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gloria graves May 2015
has anyone ever heard of a historical place
it is in Alton Illinois
and been known as a scary place

it was built in the 18 hundreds
back in the Civil War days
back when there was slavery
which is now a disgrace to the human race

there's been some odd things happen
that I cannot explain
lights flashing on and off
And stereos that does the same

back where that I am sleeping
there is a slave that enters
but he is very harmless
oh what a weird adventure

I've tried and tried to communicate
but nothing has been said
but I feel a presence very close
next to my sleeping bed

Mitchell mansion I've been told
that there are many spirits
ready to unfold

many people believe in spirits
and so many that denies
but I am a firm believer
because I seen it with my very eyes

Mitchell Mansion has its secrets
that many will never know
but tell me friend would you come here
to spend a night alone
1.3k · May 2015
the beauty of life
gloria graves May 2015
the beauty of life is as bright as the Sun
I sit here thinking all the battles i won

the beauty of life is an extraordinary thing
all the joy that this beauty can bring

the beauty of life makes me stop and look over
how I got through has made my mind Hover

the beauty of life I'm thinking today
the life that I've lived I could be in my grave

the beauty of life has finally been good to me
and the beauty of God he has set me free

the beauty of life God has in his plan
for a woman to have a very good man

the beauty of life God send him to me
because for his purpose it was meant to be

the beauty of there is a beauty in you
the beauty of life there is beauty in me

the beauty of life combine both together
the beauty will show us being together forever
762 · Jun 2015
Internet scammers
gloria graves Jun 2015
there are some internet dating sites
people go to when they're lonely
they searched and searched in hopes to find
someone they can call there one and only

but be careful what you're doing
there are some that you cant trust
those people are called scammers
They'll break your heart with a mighty ******

they make you think they love you
And then out of the country they go
making you think they'll be back soon
but they are just playing a role

they get you to gain your trust in them
and then after  your money they'll go
so then you'll play along with them
oh what a wonderful show

you finally get enough of their games
then on your blocklist you'll put them
they may find another innocent one
sometimes you wish you could shoot them

i have a reason behind these words
because I had been a victim
but I was smart enough to know
and figure it out there scheming system

so please my friends be careful
who you are chatting to
because they will be coming after you
and I will pity you if they do
713 · Jun 2015
the love making shocker
gloria graves Jun 2015
there are different ways of making love
sometimes in mysterious places
all of you reads this poem
we might just touch bases

let me tell you a story
of a chance I took
After it was said and done
I never took a second look

One night me and my partner
.drove down a country road
it was dark as it could be
and things was about to unfold

we ran across this cornfield
so we stopped and we both said
we were in a pickup truck
so we climbed into its bed

we did not see no trespassing signs
and did not see no house
so we were in the middle of the Act
and tried to be as quiet as a mouse

then all the sudden I heard something
and I told him to please stop
but he just did not listen
then we were put on the spot

and then there was a flashlight
shining in our face
along with a long barrel shotgun
as we stared in total amaze

the farmer gave us a warning
and told us to leave his property
and then we left out of there
which scared the heck out of me

so all that read this story
please watch out for the dark country roads
please rule out the cornfield
because you might get the buckshot
by the heavy load
670 · May 2015
feel me
gloria graves May 2015
your fingertips dip below my waist
trying to find that sensuous place
the lower you go, the anticipation builds
my heart beats faster bracing for a thrill

your touch has me moaning
begging for more
your hot passionate kisses I simply adore

I feel it I feel you
as I crest on high
only you can take me on this incredible ride

honey do it again and again
Of this most delightful sin

stroke Me Tender along every inch
lick and caress me
honey yes that is it

let's get lost in this sensuous haze
**** feelings they keep us in daze

Moving in rhythm neither on of us can speak
Until after we reached that incredible peak

we pant in satisfaction
we are both blown away
by the fire that generate
like a match hitting hay

together we generate something good
when our eyes first met we understood
as a matter of fact we simply knew
That coming together we knew it would

the love making fantasies between you and me
Is like making love in front of  a beautiful sea
551 · May 2015
daddy's girl
gloria graves May 2015
I wake up every morning with sweet memories
of me and my daddy  sitting under the apple tree

