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 Jan 2013 Gunjan
Elle C
Feel the fire down your neck
Your heart beating like a drum
Flashes of red as they fade to gray
                -the ashes sift away.

Don’t ask for comfort, here you get none
They’ll watch as the flames work through your body
Thundering your pounding lungs
               -desperate to get away.

The heat grows high; where do you go from here?
Encased in flames; you have no chance
No chance to feel the love
               -no chance to get away.

It’s ending so soon, you let you all go
Your soul to be picked over; because you don’t really care
You’ve fallen to low, to see yourself now
               -pick your feet up; fly away

And now it’s all over, as they watch you; laid bare
A pretty red dress, stained with your blood
Your body so broken, so fragile; unmarred
               -locked up tight you can’t get away

They’ll take you away, ashamed of the sight
You think of the sight that kept you alive
As you make your escape; your heart beating like a drum
               -as you run in the dead of night, run away

*Your funeral was held; the empty coffin, buried
As you nurse your wounds in sweet success
Thinking of that face that made you find strength
               - yout pain is taken away

— The End —