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179 · Feb 2018
Those Eyes
unknown Feb 2018
A charade in the making was what those eyes were.

Delphian eyes, reflecting a halcyon hue.

Powerful eyes, carrying the monsoon winds around the intricately woven iris.

Fathomless eyes, deeper than the Mariana Trench.

Profound eyes, drenched and served in pure enigma.

Eyes that, like a sponge, soaked the life out of me.
171 · Mar 2018
Cloudy Mind
unknown Mar 2018
Alone in the dark, at night. Copious memories tormenting my unconscious. Pointless meaningless words scattered around the floor. Numerous unsuccessful attempts to explain. You continue to touch the darkest corners of my mind. Yet now, my own light slowly fades from my view. My breath is blue; cold and forgettable without you. Alone in this dark room, I close my eyes. Compose my mind and all of its follies I am unable to switch off. Without any other options, I let go and surrender.
166 · Feb 2018
unknown Feb 2018
I couldn't validate or navigate a way around you. The breathing wheel, moving along my heart. Breathing life into what was gone. Coming up, like a smoke signal in my wake. The last streetlight leading the way to home. Overcome with madness. Dark. Episodic. True.

— The End —