We sat and talked about a whole lot of things
especially about what the future will bring

me and my daddy we did everything
from cutting grass and chopping trees
even some gardening

he taught me things that everyone should know
about life and love and how to reach a goal

he told me that I should be honest faithful and true
and when I got married is to be loyal to

my dad had his nickname for me I must tell you
I was ( sugar) to him and that name I will value

me and my daddy went through thick and thin
to turmoil and trouble but we always would win

I sat with my daddy as he read his Bible
he talked to me about Jesus
we had our own revival

but as time has now passed
he is in heaven I know
looking down on me with a heavenly glow

he smiles down with glee
with a glow bright and shining
I will always be daddy's girl
with our souls both combining

one day when God takes my soul away from me
I will be back with Daddy
back under the apple tree
547 · May 2015
undying love
gloria graves May 2015
I sit here waiting on the edge of my bed
waiting for your body pressed against me I said
the fire is burning deeply within me
the heat from my body the craving unending

when I think of you my  body's on fire
its only for you I feel deep desire
the moment you touch me the passion begins
we will make love without any end

the moment you enter deeply inside me
my body trembles oh how enticing
as your body releases lifes  beautiful juice
you cling unto me without telling me loose

such passion I have when I think about you
sweet and romantic Oh what shall I do
I need you so badly the aching won't stop
I need to feel you laying on top

I want to feel you over and over
feels like laying in a soft field of clover
so now I am telling you my wonderful love
I know you was sent from God above

only God knows how much I love you
in his eyes he fully approves
I love you honey with all of my heart
once we come together we will never part

kisses sweet kisses from your head to your toes
your body's juices are wanting  to flow
once I get my hands on you
guaranteed satisfaction oh yes that is true

the passion we have between you and me I give you my heart with a lock and key
481 · Aug 2015
Lifes bible
gloria graves Aug 2015
life is like the Holy Bible
it's food for people's souls
every time you read it
It helps you meet a goal

Each page of life's bible
can be a powerful tool
it teaches other people
not to break the Golden Rule

The meaning of life's bible
Is so plain and clear
It teaches other people
Not to have no fear

Life's bible is what you make it
But mines a gift from God
I try to use it daily
To guide the path I trod

So many people comes to me and ask me for my help
I tell them about life's bible
And asked them how they felt

I may not be the perfect person
I don't know who he is
but I have life's Bible
which makes my life a ****

each day I search the pages
of Lifes Bible to guide my steps
I go deep within my mind where
all the answers kept

so when a person says to me and
ask me what I think
I tell them to search lifes Bible
Because that's their only link
477 · Jun 2015
a man's satisfaction
gloria graves Jun 2015
a man knows the look of a woman's face when they know that she wants ***
as he stares straight into her fiery eyes
and wonder what's going to happen next

she lays her hands upon his chest
as she pushes him to the bed
then she goes undoes his pants
and starts to give him head

he lays with this look up on his face
a look of wondrous pleasure
as he looked at the woman who's making him feel this way
he tells her she's his treasure

as he erupts with a scream of passion
the feeling is so good
he tell oh how sweet she is
and not to be misunderstood

she gave him satisfaction
As he cuffed her in his arm
he tells her of the wonders power she had
like a mighty tornadic storm

she knew she made him happy
and satisfied him too
you just don't know how pleased she was
you just don't have no clue

the moral of the story
is to always please your man
and he will always appreciate you
and on his pedestal you will stand
459 · Jun 2015
the acceptance of love
gloria graves Jun 2015
falling in love is easy to do
a smile, a bit of kindness, a caring heart
everything about you

you have erased any doubt that I had
and now  I feel no longer sad

I find comfort in your embrace
all the bad qualities and all my fault that I had
they all been erased

you allowed me my freedom to be myself
I am me just me and nobody else

I can express my emotions
because the reassurance you've given
I express myself everyday I am living

