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595 · Oct 2016
Mi Vida
Giselle Jimenez Oct 2016
Soy una hija
de un padre que me quiere controlar
y una mamá que intenta ser su mejor que puede

quiere que soy como ella
y que nadie más
me dice nada

quiero salir de esta protección
e ir a un lugar
diferente de todo que e visto en mi vida

e ido a muchos lugares
europa, canadá, latino américa
pero ningun lado tiene lo que yo quiero

me gustaria encontrar un lugar
que me deja leer que quiere
hablar como quiero
escuchar lo que quiero
comer lo que quiero

sin nadie diciendo me nada
y que me dejan en paz

pero después de un tiempo
me encogería triste
por querer estar querida

y como no estaba en la casa
por tanto tiempo
todos me abrazaron como
si nunca me fue le la casa
I will post this in English later
499 · Jul 2017
Giselle Jimenez Jul 2017
Its nice to have friends
especially those that
support you

but its sometimes hard
when you have someone telling

they are bad influences
they are bad people


i dont know them
i have to meet them

Its so tiring that sometimes
i dont want friends because of
how hard it is to
keep them
365 · Jan 2017
Giselle Jimenez Jan 2017
Tired to walk
Collapse at any

Red from irritation
A cascade of badness
Coming out of

It will hopefully
End soon

But your body
Will still be

From fighting
Itself and Invaders
I have the flu and my whole boy and nice feel like ****
352 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
I see you
standing there
expecting me
to do something
to impress you

like danceing
on the edge
of the balcony
or in some way
try to seem like I want you

but I could
care less
of what you think of me

of a preety girl
hiding in plane sight
that you would rather
somehow save
and take to bed

but I'm not her
I would rather
fall off the balcony
than be with you
348 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
pulling hairs
not sleeping
red eyes
scream at everyone
This is me half the time during finals and AP's
348 · Oct 2016
We Revolve
Giselle Jimenez Oct 2016
we revolve around each other
wait for a stike
or a kiss

either way we are always
on edge
waiting for the others

either  way
we are both dangerous creatures
controlling the light and the darkness of the world

and can never be
truly together
except for once
every half year

for only a second
before we
return to our
proper place
I was thinking of eclipses and I thought of this
334 · May 2016
Your arms
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
protect me
shield me
embrace me
hide me
defend me
hold me
stroke me
333 · Nov 2016
Letting Go
Giselle Jimenez Nov 2016
Tom walked to the door slowly, his heart heavy and his mind hesitant. He knew who would be there, and he knew why. For fifteen years she had been stopping by his apartment, and every time the enjoyed their evening together. Today, though, was different. Today, he would go back to the part of his mind where she would only exist as a happy memory. Tom was acting. He would move on. He would let go.
     Tom approached the door. He heard the familiar knocking. The knocking that no one could hear but him. At the same time, another knocking that no one could hear was getting louder in Tom's ears. The knocking of Tom's  broken heart, echoing the knocking on the door, the door Tom stood before now. He grasped the ****. The doorknob was oddly cold to Tom's hand; ordinarily Tom would explain to anyone listening that the doorknob was exactly the same as always, and that it only felt cold because Tom's hands were hot and sweaty, but now Tom only stared out the doorknob and took a deep breath.
I will be uploading several parts of this short story
323 · Sep 2016
Giselle Jimenez Sep 2016
I am so tierd
i want to jump in the air,
screaming to wake up
321 · Sep 2016
Giselle Jimenez Sep 2016
The whispers in my head
say this is normal
I will be fine

Its normal
when it actually isn't
Its not normal to be touched

I should tell someone
I don't want to

It says yes and no
I don't know who to believe
But my feelings stay the same
314 · May 2017
Giselle Jimenez May 2017
It's great to
Have these experiences

I don't know why
They haven't happened


But I'm happy for once
So I'm not complaining

Until I crash and
Become depressed
Because they finally leave
And I return to who I really am
310 · Nov 2016
Giselle Jimenez Nov 2016
Tired of
always trying
to be someone
they want me to be

he's gone
no longer here
I must fill his place
even if it's not
the same
308 · Apr 2016
Giselle Jimenez Apr 2016
Are you always
Telling me
That I'm
              No good
You barely
Know me
And expect
To love you
And treat you
306 · Jun 2016
Giselle Jimenez Jun 2016
every day
you start out nice
and i am standing

but then you
pull the rug under me
and fall on me
like all hell
broke loose
303 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
because being
safe is necessary
to survive
in a world
like this;
299 · Apr 2017
Giselle Jimenez Apr 2017
Being seen and heard
Feels so good
Once you've experienced it
Especially from family

One comment can't
Hurt you because
You're on top of the world

You might doubt your
Worth at the moment

But you deserve that affection and want

Then it's gone
Gone to the next person in line
And you go straight to the back

Not knowing when
That euphoric feeling will

You want it so badly
It's an addiction

You do whatever possible
To get that sensation
Of being wanted

You please others hoping
To get off on their
Love and attention
On you

It's already there
Not needing to be said
It's just natural
297 · Dec 2016
Giselle Jimenez Dec 2016
To finally have someone
That understands me

