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Apr 2012 · 706
Ginger Gray Apr 2012
I sat there waiting
    I sat waiting
Trying to look at you
    But your head was down.
Just the way mine was when you
    Raised my jaw and kissed me.

I asked you what happened
    but you gave me no reply
You refused to discuss the topic.

You get one life
               only one
make the ******* best of it
   All you need is to be happy.

Do you know how much you are hurting me?

   I put on a mask
      I built up the walls
I pretended I don't care about you anymore.
   I pretended you didn't rip my bedraggled
heart and leave it in a ditch.
   I pretended you didn't push me farther
into the depths of this river.

Why won't you tell me what I did?
I'm sorry about this.

I will leave now.
Apr 2012 · 687
Ginger Gray Apr 2012
He was singing
I was singing
You were playing the guitar
   Just five minutes ago

   I was so scared...
    I was so close to tears.
     But I told myself
      he will not see me cry again
      He will not.

I don't know what came over me.
   I'm so stressed
I was so... In love.

Somebody **** me.
I don't care, I just want it to be over.

I want to let go of the sunlight.
   I want you to kiss me again...
  Kind of badly... actually...
Apr 2012 · 3.6k
Stuck on your smile
Ginger Gray Apr 2012
You can see me
   You know what's happening...

I could spend the rest of my life
in your arms

I could sing to you all night

I could never bring myself to
forget you

I could accept that we are not an item
but you are a part of me

And now...                                  .
Nothing can change that...

I'm sorry. I want to let you go.
but my heart keeps hanging on.
my mind is frozen in place.

I'm stuck on your smile.
I'm lost in your eyes.
I'm remembering your chapped lips.
Apr 2012 · 656
Lost in the hands of time
Ginger Gray Apr 2012
Treat me like you used to
Save me from the monster at my heels
Please just love me
    like you used to...
Only last night
    I was the center of your small world
    You held me
    You kissed me
    You pressed your palms against mine
   I am only a memory
    Only part of the past
    Lost in the hands of time
Short time...

How did you forget me so fast?
How did you let me slip between
    your fingers, again?
How did you leave me behind?

I love you,
    More than you know
   less than you imagined.

When I'm with you I'm happier
    Than I am ever with anyone
    Only you...*forever and always
Apr 2012 · 3.4k
You left me again...
Ginger Gray Apr 2012
I wish I could go back in time
   and save myself from you
Fix all the mistakes I made
   change all the words I said
Reform the way I held your hand
   relive the night you kissed me in the rain

Over and over
Feeling your breath on my skin
Absorbing your warmth around me
Forgetting the empty feeling I live with
Loosing my memories of rejection

   And I'm back
The loneliness
   The separation
The depression
   You left me again
Just like before
   The same kind of pain...
but worse
   a deeper wound
a shallower soul.
Apr 2012 · 894
Peak of My Existence
Ginger Gray Apr 2012
I can barely remember the way you said it
     I was so numb.
I was overwhelmed by the love you gave me
     prior to you ripping my heart out of
     my chest and throwing it to the dirt
I listened to you and I cried.
     I could not speak.
  You could not see me.
     You could only hear the whisper of my voice
Only the sound of my tears hitting the floor.
     The phone went dead when the words
hit me... your statement was clarified.
     Honestly, you killed me
You were all I wanted... all I needed
     All I want... All I need
     That night I had you
That night you held me
     That night you kissed me...
   It was the peak of my existence.
     The place I want to be, always.
I would never leave your side.
     I would be there for you.
I would give anything
     I believe it's worth it...
You are worth it
... You are more than worth it
I would treasure every moment
    Just like we did that night...

I miss you
Your warmth
          Your arms
            Your voice
              Your smile
                Your everything

    Take me back.
Ginger Gray Mar 2012
my life was lifted just above me
now I have to live with what I did
live with what I see.