I've accepted your love
but have had fear time to time
but I know in my heart that you are sweet and kind

you have given me the faith to feel love again
a partner a soul mate and a very good friend

For you this day
a rainbow crosses the sky
I will cross it with you
it's so very high

with all of its beauty
we see on the way
a gift of gentle love
oh what a glorious day

as night time comes
and we come to the end
we whisper I love you
and now the story will end
458 · Sep 2015
Life over 60
gloria graves Sep 2015
Life is how you take it
Age is what you make it
Some hearts are filled with energy
Some get old and grumpy

Some people over 60 , they think that their to old
To enjoy what life has for them
Who said that life is cold

Life for a lot of older folks
Is not to just lay around
Just get your act together
There's fun out there that can be found

For those thats over 60
And is single and so lonely
There's still someone out there
Who can be your one and only

Life for me is full of beauty
So many folks have told me
They tell me I am special
And sometimes even funny

So all of you over 60
Life is not that tricky
Just get out there and enjoy yourself
And just stop being picky
445 · May 2015
the sweetness of hope
gloria graves May 2015
I woke up this morning with you on my mind
the words that you say are so sweet and kind
you reach out to touch me with your gentle touch
oh how I love it so very much
when you pull me close to your body I know
my body it shudders from my head to my toes
when we make love the passion explodes
into a fantasy world where the beauty unfolds
the love that we feel for each other I know
I love you so real mind body and soul
every word that I write is with passion and feeling
because you my love you are so appealing
one day it will come and my dreams will come true
we will be together just me and you
420 · Jul 2015
poetry reasons
gloria graves Jul 2015
I guess people wonders why I write so many rhymes
it helps my mind to stay active
we all need that sometimes

I like sharing my poems with people
that doesn't mind to read them
I write them because I have a very good reason

you all have a compliment
and tells me how good they are
it gives me a sense of self confidence
and one day they may go far

I don't know that I told you
but I'm trying to write a book
and maybe one day an editor
will want to take a good look

and if my book does get published
and the money comes rolling in
I will guarantee you right now
I will share with some friends

I hope you all out there
are having a blessed day
I hope that everything
is going your way

I know there are people
who reads my poems several times in a
and when they tell me don't stop
it gets me closer to reaching my goal
386 · May 2015
to find your rainbow
gloria graves May 2015
there are some days your life seems weary
while you walk lifes Rocky Road
they say there is a rainbow
and I too have been told

They tell me keep my chin up
and not to give up hope
and so I keep on walking
hoping I can cope

each step I take the road seems longer
I think will I ever get there
so I sit and think about it
and say that lifes not fair

I sit and then become prayerful
and then I see a shining light
I look upward towards heaven
that light is oh so bright

it felt like a mighty power
lifted me from my seat
I felt another ray of hope
as I was lifted unto my feet

I started back on my journey
and now my mind feels strong
I felt this thought of great defeat
now I know I can't go wrong

and soon I finally see a path
that led to a colorful light
I finally see my rainbow
and oh what a beautiful sight

I walk through all the splendor
and felt a great sense of believe
each step I took became lighter
and now I feel relief

these words I say to you my friends
is not to ever give up
because someday you walk the footsteps
and you'll think you've had enough

but then you'll meet me at the very same place
and we both begin to walk
over the colorful rainbow
and at the end we will both get off

we see this great big *** of gold
and we both begin to smile
we share together all the wealth
and say this should last awhile

so anyone out there thinking
that your roads may be discouraging
I hope these words that I have written
I wish that may be encouraging
374 · May 2015
loves questions
gloria graves May 2015
love is such a wonderful feeling
which everyone should feel
but sometimes there is a question
is it really real

sometimes it can make you feel happy
and sometimes it make you feel sad
sometimes love is so confusing
sometimes it makes you mad

love makes you feel mixed feelings
and undecided what to do
sometimes it makes you frustrated
and even sometimes blue

who ever knew does such a tiny heart
could feel such powerful feelings
sometimes it makes you feel such things
that is almost to revealing

sometimes the heart can show such types
of love that can make you weak or strong
And sometimes it makes you feel
that you have done something wrong

love is such a mysterious thing
that no one can figure out
and people try to put pieces together
to try to find what it's about

but no matter what's been said and done
love is always around
but love is always searching
for a place to be safe and sound
356 · May 2015
child prisoner
gloria graves May 2015
where did I go wrong while I was growing up
I did everything that I was told
but that was not enough

