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Oct 2012 · 514
Grace Oct 2012
Why is it when I am finally soaring above the clouds, someones gun shoots me down.
Why can't we all just stopp bullying?
I'm sick and tired of it.
Why is it, whenever I feel good about myself you people bring me down......can I not be happy?
Or will that destroy your world?
Why is everything so wrong
Yesterday it felt so right, I was flying above the clouds
You shot me down.........
Grace May 2012
Varför känner jag mig tom inuti
No one knows
bryr jag verkligen vad du tycker
I do care
Jag blev vansinnigt förälskad
It almost drives me insane when I think about it
kan vilken som helst förstå
does any one understand
varför är jag som jag är
I was made that way
inser någon ärren i har inifrån och ut
No one does notice
Jag är en människa
I will not change
May 2012 · 823
I know
Grace May 2012
I may not be beautiful
I may not alway be the kindest person
I may have people that hate me
But I know that
I am pretty
I do have a kind heart
The people that hate me, I love them even more
So think what you want but know
I do not think I am perfect
I am not perfect
You are just a bully
I will not judge you
I do not care I have no control over your life
but I have control over mine, I will not let you bring me down anymore
I will pray
Apr 2012 · 420
They try, i fight
Grace Apr 2012
The problems I have with everything
The words I hear when they think im not listening
The sadness I bear only on the inside

I cant take anymore
I can't bear to let my self think like I care anymore
I can't let the words or the scars I have inside hurt me
I can't let them hurt me
But it happens anyway I flip everytime anyone say anything mean
I know I should but I do I need to let it go
There's no way around it no matter how much I pray
Or do anything to clear the thoughts
They keep coming back haunting me
They make me freeze in fear
I want to scream but can't get sound to come
Apr 2012 · 428
It feels like
Grace Apr 2012
It  feels like, I'm locked away in a tower,
To high to see the ground but to low to see the sun,
no matter how much I look I will always wonder,
how green the grass is or how bright the sun is,

It feels like, I'm buried under ground
To high up to feel the heat of lava
but to low down to hear the sound of people walking by
I will always wonder how hot the lave would be
or the sound of foot steps to know I'm still alive

It feels like, this is the beginning but the end
To far away to see the beginning
but not close enough to see the end
Apr 2012 · 3.8k
Grace Apr 2012
People know for my future,
But judge me from my past,

I am different from what I once was,
I am new,
I am reborn,

I know I'm not perfect,
But I know im perfect being me,
I am reborn

I know no one can change or hurt me
I know I am reborn
Apr 2012 · 530
Hidden pain
Grace Apr 2012
The smile I put on my face just to hide,
My hidden pain
I force myself to think everything will be ok ,
But truly I cry in the inside,
I smile just to guide my pain away for a minute or two
To hide my hidden pain
I think about cutting but know I will get caught
for people to know I have pain inside
would be a shock to them,
I act happy and laugh but inside I have
Hidden Pain

— The End —