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1.4k · Jun 2010
Halcyon Dementia Jun 2010
I am addicted to your velvet fatigue
Hypnotize me with your somnolent eyes
Leave me with nothing but intrigue
I swear I could move a mountain in my sleep
In our liquid mercury dream is where we shall always meet

Polaris guides our hearts tonight
In a silent conspiracy
A plight we might never see
As fate would make it be
Again I’m falling asleep beneath your sheets
A dream so warm and so complete

Let there be no boundaries
No barriers to mark where one ends and the other begins
Let’s move as one shape in the shadows
And invite the darkness to come in

Your landscapes compete with those of Eden
I must be lying beside a god veiled as a man
I want nothing more but to taste you
Never let the night waste you
The once forbidden fruit that is now mine
You’ve opened your heart’s doors so wide
And I can’t wait to get inside

The hands of the clock strike the darkest hour
I feel the pleasure of being held within your power
And just as you protect me
The moon hangs vigilant in the sky
Your gentle whispers are a lullaby
And I wish the sun would never rise

Let there be no boundaries
No barriers to mark where one ends and the other begins
Let’s move as one shape in the shadows
And invite the darkness to come in

I’m addicted to your velvet fatigue
And Polaris guides our hands tonight
Hold me beneath your dark sheets
And lead the way to eternity
1.3k · Jun 2010
Halcyon Dementia Jun 2010
When you decide to leave me
I'll quench my thirst in the Lethe
Let the river water deceive me
And leave that life behind.
If going to heaven means I remember
I would rather burn in the ember
I will be ****** as one more member
Of my own prison of a mind.

When you come upon the Lethe
Will you choose not to see me?
While my heavy legs beneath me
Grow weary of this futile crusade
Will you drink oblivion and forget
Or choose to live with the regret
Claim it was a mistake we ever met
And forsake the love we made.

Please don’t drink the water
Please don’t wash me away
Please don’t drink oblivion
Please don’t think I’m already gone
1.2k · Mar 2010
Escher Room
Halcyon Dementia Mar 2010
Whilst I was dreaming, streaming up and down my arms
The confining, winding vine
I became another stone in the great wall
Which lines this labyrinthine

One door leading to another, my steps echo upon the stair
If I don’t believe it, I can’t perceive it
That’s the advice you always gave me
But I was too stubborn to ever receive it

There was some confusion over the illusion
And now the fusion has occurred
Don’t bother trying to dig me out of the hole I’ve made
I’d rather my screams never be heard

A silent midnight hides my vengeance
In the comfortable depths of my abyss
Please tell me you don’t understand
So I can explain the meaning of all of this

Rapid eye movement, shutting me down
Fathoming the phantoms eating my soul
Don’t come any closer, or you’ll be a monster like me
An empty shell, delusion filling the hole

Your chimerical notions of bravery sustain me
Starlight keeping time with my every heart beat
You are the only dream, the only perfection
All else in my eyes has become obsolete

The vines entwine our hands
The maze once endless is now clear
Why do you save me every time, even if I don’t want saving
Why do you destroy all that I fear

Eye lids pried open and even in reality it’s always you
The darkness calling me, and I remain thinking
I wish to be among the stone, wrapped in vine alone
Tricked by the eyes, in the abyss I am sinking…sinking..

Whilst I was dreaming, streaming up and down my arms
The needing, bleeding vine
I became another victim of love
I became yours and you became mine.
1.2k · Sep 2010
Curse of The Ice Queen
Halcyon Dementia Sep 2010
I’ve never been sure about anything
I’ve always had one foot out the door
Watching the exits, ready to escape
For when doubt finds the sign its been looking for

I only fall in love with someone after they’re gone
I can never love someone the same time they love me
The only love I can accept is the unrequited
Because any other form would be quite above me

They ask me Ice Queen, why are you so mean?
Why do you lead all the men to their cold deaths?
A siren singing at the edge of a frozen forest
Waiting like a predator to take their last breaths

And here I am again
Using the same old trick
Building these walls back up
Brick by brick

When you first met me I was barely a human being
I was so in love with a dream I could hardly see straight
But something in you made my world a brighter place
And the chaos from my former life began to dissipate

But with every new connection I’ve ever made
There’s always been some secret storm lurking
The trick is to pull away before you get hurt
Before everything falls to pieces and stops working

I tried so hard to look past all your imperfections
But no matter how I look I can’t picture my life with you
When I felt the dynamic change, saw the look in your eyes
I knew I had no choice but turn my back on you

