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1.3k · May 2013
Gregory Mark May 2013
My mind starts to wonder while I’m walking underneath a waning moon
Is it long till morning or will the sunrise ruin this night too soon?
Thoughts keep on creeping like the shadows from the clouds in the sky
I try to wait it out, hope the wind blows and pushes them by
I trust where my legs lead me though my mind does not remember the way
The moonlight masks the worry that hangs so heavy during the day
I keep on the weathered path worn by those who’ve walked here before
Twisting through the hills and trees, curving at the feet of the shore
I thought I knew this trail but I’ve never seen it look quite like this
It’s nothing different really, just something my eyes always have missed
If you look out past the water and take the time to stare at the sky
You see stars falling from the moon, as if the heavens are starting to cry
The stars rain down and light the waves that crash so fiercely into the land
I can almost feel the tears when I reach out for the wind with my hands
I grab onto the mist in the air and turn to head back toward where I came
Carrying the tears of the moon with me, a reminder that we all can feel pain
1.2k · Dec 2014
Gregory Mark Dec 2014
Light my life with candles
So I can see when I'll burn out
Let the flame flicker in the wind
Dancing to the beat of the breeze
Both careful and care-free
Fragile as fine crystal
But still can scorch the earth
Ever present trail of wax
Shows the path I traveled
For better or for worse
Shine brightest in the night
All but forgotten in the sun
Light a fire at both ends
Burn myself out quickly
Before i fade away
918 · Mar 2015
The lore of yesteryear
Gregory Mark Mar 2015
Our hero's and legends
Narrative's of the past
All changed to preserve
The corpses they outlast
What is fact is no matter
Truth is of no mind
Whats is left for us is filtered
Blurred, obscured and confined
We all are lead to believe
Only the wicked do wrong
All detractors are silenced
By the victors swan song
With altruism so lacking
Humility all but lost
Hope in what once was
Is preserved at all costs
The lore of yesteryear
False idols built so high
Lives we cannot attain
Given only after we die
780 · Dec 2014
Wave rider
Gregory Mark Dec 2014
I am just another fish
Caught up in the crashing surf
I try to keep on swimming
Try hard to prove my worth

Too easy to give it up
Let myself be washed away
I will save that for tomorrow
If I am beaten by today

Like clockwork, tides will change
For better or for worse
Too high, the tides feel strange
Too low, they feel a curse

Others swim beside me
Some fair far better than I
All hoping that they break free
Catch a break and catch the tide

Spent a lifetime under waves
Drowned more than my fair share
Will the water will be my grave
Or will I get that breath of air
635 · May 2013
life contradiction
Gregory Mark May 2013
Novocain hurts me,
snowflakes burn me.
Give me *******,
but give it softy.

Run to me slowly,
warm up coldly.
Leave me be,
so I'm not lonely.

Can i borrow your time of day?
I've wasted mine away.
Can i use your hands to hold me?
Can i borrow your soul to pray?

Can i swim inside your ocean,
or do we have low tides today?
Can't listen to your mouth right now,
your eyes have more to say.
599 · May 2013
true view
Gregory Mark May 2013
Industry meets infinity as I
look out of my window.
Serenity covered by civility,
It's your choice which you see.
Red wine hits my lips as I
look about and ponder.
Is this just another city,
or is this the place to be?
Water crashes on the shore,
as engines hum on by.
Some walk barefoot on the beach,
while others choose to drive.
It's up to you which to ignore,
that made by man or what stood before.
But you will be what you choose to see,
the might of men or something more.
485 · May 2013
Free the beast
Gregory Mark May 2013
free the beast
you might be scared of what you find
buried deep inside of you
it may not feel alright
but at least you'll feel alive
when you let go of your mind
let go of your control
and let repression take it's toll
triggered by a friend
you were trying to console

it will haunt your dreams so you can't sleep
wrench your gut so you can't eat
cloud your eyes so you can't see
and rip your soul so you can't be
it will strip you down slow and steady
and grow you up before you're ready

the glory days of ignorant bliss
when out of mind and out of sight
felt oh so right
is a time and place i truly miss
476 · May 2013
take a chance
Gregory Mark May 2013
I don't want to be left out, but
I don't really want to make a scene
I looked up with tired eyes and
Thought I saw you starring back at me
But I quickly looked away because
If you weren't it would crush my self-esteem
It's better not to know the truth and
Slip back into my own waking dream
Where I'd walk on up to you , grab
Your hand and watch your smile grow
Share a good laugh and a kiss, ask
You to dance and swing you to and fro
Don't care what tomorrow brings, this
Happy moments all we need to know...

That's how I want our lives to go

But I'm still sitting by myself
Wondering if you feel the way I do
At night when you close your eyes, do you
Ever see me lying next to you?
And would you be surprised if I
Took your hand or would you refuse?
And send me on my way alone, with nothing
But a new case of the blues...

What do I really have to lose?
351 · Nov 2014
Gregory Mark Nov 2014
The first coat of snow
Waking up to a white canvas

Pure and prestine
Sterile and clean
Covering the last hints of green

A soft mask
Over gravel and grass

What does winter truly bring?
A reason to look forward to spring

— The End —