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When she tries to be evil she fails completely in my eyes. She ends up looking cute as a devil in disguise. Her random burst of energy uncontrollable and hard to keep up with. She always tries to hard to be seen psychopathic, but when meet her she is just a teddy bear bear with a temper. As mad as she can get she makes this peculiar face, much like a 3 year old when you scold and take its toys away. She claims that no one could stand being with her and when i hear those words i get frustrated. because i would love to try and be something with her. But i am just to shy to even tell her this. How could anyone not stand her? Her personality makes everything so vivid. Her own motivation to get the daily work done, and her random screams and babbles to make sure no one is bored. She simply fascinates me and leaves me speechless. I want to know more of her, but i am afraid because she might not want to know more about me. Sometimes i feel like i am just too much of a boring person for someone who is so energetic. Maybe that is just how the balance of life goes. The calm look to feel alive again.
Strings of lightning bolts that are our veins charge us up to let us know we live til this day. The sound of thunder heart beats fast when you and I cross paths. The sound of you're voice comes first as the strike of you're pressence follows. Its been a few weeks now and I have been getting these davastating dreams, dreams where I get to see you but I just walk past you and avoid you. I avoid you in these dreams even when i can control them only because  it hurts to look at you're smile. Each time I get these dreams you're look pains me and sometimes I wake up teary eyed. Maybe its you're absence or maybe its just my love towards you. The things that go through my mind each day I think about you, such a strong sense of comfort you're  presence simply overwhelmed me. When i am with you I just feel blissful. You're sense of humor, strange attitude and personality is what i find perfect in you. So yes I would get jealous if you would kiss someone else. I get jealous on the things that I adore in my life yet, cant ever have them for some strange reason and this is my every day life.
If I could only drag you inside my mind to show you what my thougths have done, if you would only see how the seed that you planted in me grew day after day. All the storms it endured and all that it still has to go through. I have never felt so lost as I am now, I would love to keep trying but I see no interest in your eyes neither in your actions. Yet I have to live with this non-stop thinking, scenarios, memories. Normally I would go on but now I rather just hope you have a great life. This is probably my last goodbye to the emotions I have felt for you. If anything else it would be this. The common "prhase you are un-discribeable" this prhase to me is a lie. I can describe you to my hearts content in simple words. Days that ligth my day storms that keepd me lockd at nigth, winters cold that is my fears and hells fire that is my passion torwards you. How would i describe all that i love about you?  I would say... you're name.
Where to start, the end? The only thing left is what i began,
In the hopes  of roses falling down your dress. Let me sleep in dark let me  fade away i can barely look at myself anyway. At this point its been given up and i cant stand the thought that i dint  get to hold you in my arms. The ravens crawl into my eyes, black water filled inside my emotions are a plague and my body's scard to death. And this unbearable pain its whats left to stay. I guess we were really not meant to be at all. I guess that i failed to be the man you loved once and for all.
In my memories its all a breeze, In this reality its far more then my eyes can see. Every single day the illusions come to a close, that if came true i wouldn't really know what to do. All of this i leave in your hands you have my trust not a single doubt will spread, just know that there is something that i have never had. And that is the privilege to be the web inside your thoughts, Strong residues that never end to get your attention. I wont fall down but i wont lie fear does linger inside of me each day. The fear that i fail to be good enough to be a part of your day, and to be apart of your name.
Mente de caballos de carnaval, mente inparable siempre soñando de deseos inalcansables. Mundo de fantasia, mundo perfecto lo que siempre yo he pensado que es correcto. No hay preocupasiones porque no hay tiempo para ellas es una accion sin existencia. Para mi esto es mi ser muy despejado de la realidad pero vivo de el, reacciono differente tal vez muy creativo es complicado vivir en dos mundos y que uno sea elusivo. No prefiero el ireal aunque nadie me crea, siempre estoy en el espacio sin nave y sin esfuerzo. Pero esta mente no es un juego es dificil vivir en dos mundos cuando solo uno de ellos es importante. Pero en este carnaval no hay tal cosa como el descanso. Intento lo mejor pero mi mente me llama me atrae de diferentes maneras con las cosas que trama. Soluciones para problemas de una manera poca visible, y possibilidades de gran interes en mi vida constante. Yo lo decidi ase mucho en sacar tiempo para los dos sin el mundo elusivo no existiria "yo".
Far from my reach is the soft silk curtain that is your embrace made from fine silk its cold keeps me warm. Far away from me lies your ever changing peronality like a flock of birds I am incapable of keeping up with them. So far yet so close that has been your lips and mine together endless roller coasters that never fade from my mind. Miles away there is your brigth shine a smile that ive deard so heartfeltedly that it brings me pain to remember today. So many things that I adore from you all gone away from me, but the pain lays in the same place rigth next to me. Its all that I have left, all that I own from our past. The words that I hold of greater suffering " I just dont see you that way". But all in all what got to hurt me the most was the time you took to say those words. And all that ive written since then is all that I have loved because all that I have poured out of me and said to you was far from you're reach and my words stay with in me.
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