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May 2016 · 399
Black and White
Every thing has always been black and white
Happiness and Sadness, black and white.
Love and Hate, black and white.
Dreams and Reality, black and white.
Life and Death, black and white.
Good decisions and Bad decisions, black and white.
Grey has long faded from my life,
From the time I was a little girl full of innocence and I fell and scraped my knee at the park
To the time where you threw me away at time square and acted like you and I were nothing at all
That's when I truly found out,
Everything is black and white,
Good and Bad,
Grey does not exist.
May 2016 · 301
I'm like a fly..
not wanted, not needed.
Not noticed unless something is needed.
If I move around, I am bothersome & people wish me dead.
It this world I hold no purpose.
I'm just like a fly..
No one finds me beautiful, or a wonderful creature of earth.
Just a pesky creation of a mistake, though my friends said I was great.
Though most of my friends faded and gave up on me. Even though they promised not to leave. Ha, where are they now? Clinging to happiness whilst I am still having trouble grasping humanity, I have been swatted away, my hold on life is no more.
I'm just like a fly.

— The End —