I had no chance to be a child
that I should have been
but instead I played an adult part
and didn't know where to begin

I felt like I had shackles wrapped around my legs
and at those times my soul it begin to beg

release me from this awful days
of torture and abuse
I pray that God unlocks these chains
and he turns me loose

freedom freedom now I can say
the binds that held me down
I am proud to tell you
that they are no longer still around
349 · May 2015
the mighty path of love
gloria graves May 2015
walk with me in the path of life
it may be a very long road
enjoy with me the beauty
and a story that's been left untold

find comfort with me in each others arms
when trials and sorrows come
we will face them like a storm
until the battles won

laugh with me a single true laugh
to light each other stress
cry with me a single tear
to understand true happiness

share with me the wonders of life
as they need to be preserved
come search with me the mysteries of life
Some we have never heard

explore with me the passions of love
and all the sensuous ways
we hold each other ever so tight
through all our nights and days

life right now is just a dream
but one day it will come true
we will share a life together
for always me and you
340 · May 2015
a hard thing to say
gloria graves May 2015
you light up my world
and make me forget my fears
Your laughter brightens my day
and chases away my tears

you are my every dream come true
no one else could ever do
because only you can make me feel
the way that I do

my heart beats a million times
whenever you enter my mind
you have a special way with me
you are always sweet and kind

you've made me believe in this love that we found
with honesty and truth
and I promise you my dear
I will never let you down
338 · May 2015
on that lonesome day
gloria graves May 2015
honey it feels like my soul is dying
because your not here with me
feels like a loneliness is eating me up
in your arms I wish I could be

every night without you
I feel terribly lost
my soul cries out please help me
no matter what the cost

tears I cry because I miss you
but I will try to be strong
the day that I finally meet you
I hope it won't be long

honey I will hold you
so tenderly and long
gently whisper I love you
and we will sing a happy song
336 · Jun 2015
do I have it or do I not
gloria graves Jun 2015
some people are bashful
and a little bit shy
some people feel awkward
but they can't figure why

They get out in public
and try to fit in
but they think people are talking
again and again

some people feel like crawling into a shell
they say what is the use
and oh what the hell

some people try to have a good sense of humor
but then they think that people are spreading a rumor

but let me tell you that there has been days
that I have even felt the very same way

so I get up and step up to the base
and all I do is have this look on my face

people come up to me and tell me how funny I am
then I think to myself and say I'll be ******

a sense of humor I really do show
and ever since then my humans been on the go

my sense of humor is as funny can be
people laugh so hard and they even slap their knee

so I know if I have it
I know you can
and when you do show it
I will give you a hand
275 · Jun 2015
gloria graves Jun 2015
life can be full of challenges
life can be full and free
Life can be very interesting
especially if you knew me

life can be full of laughter
Life can be full of silence
life can be artistic
but in me you'll see no violence

life can be very happy
life can be very sad
life can be full of questions
but for me that can't be bad

life can be having best friends
life can be having enemies
life can be just about anything
but most of all life is being me
266 · May 2015
life's sorrows
gloria graves May 2015
sometimes my thoughts are weary
when I think about the times
of all the daily living
I wish I could leave behind

but they keep on haunting so strongly in my mind
not even daily prayer helps
that I prayed a thousand times

oh how I wish I could take those times
and erase them clean and clear
but every time they haunt me
I shed another tear

I pray that the higher power
would give me inner strength
to fighting battles in my mind
so that I can think
the trials of life is like the venom of a snake
I wish there was a potion I knew that I could make
to cure the bad times to the good
to take away my mistakes
to wipe away this bitterness
I would truly take

all the years of torture
I would cure them if I could
to make my daily living
like it always should

— The End —