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Halen Jan 2015
I kissed your lips for the last time this morning.
In a split second every memory I've ever had of you flooded through every inch of my body.
I waited for that bomb to go off in my chest, but I guess the fuse finally lost it's flame.
I think I finally know what it feels like to die.
Halen Dec 2014
when I feel lost I find myself thinking of you. I feel at home when I'm with you. I've been homeless for 6 months now.
I keep knocking on your door, hoping that you'd let me stay with you again; but all you seem to say is I'm sorry, there isn't any room here, check back later.
I tried building a house of hope to keep me warm while I wait but all I felt was the foundation crumbling between my fingers.
Halen Nov 2014
It's 5:13  a.m. and the only thing on my mind is a cigarette, and the thought of holding your poorly circulated hand.
The sound of you saying "I love you" still echoes through the newly formed holes in my heart that I know too well.
Oh god, those three words coming from you is the difference between hell and home.
It's those three words that took the breath from my chest so quickly I could never tell if you were coming or going.
You're not here, so I guess I finally figured it out.
Halen Nov 2014
I wake up everyday with hopes to see your face light up from words that could come from my mouth.
You have no idea how many compliments I've held within the clutch of my throat; I keep one in my pocket, just on the off chance that you might want it again someday.
Halen Oct 2014
So here I am. Back to square one.
I'm still unsure if everything you showed me was real.
Sometimes, you look at me like you used to
and I  swear I can see myself cracking in the reflection of your eyes.
You broke me, and now all I'm left with is this shattered image of who I was when I was all you ever wanted.
Halen Oct 2014
I sat outside, counted the number of cigarettes I could finish before someone would notice that I was gone.

I don't know how long it's been since I was
able to say that I didn't feel like this pack of cigarettes.

Halen Oct 2014
I get this feeling in my chest
when I pass cars a little too
closely on the drive home.
It's the same feeling in my chest
I get when I watch the girl I love
fall in love with some other *******.
There isn't much left to do.
Do I continue to have faith in us,
or do I give up on you completely?
But how am I supposed to give up completely on someone when in reality..
they complete me.
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