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Oct 2014 · 314
The One that got Away!
H Nair Oct 2014
Yes, I remember the red vividly...
Sprawled all over a tiled white
The blow was a perfect angle
Ensuring the fall had been fatal

I looked around and saw a gathering audience
The consequence of the Act would soon follow
And I'd ave to pay for this dastardly deed

It was an accident, innocuous I'd say
If it wasn't for the steep price I had to pay
A sublime bottle of aged Ambrosia
Had slipped through my grasp unhindered
Met its untimely demise
On the unyielding floor it encountered...

...Now I stood empty handed
My evening ruined and pockets emptied!
Sep 2014 · 359
The Rising Star
H Nair Sep 2014
His voice like no other
His eyes a fresh sparkle
His being glowed 'the warmth of a spring sunlight
He took the center stage that morning
And everyone knew a new Star was born

Fussed over by one and all
He lived a regal life, second to none
Drank n slept most of the time...
...Most of the time there was little else to be done

His full throated solos were heard loud and clear
Often keeping his audience helpless and spellbound

But right now those tiny hands n tiny feet were locked up in a deep sleep
Tired by antics and fed to the brim,
His mother held him close and whispered to his soul -
"Sleep well my Boy...
...You have a long way to go"
Sep 2014 · 337
H Nair Sep 2014
The grog's half full
n the tucker nerly done
I head to my ol' man house
Lost me job last month

The ol' man listened to the yarn neatly spun
Ignored the pleas from his grown boy's mum
Give him some, help his family run
no he said, let him stick to his ***
A decent job and a bright prospect he had
Ruined it all for tipple n fun

...He tottered on past his prime
wouldn't last much longer he thought n sighed
The bar beckoned him once more
Dragging his feet he entered the place
Pr'olly the only home he he felt safe
Downing in his drink he obscured
The deep rut he endured
Work in Progress...
Sep 2014 · 309
The Torture
H Nair Sep 2014
Trapped in a timed quagmire, She silently swore
The noose tightened, oh but ever so slow
Hopelessness and exhaustion had set in deep
She couldn’t take this hell much more..

Round after round after round he fired fast
It hit her and went right through her head hard
A numbing sensation crept up her toes
All of a sudden it stopped, she froze

The barrage of words had sputtered to a close
As the Professor’s mouth finally slammed shut
The classroom door obliged his hold
The lecture was over and the torture no more!
Sep 2014 · 439
H Nair Sep 2014
A Joker par excellence, a tour de force
He baited his viewers who hooked on for more
His words shot out with wit endowed
On and on his repertoire grew -
An entertainer, an actor, a humane soul

Weathering the seas and storms crashing in his mind
He bore it all with courage; he was of a tenacious kind
Often, over the years, he felt lonely and soured
Only to rise up from those dreaded chasms to face lifebiz extempore

On that fateful night his blues a blackened fury hued
His youth and the powers he’d borne - a distant memory to be wallowed?
Every night he’d faced these demons forlorn…
But tonight he lost the battle to his mind’s old foe…

…And the man who once tickled the world is now no more

R.I.P Robin Williams

— The End —