It was Cameron's 40th
He was the nicest guy
Never not smiling
If that guy wasn't love
Love didn't exist
I wanted to check if they were still together
And there they were
She'd posted photos, some going back 20years
Sally was always smiling too
She'd be there after school
Besides Cameron and his car
She had womanly secrets and figure too
But all thoughts you may have had,
She dispelled with her smile
They were unbeatable
I didn't come down on a cloud
Like Sally and Cameron
My egg cracked in stormy a sky
It's yolk tumbling to the mud and rainwater below
Mine has been a fight
Between the dark and light
Maybe for a time
I used to be beautiful
And I cried for that time
But maybe I was blowing it up in my mind
I don't cry for yesterday anymore
I've caught up with myself
You could say
Cameron would be happy to hear from me
I'm sure he is smiling at my birthday message
I'm working my way out
As each and every person has to
Lend me your eyes
So that I can see myself
And when it's me I'm seeing
I'll give them back
I've got the feeling something big is going to happen
I used to be beautiful,
Let's see
After the storm
The rain
And the sun that rolled across the trees in my dreams
Let the dust settle
Where it has to be