I have seen a battlefield as a classroom
a warzone as a desk
when nothing is as it should be
then nothing is at rest


In trying to cure this one wound
they have begun to open various cuts
of which are now beginning to fester and scar
I am one of those cuts.


I have no sense of hope,
no pure feelings
no... nothing.
I cannot feel anymore
not the sun
not the wind...
nor do I ever think I will
feel... again...

By: RAIN <3
Mar 2012 · 806
It was like...
Ginger Gray Mar 2012
Like the dying petals of a carnation
Like the way I feel when you leave
Like the snow in October
Like the candle burnt out
Like the minute the story is over
Like the time it rained on your birthday
Like the time when I mixed colors and they turned black
Like the day when we dug a hole and didn't find any treasure
Like the time my rabbit died...

Like the time you held me and told me you loved me and then took me for a walk and kissed me in the rain and played me a song and made me laugh and made me feel important and then when I went home you called me... and told me that this wouldn't work out
Your mom hates me because I'm suicidal...
I'm not suicidal when I'm with you.
You didn't want to "hurt you again..."
You won't
I don't care
I'm happy as long as I'm with you
You make me keep breathing
You keep my heart beating
You are all I could ever ask for.

I love you.
Like when you wake up to the sunshine
Like when someone kisses you on the cheek
Like when you look into my eyes
Like when we dance
Like when you draw on me
Like when you can't stop laughing and then your stomach hurts
Like when it's cold enough to wear your favorite sweater
Like when it rains in the summer
Like when you find someone perfect

Like when you kissed me.
Mar 2012 · 720
Ginger Gray Mar 2012
You see a color
And from then on
Nothing compares

You feel the warmth
And from then on
The world is frigid

You smell a fragrance
And from then on
Everything smells of death

And sometimes
You find love
And from then on
No one can take its place

Fragile walls stand between us
But they're holding you back
My heart anguishes
For you have changed me
I have fallen for you
Hard and fast
Simply and helplessly

You brought me
Back to the days when
You would hold my hands
When you would talk to me every night
When you would tell me everything
When I was a part of you

When I didn't have depression.

You played me
With your eyes of amber
With your heart of stone
Painted gold

Your arms were outstretched
Ready to catch me
But you let me fall
You watched me crash
A tear fell
But you walked away
I tell myself
You cared
And you said you did...

how ******* heartless do you have to be?
"Ginger, I don't want to hurt you...

What did you do?
I ******* love you.
I would take you back for anything...
Mar 2012 · 591
Like this
Ginger Gray Mar 2012
You kissed me in the rain
You held my hand close
You told me you loved me
You cradled me in your arms
You kept me warm...

But you
    You ripped me
You tore me
You tortured me
You teased me
    You broke me

I have never

I have never

I have never

I was just a
Ginger Gray Mar 2012
You found me bleeding
Oozing, gushing
You bandaged me
You tried to fix me

The old dog you
Left out in the rain

Expected to be better
Expected to heal
Expected to refrain

My guitar and pajama pants
Two of the few
Things that give me
A home
A pastime
A joy
An escape

The way you see it
I may have everything I need
But never
Can I ever
Be happy
Be content
And living
Without him
Without his voice in my ear
His hand in mine
His lips on my cheek

I am just  
The old dog you left out in the rain
The rebound
The fling

The depressed girl.
Ginger Gray Mar 2012
I knew I would never forget you
    When you guided my lips to yours
Your hand supporting my jaw

I forgot about everything
I let go of our past
I let you take me back to my happy place
I lost sense of reality...
and so did you...

You woke from this fantasy
A fantasy you built up to be true
You broke down the walls
and remembered...
You don't love me.
Mar 2012 · 701
When shit used to matter
Ginger Gray Mar 2012
As you walked away
You left my body to collapse
Without one glance over the shoulder

The chills crept up my
The devil danced back into my
I felt the need to bleed
I felt the urge to torture
Torture myself for falling
    for you again
When I knew
    I know
You don't
    You won't
Love me

I crashed, lost in
Lost in

The world buzzing around me
    Friends only ghosts
Loves only memories

    It's me against the world
Just going through the motions
    Not listening, just remembering....

