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Nov 2013 · 574
Eleventh Month
Gregory Villone Nov 2013
A chill down my spine
Breath hangs in the air
Frost on the window
Winter is near
The last leaf falls
Grass turns to brown
Me and my shadow
Forlorn and worn out
November comes
Again every year
Once more alone
Hollow and vacant.
Apr 2011 · 648
But I
Gregory Villone Apr 2011
I would serenade you with guitar but my fingers are too clumbsy,
I would sing you a love song but I cannot hit a note,
I would paint you a masterpiece but my hand is not steady,
I would dance with you forever but I have no sense of rhythm,
There are many things in this world that I cannot be for you,
But I can hold you, kiss you, love you and always be true.
Feb 2011 · 834
Falling into the Void
Gregory Villone Feb 2011
I'm falling
No anchor to reality
No net to break fall
The plummet continues
Nothing to hold on to
Deeper with every dream
The blood boils
The pain sears
Rage ripping through skin
Tears breaking past eyes
Shivers quaking body
Segregated from contact
All alone
In the dark
Only solitude
All that is inside me
All that is not there
Jan 2011 · 580
Something New
Gregory Villone Jan 2011
I need something new
old is painful, rarely true
what I would give for something new
to be one half of a part of two
in my dreams I see something new
something beautiful, rare, and few
my heart longs for something new
to kiss precious lips that God drew
I need something new
I need someone like you
Jan 2011 · 877
I Have A Thumb Nail
Gregory Villone Jan 2011
I have a thumb nail, yes I do.
I have a thumb nail, I have two.
They are pink, but when cold are blue.
I have a thumb nail, so do you.
I have a thumb nail, yes I do.
Jan 2011 · 629
three days
Gregory Villone Jan 2011
Three days of bliss
your hand in mine
three days to kiss
your lips so fine
three days of lust
your eyes meet mine
three days of trust
our bodies entwined
three days turn to night
neither time nor space is fair
three days in your light
this time away I cannot bare
Gregory Villone Dec 2010
One shot two shots three shots four

Five shots six shots seven shots floor

Tiny bubbles in my whiskey

makes me happy makes me feel frisky

seven and sevens on the rocks or sours

whiskey has some magical powers
I just thought whiskey deserved a poem
Nov 2010 · 785
Flying Freedom
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
in the warm ray of the sun the beautiful bird flys so high so elegant

each beat of its wings like one of my heart both giving life

how i wish i could be up there with you but a force keeps us apart

you in your beautiful freedom of the sky

me tethered to the ground

i would sacrifice any thing for our long forgotten love

but it is too late and oh so forgotten

all that rremains are my haunting memories of a time i was happy and flying free

and a willingness to still give you anything you ever want
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
The Maple Leaf
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
The maple leaf breaks free from his restraints,
finally free he takes flight up towards the clouds,
a gentle breeze to carry him higher and higher,
the winds fade and down falls the maple leaf,
an epic plummet with twists, turns, and flips,
he crashes softly to the ground with a skip or two,
trapped forever on the earth with his fallen friends,
all he ever wanted to do was touch the sky,
forever he stares at his old restraints that seem to be sky high.
Nov 2010 · 482
The Water Man
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
I am the one who brings you to a nightmarish hell…Trapped in a bad dream as your prison cell…I come at night for the ones the Sandman sees unfit for good dreams…A magical mist of water, asleep, and I wait for screams…My magic brings monsters demons and all you fear…terrible pain for the ones you hold dear…I get asked why I bring such horrible things…My answer is simple “I like what stings”…So next time you wake in a cold sweat…you earned it you deserve it you get what you get!
Nov 2010 · 872
Tiny Little Mouse
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
The tiny little mouse, insignificant to the world… A simpler little life, measured in weeks not years…ah to be the tiny little mouse just eat, drink, and mate… no attachment, no jealousy, no heart ache…just eat, drink, and mate…no lies, no love, no hate…just eat, drink, and mate… ah to be the tiny little mouse…oh cheese! SNAP simple.
Nov 2010 · 468
Songs With No Words
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
I write these songs with no lyrics

