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Because nothings worth the price they will staple to your head
What will be left of you when she repeats everything that we've said

What will be left of you?

As I lose myself in your subtle unannounced fame I grip tighter on the waist high poorly built stage
That's held, more than once, a new coming face - screaming with grace, to the crowd that can't wait...

Find yourself in rekindled faith

Falling deeper in love with the lyrical genius, I accept that he defines all I am unsure of,
giving in to the butterflies he knows won't subside -
take a moment
to slow down and
join me tonight

Is this moment everything you've dreamt of?

Safely tucked in the warmth of her bed, she relives all the fairytales her Dad never read..
completely consumed with the thoughts in her head...

Where were you this time?

She holds on to another memory, thankful for every second,
She knows tomorrow is never promised
so she gave up on the *******
and vowed always to be honest

But that is not costless...

As her eyes become heavy and her brain quietly calms down,
she sets aside the thoughts that stop the words from spilling out, she reclaims her crown ...

She controls her feelings now..

Finding strength in the fights that cut as sharp as your knife I refuse to accept I no longer have rights…and the pain you inflict won't be worth the sight
of the mascara covered
barely visible tonight

Pull me closer and breathe in life...

Sing through my soul
going high and then low
I hear the truth in your laugh
as gradually you become
the best thing of my past.

Don't stress the hard stuff slow down and relax

This moment could so quickly become our last so let go of your broken unfinished past and live for the seconds your heart let's you laugh

Walking together is always better when you can't find the path...

Walk with me.

— The End —