Midnight light, will you goad my eyes
into the unbelievable sereneness of sleep,
And hush into silence the sleepless trucks
that lines the expanding horizon;
The bicycle man rests his head on his saddle
dreaming of bombing descents and leg stretches,
and the hot streaming aroma of consciousness
on gradient hilltops overlooking blazing mountains
passing the silence of the lakes;
Carefully cruising along the highways of the mind,
going into the light, and ecstasy, and madness;
Revolving, recurring, returning
into deep slumber then onto the frantic going,
along the wearisome expanse of flatland purgatories
then onto the doorsteps of mighty heaven,
rising up into the chill clouds of eternity and nothingness.
I am awake! and Fortuna's capricious wheel is now turning,
now I shall rest my future-looking for my going is now