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126 · Apr 2018
Libelia the Lady Dragon
Haddy T Jobe Apr 2018
A far cry from fierce
Except by her stare
Fiery, fiery, fiery hair
A dragon with grace
A walk like a dance
Astute and well mannered, you can tell from a glance
126 · Apr 2018
Haddy T Jobe Apr 2018
Little Aley, Aley May
Was a tell-tale one day
And she told about her friend who sat in class beside her
Her friend she heard about it
And nothing in the first aid kit
Could fix their friendship teddy when she ripped out all the fur

Aley May had broken ties
Just by simply telling lies
And she paid the price by losing something true
For her friend had always been there
Was her support in every warfare

Aley May was taught a lesson on what not to say or do
Haddy T Jobe Apr 2018
With hearts that love and hearts that live
It is the joy of human kind to give
Support and help to those without
As God has given and blessed, no doubt

Give to the young and old,as in them we see
What we were once and what we’ll one day be
The will of God not being in our hands
We must strive to achieve not only our worldly plans

But things that will tip the scales on judgement day
And help us into heaven as the good books say
On that day nothing shall help us but our good deeds on earth
What we’ve done for our fellow man since the time of our birth

How best to gain God’s pleasure than by helping the children of Eve?
To the bearers of the torches of the future, we believe
The children, the youth...the ones who will be left behind
Then a penny or two donated to their growth will remind

That the world isn’t impossible and humanity hasn’t died
That when Trivium said ‘’there is no hope for the human race’’, they may have lied.

— The End —