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H M Jeffrey May 2013
Choke me
wrap your hand around my throat
I can barely breath
come on give it a squeeze

Choke me
look me in the eyes
harder now don't be scared
it removes all lies

Choke me
thats it you've got it
you know it turns you on
hell it does me

Choke me
no air I can't see
can't feel anything but
you inside of me

God I love it
when you Choke me
H M Jeffrey May 2013
I sit here locked behind concrete walls
With bars on the windows and 15 minute call
Even though I won't be here long
I find myself asking where did I go wrong
I have to put my life on the right track
Or I'll find myself coming right back
I feel my light inside start to dim and fade
I feel so alone I am afraid
I'm fearful that I'll fail on the gates other side
Parts of me wants to stay behind these walls and hide
I'm scared that I'l disappoint the people I Love
And be a disgrace to my God watching me from above
All I ever wanted was to find a little happiness
Never thought I'd turn to drugs to find my bliss
From here I don't know where to go or how to get there
I don't really know anymore if I even care
I know deep down inside I still have a little hope
And I pray once released its not eaten alive by the dope
H M Jeffrey May 2013
I wish I could go back to a year ago
When I thought I was at my lowest low
When I thought everything had gone so wrong
Bet I would be singing a different song
I'd start by deleting that very first line
Maybe then my life would be just fine
I would never have learned how to twist that bowl
Maybe then I wouldn't be filled with this gaping hole
I wouldn't know that you could eat dope
Maybe then I wouldn't be left without hope
I would have said no and walked away
Maybe then I wouldn't be sitting here a **** addict today
H M Jeffrey May 2013
I've been to many bad places
And met even more bad faces
I've gone places no one should go
And I know people no one should know
Yet I do not regret the thing that I have done
Hell most of the time it was all just fun
I'm a stronger person because of all this
I danced through the fire to give the devil a kiss
I'm wise with the knowledge that I now hold
I have seen hell and it is empty and cold
That was not the life I was ment to lead
Those days where life lessons that in the future I will need
God's plan for me we shall soon see
I thank him for my lessons and the person they have made me
H M Jeffrey May 2013
Please dear God hear my prayer
Maybe give me a sign you still care
I do things you wouldn't condone
But please don't leave me all alone
I'm not a thief and I'll never ****
If you don't forgive my sins then nobody will
Always trapped in some form of cage
Made to perform on life's unforgiving stage
Walking down your path I lost my way
It was never my intention to walk astray
Please forgive me for I have sinned
I know to your will I should bend
The Devil's Toy placed me in a haze
It brought out in me my selfish ways
If I could take back it all
Maybe then I could stand up tall
Please grant me the streghnth to face each day
And the wisdom to find my way
Help me to say no to sin
This in your name I pray amen
H M Jeffrey May 2013
Check me out I'm one **** *****
Some day I'm going to be ******* rich
I do what I do I am who I am
I'm not some innocent little lamb
I get what I want when I bat my eyes
I love ******* you off just to get a rise
I say what I want and do as I please
Sometimes I'm a ***** other times I'm a tease
I love to party as most bad girls do
If your lucky I might even party with you
I'm one bad ***** have no doubt
Don't be scared come see what I'm about
Don't worry I usually don't bite
But **** me off and you better be ready to fight
I don't fight it I flow with the tide
Welcome to Heather Land its one hell of a ride
H M Jeffrey May 2013
When I hear your voice I ache inside
I wish from this pain I could run and hide
Even though try as I do
I can't seem to forget about you
Just when I think it won't hurt anymore
I hear your voice and it shakes me to my core
I see a shooting star and I wish to above
I wish to forget it was you that I love
I wish to forget the last year gone by
If only I could forget I wish with a sigh
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