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Oct 2013 · 335
the sounds of childhood
Haley A Oct 2013
Haley A Aug 2013
Well college. I'm ready for ya
High school foolishness are almost coming to an end
This last year in high school is sure to be one of the best
but college I can feel ya creepin
Soon i will have to work, and study, and clean, and toil over my own things
There will be no one there to clean my room..
I will just have to clean it
Who kissed who behind the bleachers at Friday nights football game will no longer matter.
I will enjoy my final year as a full out kid
But first before i can have an awesome senior year
i must finish this danging application......

(sorry guy got bored and decided i would write this)
Apr 2013 · 582
A Tale of the Night
Haley A Apr 2013
Tonight I lay in my bed with nothing to do

Facebook is boring
Instagram is boring
My phone is boring
There's nothing on TV
And my music feels just blah tonight

What to do?

Well I remember this site of poetry
I remember my first one was popular
My second and third..well not so much..
But who cares
I'm bored

So I begin to type
And so here we are with...

A Tale of the Night
Mar 2013 · 382
I'm a decision?
Haley A Mar 2013
I'm a decision?
What does that mean?
You either want me or you don't!
Make up your mind.
I'm not a toy that you can just let collect dust on a shelf.
I'm a girl.
No wait
I'm a foolish girl
Well it's your turn to look foolish

jk... I'm forever alone:P
Mar 2013 · 571
Buried in homework
Haley A Mar 2013

But not in water
In something else...

Its the papers and the projects
It's the due dates and the documents

AP classes to much to bear
Everyday almost ripping out my hair

But that's just the life if a highschool junior...
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
Bored at 2:03
Haley A Mar 2013
As I sit and ponder
My mind begins to wander

I am bored

So I look at my dads computer
and I see a poetry site
and in my head comes a light

I am bored

Now I made my account

I am still bored

— The End —