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554 · Apr 2017
The frozen river
Ginny Vollor Apr 2017
I've smoked the strangest dope
I've sniffed the finest blow

Nothing compared to the feeling

I've climbed the tallest mountains
I've swam in the deepest sea

Nothing screamed quite as loud

I've eaten the richest foods
I've felt the walls in my soul caving in

Nothing bled as deep

I've felt ultimate happiness
I've had cold steel against my head

Nothing hurt like falling in the frozen river
402 · Aug 2016
The Friendship Tree
Ginny Vollor Aug 2016
A tree grown with care
Will never be bare

Loving words to help it rise
Through the dirt, to the sky

From the ground it will soar
In the yard forever more

With it's branches it will clasp
All the woods in it's grasp

The needles will keep the limbs intact
While the cones become a snack

The squirrels will play, the birds will sing
From the branches, to the swing

It only takes a little work
A little love and a lot of dirt
364 · Apr 2017
Losing myself
Ginny Vollor Apr 2017
I need you so badly
but you are not around

This is for you
this is just for you

I'll go to the ends of the earth
just to find you there

But when I get there
what will I say

I did this for you
I did this all for you

Everything I do is all for you
but you just choose to walk away

Pretend that I'm not around
maybe I'll disappear

This is all for you
This was always all for you

Maybe you'll pass by me years from now
I'll be with someone new

Pretending I don't need you
pretending I don't know you
316 · Aug 2016
Ginny Vollor Aug 2016
I dream of your tears like a midnight moon.
I feel your pain, but who can I trust saying that too?
Who would understand how I do?
Or why?
Why do you do that to yourself?
So that you cry?
I know how it feels to be alone.
To be so depressed you want to die.
I know that feeling all too well.
Just as I know your pain.
Can you help me make things the way they were meant to be?
I feel the blood running down my hand.
Was it all just a dream?
300 · Aug 2016
Paper lives
Ginny Vollor Aug 2016
Paper looks so much better
With ink bleeding through the seams

Thoughts written down
To be crumbled up and thrown away

Objects to be traded
Only to fall inside the couch

Making checks and bills
Destroying lives and souls

Words that can't be spoken
Feelings that will never be heard

To be recycled
And forgotten
269 · Aug 2016
Ginny Vollor Aug 2016
My heart stopped
Synced to the dial tone

I knew I'd never hear your voice again

And suddenly I couldn't breathe
As if a plastic bag was hung over my head

The world will end in a thunderstorm
Brought on by the wind
And followed by a hurricane

The night is growing colder
As the clouds complete the sky

Those words play back
A broken record in my head

You said everything would be okay

But the walls were closing in
As if the world was tightening it's grip

The world would end in a thunderstorm
Brought on by the wind
And followed by a hurricane

The night is growing colder
As the clouds complete the sky

Please don't let this feeling by the last
I can't hold on to such a thought

And please keep close to my heart

It's outside in the back
Sitting on the swing

And the storm is coming
267 · Apr 2017
The gun
Ginny Vollor Apr 2017
The dark is a scary place
       when you're all alone
Get out your switchblade
        face your fate
Follow her home
        hiding in the shadows

The difference between love and ******

Grab her hand
        pull her close
She wanders with someone else
        she was never yours
The cold hard truth
        she doesn't even know your name

The difference between love and ****** is...

Wait at the train station
         they arrive at eleven
Get out your forty-five
         nobody will ever see them again
Photograph their faces
         a picture for your album

The difference between love and ****** is the gun
260 · Aug 2016
Ginny Vollor Aug 2016
Wandering down an empty road
making a new path
a new life is born
a new piece of history
just waits to unfold

Driving past the city streets
in an alley is a seat
for the homeless, more a palace
where more then the rats come to feast

Sailing past the fish in the sea
looking in the water
ripples tearing through
soft glaze of the sun's reflection

Crawling through the woods at night
animals searching for a bite
jumping in a tree with all their might
forcing life to stop.

