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May 2017 · 180
Grace Smith May 2017
I miss the days where daddy sang me to sleep,
And all I needed was mommy's hugs to stop a weep.
When magic was as real as you and me,
And the kind of pure innocence I felt at the age of three.

Days would be spent with neighboring kids,
And staying up past eight was what my mom forbid.
The smell of sweets and cookies and a variety of treats consumed the air,
And how that boogyman lingered for one of us to scare.

I miss how I looked at the world,
How I saw the best in everyone as I whirled and twirled.
Princess and princes is what I cared about,
I believed in true love without a single doubt.

I wish I treasured these moments that now have passed,
Stayed in the moment instead of growing up to fast.

But I see love is not like it is in the movies,
It's replaced with lust and wandering eyes that cheat on the next ***... Excuse me, *****.
Mothers and fathers get divorced,
Children get scarred by their parents choice,
The justice system is a ****** up mess,  
Money and *** is the only joy adults transgress...

It's no world for the idealist romantics,
Or their silly antics,
It's a doomed reality for anyone like me,
And yet I can't stop believing in the deep red colors of a rose tree.
May 2017 · 164
What Happened?
Grace Smith May 2017
The lens a baby looks through with his new born eyes is something magical.
Every color, object, tree is perceived as fascination.
Never before have they seen those shades of blue, felt the summer breeze on their face, or the sun’s warm hugs around their body.
Everything in this world is beautiful, is wonderful, is something they never believed that could be real.

They love the purest, smile the sincerest, they are as innocent as a soul could be.

It makes me wonder what happened.
How everything so beautiful in this world is second to everything ugly.

A boy plans to cheat on his girlfriend because he's in a frat.
A girl decides to leave with another guy because he was more attractive while her sorority sisters call out to her “ You go girl”.
A man objectifies a women's body,
A woman objectifies a man's body.


So many ugly things that destroy people, that lead them to destroy others.  
At what age do we fail to see the beauty on earth?
When did we start losing that lens we once had as a baby?
That human beings are incredible beings; that life itself is a gift that we were given to witness all the incredible miracles and to simply sit back and watch gives us pure joy.

When did it all change?

I've been lost for awhile. Trying to figure out where I fit, and with whom I fit in with.
Drinking, partying, being around people who lose themselves in these types of environments has changed me.

It's made me sadder.
Less hopeful.

Maybe I haven't found the people I'm meant to be with.
Maybe I need to find people who see the world through a different lens, who see people as something more than just objects.

Perhaps my journey starts with this realization.
May 2017 · 170
Late Night Thoughts
Grace Smith May 2017
It's 1am and I got my mind spinning
People don't believe in love
People don't want just one
Saying "nah man it's never just one"
Brings a tear to my eye
An ache in my heart
Cause I believe in only one
I believe it's possible to love just one
To desire, to want, to crave

Don't get me wrong
It's not easy
Temptations lurk behind ***** walls
Websites, parties, in the dark rooms lit by red lights
Friends will steer you away
Making bad choices and putting thoughts into your crazy screaming head

But my little jimmy says different
Jimmy oh jimmy, you little cricket
Cricket that creaks little voices into my head
You say "believe"
I believe
Cause God has my heart
God guides me in the way I am
Never have I looked at another when with my man
Never have I don't something I'd regretted
Never have I done you wrong
Never hurt you in ways I'll reflect back on

**** when I love
It's that one of a kind love
The all of yours and you don't have to worry kinda love
That 50 year kind of love
Im capable of loving you and the whole entire world baby
I'll carry you along

The question is;
When will I find the man who'll love me the way I love thee

When will I find the man who'll put me first in the moment and not push me off in the near future?

I guess I'll know when I first meet
I'll know when he takes me by the hand
Looks at me
Not just see me but really look at me
At tell me
"You're all that matters love. I choose you over every possible choice there is to be"

Yeah I don't worry
I'll find that love
Cause God gave me the ability to love in the strongest possible ways
And he created someone who'll return that love just for me

I don't worry, because when I see him I'll know I'm in love
And that he loves me
He loves me.
Jan 2017 · 187
Grace Smith Jan 2017
I’ve never met you before, but I thought I’d say hello.
This might be a bit, unusual.
I know, you probably don’t know who I am,
But I’ve noticed you for some time.
I won’t lie, it was your eyes that caught mine
I've noticed them for awhile now.
It was some time ago when I first saw you,
It was through a crowded room and they just,
they shined brighter than anyone.
It wasn't just how they…
It was also who you were looking at.

You were looking for this young lady,
She had dark hair, dark eyes,
and her eyes were locked onto yours.

She was small but strongly built.
You stood tall and shoulders wide.
There was something.. about you..
How you, stood there with her.
You protect her by the way you stand next to her.
Not only that but,
you’ve claimed her.

It was a crowded room,
people were yelling over the music,
others were playing games of sorts,
girls and guys mingled sloppy as they tripped over their drunken feet.
It was dark in an old house which smelled of old beer and bodies.
But I saw you two shine,
your auras were loud,
but your eyes screamed louder.

The way you looked at each other brought goosebumps to my skin.
I felt a tingle in my spine and warmth to my heart
The way you looked at her and how she looked at you in return
I felt the passion, the emotions, the connection.

She was sitting on your lap and you held her by the waist,
She was tipsy, that feel good kinda way.
You were drunk and nodding your head.
She laid on you for support
And then,
I caught up a glimpse of the moment.

It’s a moment you both shared numerous times
And this one, I finally experienced it.
As looked in, I experienced it with you.
I felt everything you both knew.

Your eyes locked and the opposites shined.
Her dark eyes consumed your blue eyes.
It was intimidating, beautiful and
I felt the connection you both shared.

I experienced something unbelievable,
something so,
I saw the bodies of two children look into their souls,
A moment people search a lifetime to experience.
I saw the pain,
the suffering,
the heart breaks you two experienced
to get that point.
To have that ability to stare into each other's souls,
and find something beautiful to share.
You looked into the inner light of each other.

Through a dark room full of ugly sins,
Two beautiful souls glowed in the evils.
They found themselves inside each other's minds,
Traveled far from where their bodies sat waiting,
Waiting for their souls to come back to them and return to reality.
But for some time, they were gone.
Gone within and exploring endlessly together.
In a world where time was endless,
I couldn’t tell you how long they were actually gone for.
All I experienced was a stare for some time,
But I knew they had left and gone somewhere out of reality.
They left and couldn’t be found.

I know, I couldn’t help but stare.
But I couldn’t keep this to myself.
This is a moment that brought me,
I lived through that with you.
And I just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for creating a moment so beautiful between you two,
that I could remember.

I looked in from an outside view,
But rushed back to reality.
I didn’t know how long I was gone for.
But I saw his eye’s looking into mine,
and his hands around my waist.

I broke the gaze to a spot across the room
and felt a strange feeling that something was once there,
staring right at me.
Not just something,
but possibly... me.

— The End —