to honor your memory

The notes fly from my fingers

symbols of a pleasant dream

Every strum represents a soft kiss

that I will never feel again

Every verse the pain I feel

when I touch the november winds
Nov 2010 · 595
Eyes Falling
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
the weight of the curtains is too great
these tired eyes must rest
they have seen too much
they have not yet seen enough
these eyes have been open many long hours
to finally shut and get some rest seems impossible
the lids barely remember each other
they fall
they fall
they fall
atlast peaceful sleep where i can dream
dream these wonderful things that will never come true
Nov 2010 · 618
Autumns Dream
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
Still you haunt my dreams at night
this beautiful lonely dream in sight
I reach to touch but go right through
this apparition that i allmost knew
you left me in your yard that night
alone for a time that did not delight
the message i got when you came back
the pain the agony a broken back
for months i walked barely there
almost seen when people stare
it took to long to fully heal
the idea of living regained its zeal
now again when i sleep at night
i see this gorgeous frightening sight
I wish we still had one last chance
one last shot for our romance
this vision still emblazed in my head
a thought that long ago should be dead
and yet there you are in my dreams
not a single flaw perfect to the seams
and im just a stupid boy turned in to a man
still just stupid and alone for life the span
Nov 2010 · 523
These Thoughts
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
The winds blow the hair where it does not wish to go
These unchangeable forces can not be changed
The fear of the unknown grips us all
Who is to defy it?
Is it me?
I will sit
I will remain here
I will not try to change what cant be
I am no different and will fail where others have
And the wind blows the hair where it does not wish to go
Nov 2010 · 626
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
as the sun rises and the warm rays light the sky the ice begins to melt,

gentle white snow flakes still fall from a single cloud,

they find a warm place to land and change form,

it feels like its been so long since they have felt the warmth,

from their birth  to their long awaited warm demise they dont fear this end,

they found something warm and they are finally happy
Nov 2010 · 1.8k
Outer Space
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
Your eyes shine in the dark like the stars that illuminate the night sky,

Seemingly close yet ever so far away,

Id give the world to get close enough to kiss the starry night sky.

Your presence warms every thing around you like the sun heats the planets,

Powerful enough to heat millions of miles away,

Id sacrifice it all to hold the brilliant warm sun in my arms one last time.
Nov 2010 · 978
A Light Hearted Ripple
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
A gentle ripple disturbs the serene lake,

The lake is unconscious to this unfamiliar feeling,

The ripple grows and grows each ring surpassing the last,

The lake acknowledges its visitor with a soft watery embrace,

It has been so long since this lake has known the touch of another,

The lake is ecstatic about this forgotten feeling,

The ripple dissipates into nothingness,

Once again the sad lake sits alone.
Nov 2010 · 615
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
An Icy chill freezes these veins that once ran hot,

Ignorance is bliss that rule should not be forgot,

This truly is a frigid December night,

Blind following others with out sight,

How could I be so naive to think I was unique,

The fire remains but frozen like the winter creek,

Does this creek thaw in the warm spring sun,

I dont know if it will if I cant trust anyone.
Nov 2010 · 1.4k
Frozen Tree
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
The winter winds whip this old battered tree

eyes long and limbs at the breaking point

how much longer will it stand

what gust will rip its roots up and send this tree falling to the frozen ground below

A harsh blow to the old tree

fitting though the tree frozen to the core should end its life on the frozen ground
Nov 2010 · 641
Golden Waves
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
Sinking in my bed I feel rooted like the majestic oak,
I Stare at the the ocean in my ceiling as it dances for me,
Its night but the sun glistens off the golden waves,
Laughter peirces my ears and in this moment I know happiness.
Nov 2010 · 572
Forward Fast
Gregory Villone Nov 2010
Forward now from days of past, these lives we live we live to fast.
Find that moment, hold it tight, when its gone, dream of it every night.
Happiness lives in our memories, our dreamy skies, our sleeping seas.

— The End —