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Apr 2013 · 969
GReek Sara Apr 2013
Everything has gone mad
Everyone has what I had
Depression, agony, pain
Let's all board the misery train!
I was young I was lonely
I was imaginary
So alone
So sickeningly alone
I liked it better though
Than when they hurt me
No one would see
So I didn't tell
I knew they couldn't tell
No one would tell
I rather-ed hell
There was no justice  
None ever since
Yet I don't whine
You won't see those years of mine
Because I didn't show off sadness
I grew out of the madness
It's your turn
Hide your burns
If you say you want to die
Stop prolonging it, easy enough, say goodbye
But you won't, you want Attention
So you'll mention
Whatever it is
To be in the school's show biss
Don't tell me "I'm a liar  
I don't know what I'm saying
It's not as bad as someone else's pain!"
I don't feel bad
In fact it drives me mad
**** yourself or don't
But I won't
Let you
Drag me
*Already been

— The End —