They ask me Ice Queen, why are you so mean?
Why do you lead all the men to their cold deaths?
A siren singing at the edge of a frozen forest
Waiting like a predator to take their last breaths

And here I am again, back to square one
Scared as hell to ever let anyone in
Building these walls because it’s all I’ve ever done
Brick by sullen brick
1.1k · May 2012
Sleeping Limbs
Halcyon Dementia May 2012
Her body moves closer to him beneath his hands
She wonders if she passes inspection
If the previous rejection has not become obsolete
And the muslces he works so hard for
Burn for something he remembers so clearly now
The memories from their antebellum period
How she had felt in these arms before
And with trespassing eyes, he lingers too long into hers
His lips trace the curve of her heart
Teeth marks on his shoulder is all that will remain
of evidence of her presence in the morning

She startles awake to find herself fused to his side
She engulfs that bridge in flames
Cuts herself out
And with sleeping limbs, sore and stiff
She leaves his quiet form

And she knows everyone has someone they want that they can’t have
We’re all desperately seeking someone to love
The one who got away

But love should never hurt the eyes
Should never stain a face with tears
She ran away from home
Ran away from the man she loved
Afraid to feel anything new
She left those things that made her feel safe
But before she turned to leave
He said to her
I know thy shape
The crook of this arm will always remember it
Your place will always remain here
And so it is.
993 · Jul 2012
Halcyon Dementia Jul 2012
Sold into slavery, you were
Chin tucked down to your chest
You never raised your head to look about you
Never closed your eyes to rest
Worked because you had to
Hungry, tired and oppressed

Then they gave you freedom
A gift you squandered away
You became a slave of your own pride
And the weaker ones your prey

You laughed at their misery
You let the hatred fill your chest
Never raised your head to look about you
Never cared about the rest
How easily one forgets
What it was like to be oppressed.
911 · Dec 2010
Halcyon Dementia Dec 2010
Ice is swiftly creeping in
Freezing around my numb heart
Taking hold of what’s left of me
Making the edges cold and sharp

You were my last link to that world
And I tried so hard to be that girl
But in the end that was not enough
Now I’m afraid you were the last chance I had
Of ever feeling love

Then the door was thrown wide open
I try to keep the apocalypse from coming in
But if I were a betting man
I’d say it would win

Death walks in and sits at the table
I want to scream but I am unable
And he says to let things take their course
As I ride away on his pale horse

Because giving up on love is so easy
When you become as jaded as me
There’s something wrong
When you find out he left you for a younger girl
And you’re just glad it wasn’t because of your personality
And you could get angry that you weren’t the one
But really there was nothing you could have done
It was doomed from the start
But you were so ******* willing to give up your heart
Because you were tired of feeling so empty

Now I’m cold and alone
As I fear is always meant to be
I feel the vessels harden, the beating slowing
And there’s nothing left in me

I feel the change from within
I try to keep the apocalypse from coming in
But I know I’m no match for it
So I open the door and let it in

Death tells me not to be afraid
These are the debts that must be paid
And even if I don’t deserve it, it could be worse
As I grin feeling my new power, riding away on my pale horse.
867 · Mar 2010
Halcyon Dementia Mar 2010
For how long will thee wait here for nothing?
Will the tide have come, will the sun be set?
Will new light sever, will the new day sing?
When will thee give in and simply forget?
How many times have thou fail’d to see fact
That thy lover has now cast thee aside?
Thy pride has been bent but remains intact
Yet the dreams thy once dreamt once more will hide.
Wings of mine have offer’d armor to thee
Yet thou seem’d to be afraid of flying
Frighten’d that I am thy lover to be?
Thou wilt not love, but delicate dying?
Do not mistake ignorance with blindness;
Do not despise love, rather your kindness.
Halcyon Dementia Nov 2010
I dreamt once of your ever changing face
And a love I could never hold on to
The receding tide became a holy place
And swept from the sand an image of you

A moon rose high and gave me strength
But sadly I could not see it
I fought endlessly but couldn’t go the length
Perfection, I could never be it

I see you as a canvas, but it is not my art
You shape your own identity far away from mine
I’d like to believe though that I was some vital part
A quilt woven with thread, a wall wrapped in vine

I could not be the anchor, I could not be the stone
Now I lie here sinking in a dream I call my own
The last I saw was the back of your ship begin to fade
And with it you took every dream I had ever made.
827 · Dec 2010
The Hermit
Halcyon Dementia Dec 2010
I bring in the wood, light a fire
Sit by the warm glow, a book in hand
A tall tale of love and desire
Ideas that I could never seem to understand

