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Dec 2019 · 127
With her blood
Habiba Ayman Dec 2019
She took the blade and wrote
Beautiful pain she felt
She put her life to an end
Her happiness yet to come
On her face, a smile that spread
In her mind memories flood
Her end is yet to come
Her demons have won
Happy tears in her eyes    
With her blood,
She wrote how sorry she felt,
For herself and her family
And the none extent friends.
With her blood,
She wrote how lonely she felt,
How she cried for help
Staring at the sealing she prayed,
For God's forgiveness.
She apologies for wasting a life.  
For not living to everyone’s expectations
For lying about being alright  
She closed her eyes and welcomed the darkness.
Dec 2019 · 156
She Took Her Life
Habiba Ayman Dec 2019
She looked in your eyes
So sick of your lies
Gun in her hand
Guilt is your eyes
It’s your last try
To save her life
Your last sight
Of her beautiful eyes
Bang, with one shot
She end her life
You scream and you cry
You lost her now
You lost your love
She took her life.
She took her life,
And left you
She took her life,
Because of you
Too late to try
too late to try
To kiss her
Too late to try
Too late to try
To whisper…..
“I love you”
Dec 2019 · 134
Like a parrot
Habiba Ayman Dec 2019
Just like a parrot
I repeat the words,
Only happy ones just like I’m told,
My words are limited
And my freedom is denied
For the happiness of  my owner,
For the amusement of his friends.
I can’t fly away nor can I say what I mean.
I look peaceful but my mind is on a fight.
I repeat what is said to me without a thought.
I am a parrot inside and it’s for the best.
For me and all the rest.
The pain in my words cost too much.
Couse my words are hell and my lips are the gate.
I’ll stay in that cage and repeat the happy words.
It is nothing new,
Nothing I am not used to do.
Just like a parrot,
I repeat the words.

— The End —