When **** used to matter.
Mar 2012 · 511
The girl at your feet
Ginger Gray Mar 2012
Your lips were chapped
Your hands were warm
Your eyes were deep
...Your heart was large

You were ready to love me
You weren't afraid of me
You felt safe

That night
I love you
You loved me
A piece of heaven
...right back to hell

Why did you kiss me?
Why did you protect me?
Why did you hold me?

If you didn't love me...
If you planned to hurt me?

You can't run from the
    demons inside you
You can't pretend you didn't hear me
    ask you to call
You can't hide from the
    girl at your feet
       her face wet with tears.
Feb 2012 · 637
Sweet desire
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
I could smell your breath
I could feel your arm next to mine
The air was cold
My face was hot
There was music playing

Just then I realized what I had been missing
For so long
You are so beautiful
You are so perfect
You spoke my name
Pulled me out of my fantasy
I just want to be with you
I could spend hours and hours
And we would never run out of things to say
Though I have burdened you with bad memories
I have also burdened you with good
We would remember

But no
Back to the real world
Sharp around the edges
Sometimes you have to cut yourself
On those sharp edges
To get to the soft center

Are you going up to
the mountain tonight?

Was that to me...?
Is he talking to me?
Would he ever just want to spend time with just me?
Feb 2012 · 709
I hope you miss me.
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
I lie here
Counting down
The days
The hours
The minutes
The seconds

When do I get to leave?
Why can't I breathe anymore?
Why can't I stand to listen to a word you say?
Why can't I resist the blade on my dresser?
Why did the fire burn out?

Screaming voices surrounding me
In the small space
Where I am safe
From the torture of others
The music engulfing what used to be Ginger
Lost in the air,
The sounds,
The colors,
The pain,
The cold,
The awkward limbs tangled around me.

White bleached hair in my eyes
The point of a pencil in my arm
Tears running

I'm giving up
The stress is eating away at me
My tortured frame falls to the floor
My broken heart beats
Its final rhythm
I am leaving
Escaping this living hell
With the love of my life
Beside me
His hand in mine

Goodbye, love
I hope you miss me.
Feb 2012 · 1.6k
Tarot cards
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
Broken glass
Baby feet
Tarot cards
Hang man
Chapped lips
Callused fingers
A broken heart
Credit card guitar picks

Scattered on the linoleum
Pattering on the sidewalk
In the ancient hands of a gypsy
On his cheek
At work, doing what there supposed to
Singing alone in the silence
In my back pocket

Don't let the small things go.
Don't let them stray away from your collection of memories.
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
Because I woke up
With my face wet with tears.
Feb 2012 · 769
Memories of childhood
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
I remember
Pattering down the stairs
To find the piano shut
A story depicted
Bill is still sleeping
Do not play the piano yet
A rush of dismay
What used to cause dismay
Back when we were young
Back before my actions caused scars to appear
Back then not buying ice cream
Not being able to attack the piano
Was hell...
I had no ******* idea
Now in this day and age
If only I could trade

The full force of the terrible world we live in
Had not yet hit me
Sent me into my pit of depression
My road to drugs and suicide
Haunted by memories
Memories of childhood
Crying over mud on my legs
My toad escaped
Compliments from strangers at the grocery store
Old ladies in yarn stores
Sleepovers with boys
Waiting in the car in silence
For my mom to put away the grocery cart
Running around in the rain
Never wearing long sleeves unless I had to
Saying exactly what came to mind

But now
I lie alone
With cold feet
A pain in my head
And words on the tip of my
Feb 2012 · 2.9k
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
You held me
Like you have held me
Like you do hold me
Like you love me
Like you want to be with me

You kissed my neck
Like you love me
Like you care about me
Like you adore me
Like you want my warmth in your arms

You tell me
Tell all you want is
For me to be happy
For me to smile again
For me to stop making myself bleed
Every night.

