I love you, I don't care.
My mother is no mother.
How much more can I take?
May 2013 · 658
Haley Penland May 2013
Never have I ever felt the need to put you into words.
The thoughts and feelings were just all there in my head, where I thought I left a heart.
There they swarm and hum. Dum dum dum hum.
Each and every one, right or wrong. There you are, there they are.
I can’t make sense of the things you said, the things we said.

Yet here we are, here I am. You’re all gone, I am all here.
Alone in body, overcrowded in mind.
How? How did it come so far?
I lose, I’ve lost, and I will never have control.

These words will never be analyzed, nor picked at or torn apart.
No, that bits best left for the soul.
Many souls may suffer, many souls may wander, but none will anguish in the same way as mine.
Most likely worse, most likely better, but never the less, anguish is anguish.
Confusion is confusion no matter which way you twist it.
Lonely is lonely no matter where you go.

— The End —