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Feb 2014 · 283
The City
Anonymous Feb 2014
I am going to run away
I will run away
there's nothing you can do to stop me

I can already imagine my brilliant life ahead
as I'm on the highway with my hair soaring through the clouds
hands grasping the sun above
while I see my new home right beneath my nose

when I finally arrive it's black with
one bright light bulb in the atmosphere above
the headlights waving at me hello
as I calmly pedal to my fortress

the keys are jingling with joy
when I snuggle down into my new life
no worries anymore
I'm & by myself happier then I could be

I am going to run away
I will run away
I did run away
& you didn't try to stop me
Feb 2014 · 313
The young girl
Anonymous Feb 2014
There once was a young girl who fell for a childish boy
she grew madly in love but was in pure pain
for this boy played her heart like a cello but always hit the wrong notes

There once was a young girl who fell for a childish boy
she was hurt & felt cheated by him
but for some reason loved the bitter sweetness of his devilish games

There once was a young girl who fell for a childish boy
she gave all she could to someone that would never love her
for all he really wanted was the touch of her body

There once was a young girl who fell for a childish boy
& always came back to him for he gave her a unique feeling
but finally one day she didn't come back

There once was a young girl who fell for a childish boy
she moved on with her life but
sadly died with all the love in her heart
for a childish man who never loved her.
Nov 2013 · 706
'Her' Story
Anonymous Nov 2013
"Why do i have these thoughts all the time?"
You screamed as the blade cut open your wounded mind
Blood rushing down your wrists hitting the cold, dense floor
"Why doesn't anybody understand!" you cried "They just think i'm crazy!"
The pills fly through the air
You scramble to grab them, but you down them in half a second
Your body slaps the ground
Covered in your own the ****** mess you created
Your pronounced dead

Hours later your sister and mom come home
"DEE DEE!" your little sister squeals "DEE DEE!"
The house is silent
She rips up the stairs knowing what you've been through
Tears streaming down her face
She busts down the bathroom door and is unable of finding words to say

Your mother knows something is up since you didn't answer her phone calls
Suddenly her 2nd daughter is yelling and crying for you to wake up
Little did she know what you had been up to while you were home alone
Your mom collapses by your side instantly in tears whimpering for you to come back
Not even worrying about the blood splattered all over the both of you

The last place alive you saw was the bathroom since you had been bagged up
And didn't even give you a chance at the hospital
Your dad gets the news and races home as soon as the ambulance is taking your body away
He starts crying which he never does since he didn't get a chance to say goodbye
"My little girl" he says getting choked up "is gone..."

The next day they announce your death over the loudspeaker
Your two best friends heads are racing a mile a minute not being able to comprehend what happened
You called them last night but they had other bigger problems
They still tried to talk you through it even though it just made things worse

You even tried one of your old friends but she didn't come either
She was too hung up on her own life
Since she had the same problems you did but bottled them up
But that morning she was hysterical
She went home that night and didn't even think twice but hung herself
Because she was dating the guy you liked and was gonna breakup with him the next day
You didn't even give her a chance to explain

Well at least you thought of all this before taking out the blade
Nov 2013 · 472
Anonymous Nov 2013
As the years go by i think of us together
On a little rickety wooden bench
That we can't get out of
So instead we sit there all day
Watching our grandchildren's hair turn grey
And love each other even more then we did before
Oct 2013 · 423
Falling For You
Anonymous Oct 2013
here i stand
falling for you
faster & faster each day
more rapidly then the fall leaves
hit the muddy ground
but why might you ask?

maybe it's because of the twinkle in your eyes
when you say my name so swiftly
or how you
laugh at everything
even  it may not be funny
maybe it's just because you actually care
about how i feel & are always there

here i stand
falling for you
faster & faster each day
more rapidly then the fall leaves
hit the muddy ground
but why might you ask?
for i have no response
because it could
destroy me & you forever
Oct 2013 · 729
Anonymous Oct 2013
falling from the sky as fast as a rocket
i get pelted with little kisses of wetness
"winter" i scream "winter is here"

suddenly i'm suffocated by threatening thoughts
whirling & swirling inside me as i feel i'm getting shot
"winter" i sigh "for winter has come again"

the ground is returned to its old self
& i have placed my feelings on the shelf
but as me for i am not the same
for now i am i colorless flame
"winter" i cry "winter has ruined me"

— The End —