Wandering down an empty road
making a new path
a new life is born
a piece of history
that can never turn back.
249 · Aug 2016
Disappearing Act
Ginny Vollor Aug 2016
Do it quick she says
This won't hurt a bit he says

Silence fills the room

A puff of smoke
And everything disappears

The audience just sits in awe

The stage goes black
The lights come up

People leave wondering what will become

The back door opens
The magician steps out

Wandering into the night
234 · Apr 2017
Ginny Vollor Apr 2017
There's a long green ladder
leading to a grand red castle
with monsters along the way

The castle breathes a heavenly scent
it's beauty shines like a million gold coins
while still delicate as a butterfly

It's children hidden deep below
wait for the right time
a knight to soar in and carry them away

When the weather changes the castle crumbles
only to rise again even more beautiful
reborn like a great phoenix out of the ashes
224 · Jan 2018
Back alley abortion
Ginny Vollor Jan 2018
day dreaming, there's music in my head
steps match the beat of the drums

a conductor in a grand orchestra

woken by the nightmare of your face
blood and oil pool the street

      run and hide she says
      there's no time to beg
      run and hide she says
      there's no time to plead

reflection of that knife
caught deep in the bone

last chance to say no

break through the bricks
never look back again

      better run he says
      there's no need to beg
      run home quick he says
      the dogs are out tonight
220 · Aug 2016
Broken Angel
Ginny Vollor Aug 2016
She's a broken angel
Floating over the sea
She's waiting
Waiting to be free
Free from broken hearts
And broken lives

She's a broken angel
Looking for a key
She's really not sure
Where it could be
She's tired of lost hopes
And lost dreams

She's a broken angel
with no place to be
She lives amongst you and me
She wants to find her place
A place she can call her own

She needs to feel like a person
Without a fear
She has some requests
Which she needs to feel complete

She's a broken angel
Floating over the sea
She's waiting
Waiting to be free
215 · Jan 2018
Ginny Vollor Jan 2018
If you were a bug,
I'd sweep you away.

If you were an infection,
I'd seek medical attention.

If you were burning bridge,
I'd cut you off completely.

If you were anyone else,
I'd have left long ago.
215 · Aug 2016
Ginny Vollor Aug 2016
I hear the crickets
I listen to the thunder
I hear the phone hang up
And I listen to the sirens screaming

I bite my tounge
I taste the rain
I bite my lip
And I taste the salt

I inhale the aromas
I smell the storm
I inhale the thick air
And I smell the dirt

I touch the sink
I feel the metal
I touch the floor
And I feel the pain

I see white walls
I imagine another life
I see my blood
And I imagine your face
197 · Aug 2018
Ginny Vollor Aug 2018
You stood there
Soaking wet in the doorway
Muttering something about the weather
A stranger in our home
You looked as though you'd always belonged somewhere else
A permanent fixture in my life but always behind thick glass
You took off your coat
and hung it on the clothes line
Right next to your heart

Always the practical one
181 · Aug 2018
In the Morning
Ginny Vollor Aug 2018
In the morning you'll be gone
And I'll just linger a while in your space
Breathing in your ghostly scent on my pillow

Imaging myself as her
Making you dinner
Gathering the kids
Waiting for you to come home

But you won't be back here again
You won't sit at my table
Or laugh as I ruffle your hair
She'll do those things now
And I'll just be a distant dream
180 · Aug 2018
Ginny Vollor Aug 2018
All these kids are bleeding
And there ain't nobody stampeding
To do a thing but
Put a bandaid on the situation
Replace a conversation
But they forget that these kids
Cries sound just like a gat
Until bodies start hitting the mat

All these kids keep fighting
Cause they think it'll stop the pain
Remove the blame
But they don't realize
That the suffering won't cease
Until we stop muffling voices
And stepping on feet
Start walking to your own beat
And don't worry about the neighbors
Unless he doesn't have enough to eat
169 · Mar 2018
Ginny Vollor Mar 2018
So many voices
So many words
I can't think
So I scream
But even I don't hear
Anything but shouting
Of kids in the halls
Brothers and sisters
Cousins and neighbors
They all become muffled
Over the sound
Of someone pulling a trigger
Shooting a gat
Blasting away all the things
they were too ashamed to say
or maybe were too afraid

— The End —