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672 · May 2016
A girl who stole my heart
She had it quick right from the start
I saw her once and I knew she was mine
I had to get her I didn’t have a lot of time
I would see her standing and my heart would race
My voice would tremble I couldn’t stay on pace
Her cheeks are red and her eyes are blue
Sometimes green always something new
We played ping pong till night was over
It felt like time just stopped and hovered
We can laugh till our lungs almost fail
So much fun time fly’s like wind through an open sail
I can’t think of my life without your smile
You’re cute, but preppy style
You look at me with those big eyes
They are crystal clear like open blue skies
I’m so grateful for that night at pro
Because now Megan I will never let you go
You have reminded me what its like to live
You have the biggest heart and love to give
Seeing you and your beautiful face
These memories I could never erase
A city girl and a southern boy
Different, you think we would fight like Troy
But that’s the thing we don’t at all
Sure we might get annoyed but never had a brawl
I would say that you’re in my life for a reason
It might get hard over the summer season
But just know one thing that I hold on
Because I know we have an unbreakable bond
When we are together I can feel our hearts
Nothing and I mean nothing will pull us apart
We can face time and laugh all the while
Sure it might not be our touchy style
We will get through it and it might be hard
Ill call you for a surprise sometime catch you off guard
When you are missing me just read this
It will be like a refreshing kiss
These words they will hold you tight
When I cant be there for you that night
You mean the world to me I hope you know
Gosh I’m so happy I went to pro.
611 · May 2016
This semester it’s gone in a flash
So much has happened I got whiplash
I met this girl that changed my life
I can’t complain I knew it was right
She has this smile that will light up the sky
She makes me so happy you think id cry
When I saw her she had to be mine
I came on strong and she drew the line
A few road bumps but I would be stopped
I got my way and that line was chopped
My heart was pumping and I said wait
I pulled her close and the result was great
Our first kiss it was by a pole
Its pretty symbolic it played a big role
Her face was shining bright red
But I felt like my heart had been fed
I held her close and took a big sigh
She squeezed me strong man I’m one lucky guy.
348 · May 2016
Taylor and Clay
Taylor and Clay man they are cool
To bad clay doesn’t go to our school
They call on the phone not face to face
But their love you can’t replace
When he says I love you
She feels tipsy like she drank a few
Her heart starts pumping at the speed of light
He wishes he could be beside her every night
He knows now he will just have to wait
He says she worth it and man she’s great
Unlike the others she is unique
Her beauty you just can’t critique
Clay he says he’s one lucky guy
He’s so good to Taylor he makes her cry
In the end their love is strong
I have a feeling this relationship will last very long
308 · Oct 2015
Life Happens Fast
It comes upon me so fast I have no time to react
My head starts to whirl
My stomach starts to curl
My heartbeat quickens
I start to sicken
My legs get week
My mind is meek
I feel as I might start to weep
I don't know what to say
I want to run away
I don't want to face the truth
I don't want to see the proof
Just let me stay the same
With no one to blame
With no human shame
Don't leave me with these regrets let my heart rest
Before you go I need to get something off my chest
You are the the man I want to be
I want to make you proud and I want you to see
Thank you for all the things that you have been teaching me
Thank you for showing me how to be a man telling me I can
You showed me the light
Now it is the end of your fight
Even though your so far away and I cant see your face
I swear to you I can still feel your warm embrace.
246 · Oct 2015
When, Where, What, or Why?
I sit here wondering when,where, what or why
I sit here thinking whats my next story
When will my life change again
Why will it change
When will I see a new sunset
What will it be like
Disappointing or will I be awestruck
When will I greet new faces
Will I enjoy their company
Or will I want to just be alone
What will be next ups or downs
Will I love my life or will I want a change
Once again I sit here wondering
When, where, what, or why?

— The End —