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2.5k · Dec 2013
Gypsy soul
Hailey Dec 2013
I wonder
Never staying still
Never feeling safe
Never content
I blame it on a Gypsy soul
My gypsy soul
They say I was born for leaving
I never could stay still
They say I was born running
All wiled eyes and blonde hair
That's what they said
I didn't try to prove them wrong
I blame it on my gypsy soul
1.1k · Jan 2014
I'm not perfect
Hailey Jan 2014
I don't know how to tell you I'm not perfect
I'm not who you want me to be
I'm just me
Always have been
And I always will be
I just don't know how to tell you
I'm not perfect
And I don't care
I don't care that I'm not perfect
Because for once
I'm me
960 · Jan 2014
Hailey Jan 2014
Your uncontrollable
Your strong
Your heart is gaurded
But it's like you
I love how you know who you are
It's what makes you
A mystery
Because Your the only one who knows
The storms I'm your eyes
Rage, as a reflection
Of the swirling storm inside
Out of control
And like you
953 · Dec 2013
Hailey Dec 2013
I walk this lonely road
But it the only one I've ever  known
I try to hide the pain behind a smoke
I'll light this cigaret
and hide all my worries behind it
I walk this road alone by choice
I hide behind my smokes and my ****
I hide behind the things you wouldn't expect of me
I'll walk this road alone it's my choice
This way I don't get hurt
I'll just keep walking
And making the choices you wouldn't expect
927 · Jul 2014
Love isn't perfect
Hailey Jul 2014
I can't promise a perfect relationship cuz I'm messed up inside
But love isn't perfect
It's anger,lust,pain it's falling apart and picking yourself up and trying again it's not giving up it's messy but it's also beautiful. Its happiness it's the little moments that make you laugh it's when you take care of someone and in turn let them care for you.
774 · Jun 2015
Hailey Jun 2015
You make me laugh when I want to cry,
Make me live when I want to die,
Make me smile when I want to frown,
You turn my life upside down.
Believe in me when no one else does
You’re my now, my is, my was.
When you call my name I begin to blush,
I'm afraid people notice I need you so much.
When I'm with you time flies by fast.
It's like the present is the past.
I need you more than you can believe,
Love you more than you can conceive.
Think about you every night and day
And hope my life can stay this way
I don't want it to be any other way.
649 · Dec 2013
Hailey Dec 2013
I knew when he blew in he wouldn't stay
Every know and then you find one that way
He was a fair haired wild child
with storms in his eyes
I knew I'd never be the same
That's the thing about a hurricane
They are all  lightning  and wind and rain
His kiss told me to get on out of there  
But I was to far gone to care
So hold on tight  
When you find one that way
Because it's a hell of a ride
If you can just survive the pain
That's the thing about a hurricane
All lighting and wind and rain
506 · Feb 2015
I wish he'd stop
Hailey Feb 2015
I don't know why he always has to make me feel so bad about myself
But I wish he'd stop...  
I just want to be happy
411 · Feb 2015
Hailey Feb 2015
leaves fall gracefully
blown by the wind
colors no longer green
i watch the leaves as
the fall winds wraps her
arms around me
i love the fall
its the only thing i understand
408 · Mar 2015
Hailey Mar 2015
Hes gone
328 · Apr 2014
Just for today
Hailey Apr 2014
For today
my voice will Be heard
It's just for today
Then I will once agin
Fall silent
Just for today
You will see my hurt
Then I will
Lock it away
Listen close
It's just for today
295 · Oct 2014
What was and what is
Hailey Oct 2014
I see the way he looks at her
And it makes me sad
The way his eyes light up
The slight smile on his face
I remember when
He looked at me like that
But that is what was
Not what is

— The End —