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2.7k · Jul 2011
Old Souls
gs kerr Jul 2011
we're old souls you & i.
bound by a need to be something beyond ourselves.

i admire that in you.
your struggles, questioning
breathing new life into stale moments.

we're gypsies i'd say, you & i.
the new beatniks
pushing the boundaries of self discovery
fighting with ourselves & conceptions of identity.

we're moving, always
self destructing
running in search of any semblance of truth.
1.4k · Jul 2011
Sad songs & brittle bones
gs kerr Jul 2011
I do not exist.

I am nothing but water
Sad songs
Brittle bones and fading memories.

A string of notes
Chaotic and beautiful.

Bouncing off of everything
Absorbed only in the subconscious.

We do not exist.

Beyond ego
Extending into the world
Known by none.

Permanently adrift
Struggling to love
Confused in its definition.

Closed eyes
Characters in each other’s story.

Propelled into life
Forgetting our time is limited
Forgoing experience
Creating a novel
Ultimately disappearing and being forgotten.
1.4k · Jul 2011
lost souls & hungry ghosts
gs kerr Jul 2011
The nuclear family died.
We are a generation raised by our mothers
Absent fathers
Broken families with weak men

Lost souls and hungry ghosts
Violently propelled into the shadows
of our parent’s failures.

Paralyzed with an inability
to escape our latchkey childhood.

Broken at the core
Attempting to collect the pieces
Maintaining relationships
Unsure of what happiness should look like.

We are obsessed with our own careers
Feeling a need to conquer life
Never knowing what is enough
or what it will take to satiate our desires.

A generation of excess
Singular experiences
Half-hearted triumphs
and unwavering self-defenses.

I refuse this new paradigm
Refuse to believe love is a burnt out city
Dilapidated and abandoned
Desperate and alone.

I will not become the archetype of my generation
Devoid of hope
Listless and stagnant.
1.3k · Jul 2011
the wolf and the tree
gs kerr Jul 2011
the moon is dancing
a wolf and a tree
each star is a moment
a truth and belief

this story's not written
the lights are the words
constructing each paragraph
outlined in verse

i open my heart
with fear and for chance
two atoms collide
we share
one slow
waltzing moondance

im told that im heavy
in heart and in tongue
but when my heart opens
it shows truth, not a gun
999 · Jul 2011
duck creek, utah
gs kerr Jul 2011
This mountain is trying to **** me
9000 feet
Rain soaked & unforgiving

Challenging exhausted decisions
A formation of trees
Sheltered, shaking
Hopeless & fleeting

It’s not my time I say
Unfulfilled promises & words unsaid

Withheld diatribes
Hidden truths
Lost love

But, here I am
Alone on a mountain
Pleading with God
Asking for my grandfather’s protection

I’ve lost control
Calmed my mind
Let go

It’s not my time you said
Taking me in
Cabin lights & burning embers
Without you, Wanda
This mountain would have killed me
gs kerr Jul 2011
Records spinning
worn out
fading like a dying breath.

Each painful note
an expression of despair
absorbed into memory.

We belong in song
sentimental & melancholy
moanin' low
a sailboat in the moonlight.

You showed me the way
one hand on your neck
the other swinging softly
each measure timing my release.

now it's me they have singing
it's i they now define
my thoughts dissected

Under this skin lives a tree
roots planted in soil
held down my melody
a succession of colors
listless & profound.
762 · Jul 2011
on the day of your death
gs kerr Jul 2011
It’s been nine months since my father died.
30 days spent bed side
Attentive and witness to the process

Raining on the day he passed
Grey and appropriate.

I didn’t know him very well
The way one wishes to

Growing up, a check in the mail
An awkward holiday meeting
Family seen once every few years
Forced acquaintance

But, that’s not how I wish it were.

Stories of wars fought
Shot down planes
Old loves
Sage advice
Comfort in the notion of family
All absent in my childhood

I was 17 when I graduated
Asking you to drive from Boston
An attempt at a shared experience

But, I sent you home without seeing it.

This is the day it turns around
Diner conversations
Coating the table in emotions
Truths of how I felt about you
and a need to move on
Teetering on the precipice of adulthood

There we were
A clean slate and a chance to begin again.

For twelve years we tried
Honest attempts to find out about each other
Learning similarities along the way
New coats of paint on old doors
Slowly opening as if not to wake anyone.

In the end, I was there
A shared struggle
Trust in a sense of family
Morphine bags and remote controls
Skin and bones
Grey eyes and silence.
700 · Jul 2011
a way with words
gs kerr Jul 2011
A way with light
Soil to earth
Away with the weight of a broken man
A way with words

I want to be the moon through your window
the catalyst
A synaptic firestorm channeling your mind
Filling your heart with prose and broken meter

Unending light
the words transformed
a flower in your garden
or a mighty oak with promises to keep

we'll span time
two still images
writing our story as we go along

— The End —