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680 · May 2013
gm May 2013
I use my headphones
the way one in critical condition
may use an oxygen tube
it is the only way to survive these
     horrible conditions
     traumatic experiences
     tragic side effects
of life
and it is what keeps me going

@gmpoetry follow me on instagram! :)
551 · May 2013
gm May 2013
dark brown ringlets
cascading down
like a waterfall
connected to a pale, aesthetic brink
with two bottomless pools of black
that seem to either push you away
or pull you into their depths
but be warned:
there is no getting out once you enter
you are forever left to explore the infinite lakes
so murky you can't see the bottom
and no way back to the safety of the shore

hi! i'm g.m. follow me on instagram? @gmpoetry :) comment that you are from hellopoetry and I will follow you!

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