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890 · Jul 2013
Living In A Shadow
All my life it's been hard to see the sun
With this giant shadow cast above
It started with a brother who was always great
And now a best friend, their greatness seems to hover

Thought once a grew older
And away from my brother
It would be easy to be great
Now over shadowed from another brother

For the longest time my name was "Gabe's Brother"
How I longed to have my own Identity
I wanted to be Greg ******
Qualities so great others could see

And now at work I have the same
Zack is always a little better a little faster
But what I don't see most times is
I'm actually smarter and stronger

I always try to see what I'm not
I used to ignore my own qualities
Looking now I see I am Greg
My own greatness my own personality

I may not have a six pack
Or be able to get the perfect ten
But I'm competent and a leader
I still have the capabilities to win

For once in my life I'm no longer under a shadow
For once I crawl out of the shadow and into the sun
I can proudly say that my name is Greg
No one to compare to, the number to my name is 1.
628 · Jun 2013
Fighting this War
Fighting for this country
I've seen a many thought
Flashes from those days
Should I have fought
Killing isn't easy
However it's what I have to do
Looking to my left and right
Saying I have to protect you
Being O so young
and seeing many things
Wishing I could leave
Wishing I had wings
5 more months
They say is all that's left
5 more months
Of continual mental test
378 · Jul 2013
Too much time to Think
Ever had too much time to think
About all the memories you can't erase
Whether it's good or bad
Whether you were winning or a disgrace
You think about all the what ifs
You think about things you would change
It hurts sometimes deep inside
Destiny seems too far strange
You never think that things were how they should be
You never think about that there is a bigger picture
You live in the moment always wanting what you think is right
In reality you should have never been with her
Follow your heart
Accept change
And it'll always work
Even if it seems strange
Stop the thinking
All the stressing
Start to breathe
And the pain will be diminishing

— The End —