After being around people
who could care less
About me

To them I'm just someone to entertain
While to you
I actually mean something
For those who finally find their best friend for life
296 · Jan 2017
New but Same
Giselle Jimenez Jan 2017
We bond on the
And we become

Next day
I feel glad that
I met someone that

I ignore my actual friends
To hang out with the
People I think
Get me

When really
The last day we
You treat me like an

And we go back
To before

No talk
No text
No meeting

Just exclusion
Written after going to a retreat and we bonded on the bus ride but on the last day, they treated me like *****
294 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
happy to be seen
being in the void
was getting too
I try to write a stanza a day as a project
289 · Jun 2016
Giselle Jimenez Jun 2016
when you find
the person that
wants you to
don't let them go;

care for them
as if you were
taking care of

protect them
and they will
protect you;
For the last 2 days and today
284 · Jan 2017
Others Loss
Giselle Jimenez Jan 2017
You may feel
And want to

But it wasn't yours
you have no right

If they choose
to not greive

you cant judge
for it was some

others loss
283 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
the hurt mean
nothing to them
but being hurt
isn't the only
problem when
getting what you want;
283 · Feb 2017
My Life
Giselle Jimenez Feb 2017
i am a daughter
from a father that wants to control me
and a mother who tries to be the best she can be

she wants me to be like her
and no one else
can tell me anything

i want to leave this protection
and go to a place
different from all the places
ive visited
in my life

i have gone to many places
europe, canada,latin america
but no place has ehat i need

i would like to find a place
that lets me read that i want
talk how i want
listen to what i want
eat what i want
see who i want

with no one telling me anything
and that they leave me at peace

but after some time
i will find myself sad
for wanting to be loved

and like i wasnt at home
for soo long
everyone hugged me as if
i never left the house
This is the English translation of Mi Vida. Sorry for being late in posting it
278 · Apr 2016
My Love
Giselle Jimenez Apr 2016
i was sobbing,

waiting to die alone
eat alone
dance alone
live alone

until i saw the light,
around you
as you walked towards me
and took my hand

everything changed
i would  eat with you
dance with you
live with you

until one day
you broke my heart
and left me
to fend for myself

i was sobbing,
275 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
you look
i look

you get close
i approach

your heart beat uncontrollably,
mine follows

you lean into me
and i let you

we share a moment of

then you step away
and expect me

to follow that also
but i don't want to
For those who want to be to someone than just art for the eye
275 · Oct 2016
Giselle Jimenez Oct 2016
you see me
next to
in front of
around you

but you choose
to look through me
and just have an
extra body
to make you feel
loved and cared

I can't do that anymore

i did for most of my life

trying to find people
to accept me and
not look through me

but it seems pointless
if you will never truly see me
as your friend
To those people who have friends that don't appreciate them or use them for things with nothing in return
256 · Mar 2017
Giselle Jimenez Mar 2017
It is fear that takes me
from my happy pasture;
that is all. I am happy in
all there is, except for what
I fear. Fear will reduce
the strongest man to a
whimpering child. People of
the world, do not fear
me. I am the
one who is always
255 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
one little cut
can lead
to bigger ones

but if left
can get

big enough
to be dangerous,
but small enough

to not be noticed
249 · Apr 2016
Giselle Jimenez Apr 2016
Moving fast
Everything passing by
Then I see them
All the lies fall into place
I’m running now
Trying to warn her
But it’s too late
She's gone
I try to find the answers
Of what happened that night
To capture the guilty
And not get distracted
But then I notice
The real problem
I was searching for
Was right behind me
I tell myself
This isn’t true
Until I’m the one
Who is black and blue
based on the book *The ******* the Train*
248 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
it might break
you apart
but that means
that together
you were both
willing to sacrifice
the same
and dont belong
243 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
is a more common
side effects
after rising
alone in the
241 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
because you
would both be
caught up in
your own
personal agenda
to care for the
230 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
were people
could be pushed
to **** someone
or hurt them
to get what they want;
228 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
but the void
is also safe
from people
that would get
close to you;
226 · Apr 2017
Giselle Jimenez Apr 2017
Some choose to isolate
themselves from the
Hiding from a world
that seems to have
no room
for them.
220 · Jan 2017
Giselle Jimenez Jan 2017
where you Belong
with everyone!

but you still Refuse
to Apolagize
to your Birthgiver

I know That I
Can fix this
Even if I
get into Trouble
219 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
you look at me
with love
but then
you ignore me,
as if I mean nothing to you

you expect me
to love you
and no one else
when you can't even tell
me that you want

im tired of feeling
guilty for you
and having to wait

tell me that
you love me
in some
way, shape or form
before I give
up on you
ever loving me
215 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
when rising
in the world
with someone
you experience
the highs and lows
206 · Apr 2017
Giselle Jimenez Apr 2017
Hard is the road that
the nonconformers follow,
Under the pressure
of the people
of the crowds,
Gone are all lifes pleasures,
they must face
a life of troubles,
On the path among the
cruel and the dark
stormy clouds.
204 · Apr 2017
Giselle Jimenez Apr 2017
how is it
that you and I
have almost the same
extra curicular activities ,
stress level

but still you are
better and nicer
social and preety
skinny and popular?
200 · May 2016
Giselle Jimenez May 2016
unless they
love no one
so they see
no risk in hurting
others because
they don't care;

— The End —