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Some people say love isn’t enough
But love is the only reason why I’m still here
I love you so much it makes me go crazy
I love you so much it hurts
I’m willing to stay regardless of anything
As long as you say
You love me too
I’m dying inside and you don’t even know
I cry almost every night right next to you
While you’re sound asleep
I’m losing myself
I feel sick
But how can you notice
When all you do is take my love
While I don’t receive any
If I ever leave just know I never wanted to
I poured my last drop into your cup
My cup is now empty
I filled you up with all the love I could give
But you left me on E
I’ve made sure to always see you
But I was left unseen
As much as I tried to fix you
You shattered me  
I love you
So when I do decide to leave I want you to know
It wasn’t me
It was you
I hate how much I overthink
I wish there was an off button
Im so envious of anyone who just goes on with life with no racing thoughts
No worries
Just a blank mind and happiness
Tell me you’re only mine
Even if you’re lying
Look me in the eyes
Tell me you love me
And that im the only one for you
I don’t care if im delusional
As long as I feel happy again
Love is a drug
It pulls you in
It makes you happy
It takes you to an all time high
And then it drops
Before you know it you’re addicted
And on a random day or random night
It’s gone
They leave
All you’re left with is what feels like a drug withdrawal
That makes you feel crazy
Literally makes you feel sick
Sometimes it’ll have you even beg
Begging them to not leave
To please love you once more
Heart break hurts
Some get over it sooner than others
Some never do
But the ones who do repeat the cycle
Fall back into the hands of the love drug
I hate you
I ******* hate you
I did everything and more for you
I handed my heart and soul over to you
I’d ****, lie, and die for you
And in return
It’s so hard for you to even compliment me
Show me affection
Simply just talk to me to reassure me
All you did is ******* hurt me
And you can’t even help make me feel better
You deceived me
You broke me
Basically killed me
I feel numb
My eyes are swollen
I’m hurt
The deception
I really thought I was your one and only
I wrote ******* poems about you
Dedicated to you
Claiming you were my soul mate
I loved you  
I loved you way more than you ever loved me
And you knew
You ******* knew that’s what I was afraid of  
And the truth is I still love you
I love you so ******* much it hurts
I wish I just never ******* met you
I regret it all
Because I would have rather felt lonely
Than to feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest
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