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Glen Rivers Jan 2015
No Confidence

where does loneliness take ya?
it takes ya to a dark place.
they tell ya get over it, hah
i've already finished that race.
it's just can't move forward
it's a hurdle I can't leap
they all say it's pretty straightforward
It takes ya to bad choices.
makes no sense but it's a fun 2 minute thing
Glen Rivers Jun 2013
What was once cloudy
Turned into sunshine
We were rowdy
Time to let our love unwind

But one day
An unfortunate dark storm
Tooking away our rays
I never returned to form

I fell in love with the sight of you
But how can I see in this darkness
Only to be given a broken clue
Is she or is she not heartless

She cannot be
I felt warmness before the downpour
It was all towards me
I was rich with love but now I'm poor

Will I ever see love again
If I did, I only want hers
I do not want another campaign
But she was my first


I will love you, and only you. I can never explain why. Even after neglect. I just don't know how you feel. good or bad.

— The End —