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Grace Oct 2013
limbs dipped in warm water
sun beating on our heads
turning our skin brown
but your smile is still brighter

soon, too soon
you have to leave
no more warm nights
wrapped in your arms

but you promised you'd call
the days will get cold & short
but our hot love will make it through
then the leaves started falling

pumpkin scents everywhere
hot chocolate, heavy sweaters
but nothing, I thought
could compete with your warmth

the season changed
but you promised you wouldn't
last time I talked to you?
when the sun couldn't warm me up more than you

but now
all I seek is
the sun's glory
because yours left me
my first, and favorite one.
Grace Oct 2013
I'll change for you
I'll swing my hips,
paint my lips red
curl my hair and eyelashes
will you love me then?

I don't love her any more
she bats her eyelashes
pouts her lips
and wears tight pants
why'd she change?
Grace Oct 2013
I was amorously delusional
thinking you had anything
like butterflies in your stomach
for me
it could still happen, they said
he could still like you
he's always teasing you
he probably likes you
I didn't realize
probably meant
no way in hell
until after you left
and didn't look back at me once

— The End —