An open window, the scent of pine
A brook whispering gently nearby
No other living soul but mine
I speak and hear no reply

And I exhale into the peace that has found me
In the quiet place that now does surround me
I no longer let those old ties bound me
And I live as a hermit with no one around me

I sleep alone in a bed made from a tree
Hallowed out and cut into the shape
Recovering from what was done to me
Despite change in scenery still hard to escape

I have been here for so many years
That the wilderness has become my prison cell
Through all the bitter winters and tears
I alone have braved the darkest hell

And I exhale into the vastness that does surround me
Wondering why love has never found me
Desperately pulling at the ties that bound me
Knowing there is nothing around me

I cannot live between two worlds
Tying, tying me with my own rope
But there is someone out there who will save me
Of that I still have hope.
722 · Jun 2010
Halcyon Dementia Jun 2010
And here I was thinking that once I pulled myself out of the storm
All the rain would be gone
And I put so much of my faith in these pills, in the quick fix
To atone for the things I have done
That I forgot they couldn't mend you

I’m not broken anymore
But still you remain in the storm without me
But I won’t go back out there
I won’t follow you down
Because if I do I know I’ll never find my way home again

And I can see the empty stare in your eyes
There is no passion behind anything you say
Your embrace is out of obligation and guilt
And I wonder how much longer I can live this way

I rise above the clouds
While you sink lower into something I understand all too well
694 · Nov 2010
Halcyon Dementia Nov 2010
And once upon a time when I used to lie in his bed as we drifted to sleep
Rummaging through my mind the things he had said
The words I’d let go and the ones I would keep
I‘d imagine how beautiful this moment would appear
How sweet and how dear, how vivid and how clear
Among the ones that had not yet occurred, the dreams not yet interred
and I would have to remind myself
To stop dreaming what the moment could be and just live it
Give it room to breathe
Embrace that small sliver of my time here the way he embraced me throughout the night
And I smiled when he found my hand in the dark and held on so tight

Before I knew it all those possibilities were gone
and I had to cut my losses and run
Go back to that lonely world I had resided in,
the world I had made my home

And when I was asked why did I fall for such a capricious boy
Why did I ever let him anywhere near my tender heart
When I knew all he’d do was take it apart
Because the risk of getting hurt was better than being alone
I thought I’d take a chance and see where the wind would take us
Because I realized something in his eyes reminded me of home
Something in his eyes reminded me of home

And here I have found myself again
The way I was way back when
When the whole concept of love seemed so distant
And then I had my chance and lost it in an instant
The shame doesn’t lie in the things I miss
The laughter, the eyes or the kiss
I would have rather been loved and then broken
Than to have never loved at all
And now not since then have we even spoken
Not a single word or a call

And I know that it’s time for me to cut my losses and run
Go back to that lonely world and try to be comfortable alone

I thought after so long I’d try to love again
But the cards were not meant to be played
So I had to fold and let him win the game
But it’s a shame, yeah it’s a shame
Because there was a time when I was what he wanted
But I could not let myself give in
And so I should not be surprised that this is the lonely world I live in.
679 · Feb 2011
More Than Ever
Halcyon Dementia Feb 2011
Sweet Rosemary has never really been in love
She’s a beautiful girl and she’s always searching for someone
But in her loneliest of times she gave herself away
To a boy that never deserved to touch her
Because he never thought that much of her
And she deserves so much better
Now she feels more regret than ever

Pretty Lily is caught between her own feelings
Between the perfect man and her old sweetheart
But he broke her heart years ago
The memory of him is enticing
And the other one is leaving soon
And she doesn’t know what to do
She’s more confused than ever

Gabriel likes Lily but she has no idea
As he watches her slip further away from him
And he’s losing hope of ever being loved again
And we have this in common
As we feel our chances slipping from our fingers
We are closer than ever

And Angel loves a boy across the ocean
The boy broke his heart and told him it would never work
But he never stops calling and leaving messages
He just keeps breaking his sweet little heart
And I tell him if it’s really love then distance shouldn’t matter
And he misses him more than ever

And I loved the boy who left me for so long
Until I met a new one and I thought I was saved
But I was so afraid of showing how I felt
That I let it fall to pieces before it ever got off the ground
And now I’m more afraid than ever

I’m so used to being treated like I’m nothing
That when I finally see how good it could be I’m surpised
And I realize how it should be
Between a man and a woman
I deserved so much better than he ever gave me
And I should be happy that he doesn’t want me
But I just feel more alone than ever.

— The End —