But if you close your eyes
And you listen to me
You feel my hand in yours
You listen to what your heart is telling you
You will know

Please know
Despite the fact that you think
Every time you pull me closer
I feel better
I hate myself less,
I feel worse
I know you don't want me
I know you don't love me
I know you are scared of what
I am capable of doing
Capable of doing to myself
Capable of doing to you

You made me want to attack
Peel away all the skin left
Rip out the ****** remains of what used to be
My heart
Bury it in the ground
A place for it to live
Finally settled
Wrapped in white linen blood stained brown

Your hands on my neck
Lips on my cheek
Fingers interlaced in your hair
A dark room
Moments of perfection
Eyes closed
Losing the moments quicker
Than ice melting

A punch in the stomach
Gasping for breath
Stinging in my mouth
Your eyes on my
Battle scars

You broke down my walls
With a wrecking ball of glass and
How many times now?
How many times have you put me though this?
How many times have you lied to me?
How many times have you been the reason for my bleeding arms?
How many times have you held me like a lover
When you didn't love me?
How many?

I am being haunted with flashbacks
Flashbacks of you
And the way you loved me
The way you've tortured me
I can't let go
I will never be able to let go.
Feb 2012 · 836
Beacon of Darkness
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
I awaken
On your shoulder
Lost to the meaning of this
Who am I
To you
Who is that
Your skin
On the rough
Angles of my face
I have missed this
More than what you
More than what you
Will ever know about
You are a righty
But then again
So am I
A singer
A musician
An artist
A dramatic being
So many likenesses
But it is far too hard...
For both of us
So many flaws
So many issues
Ropes between us
Chains on my ankles
A knife in my gut
Your hand
Soft on mine
A beacon in the darkness
A comfort
Another question to ponder
Another problem to solve
I love you
I do...
So much baby.
But why the **** did you bring me back?
Wonderful title thought up by Glenn McCrary.
Feb 2012 · 670
I am young.
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
A young body
Young face
Young heart

An old soul
Old memories
Deep understanding

I get judged
"She's young,
she won't understand,
she won't get the point.
She never does."
I do.
I understand more than you do.
I know why they do it.
I know how they feel
deep down.

"She's young...
she's expected
to make bad decisions.
She's supposed to say the
wrong thing."
I don't.
You are too daft to comprehend my
You don't know why I said
what I said.

I am young.
I am free.
I am outspoken.

But no,
I am not unintelligent.
I am not out of control.
I am not always wasting my time.
I am not a person concerned with the meaning of life
For I know the meaning of life.

I am a writer.
I am a poet.
I write deep.
I write from my broken, wrenched soul.
and yet
I am a scant 14 years.
Feb 2012 · 755
They won't miss us.
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
Licking around the columns
Into the windows.
Acid rain
Splattering my decently ancient notebook
Tears on a dark day.
Crumpling into a heap gracefully on the floor
Embellished with sunshine.
Search lights
Shining into my open window
I know they're looking for you.
A voice
In the dark
Your voice, how I've missed it.
They won't miss us.
They won't blink an eye.
Won't shed a tear for our disappearance.
I kiss you one last time.
Let the flames engulf my fragile frame.
Feb 2012 · 580
Missing you
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
I miss the awkward silences.
The way music used to get louder
when the lights went out.
That little sore
on the inside of my bottom lip
after we kissed.

I miss the tension of your grip
on my arm where the razor left his mark.
The way you used to talk to me...
The way you used to listen...
The way you used to
Feb 2012 · 1.0k
Ginger Gray Feb 2012
Dear Eva,
You make really strange noises when you  sleep.
I'm sorry I pick on you so much...
I don't know how to properly get out my anger
I usually do it by picking on you and/or punching my ex-boyfriend.
You are one of the most gorgeous people I have ever seen.
It makes me really jealous and angry
One of the reasons I pick on you.
You enjoy school quite a bit
You're really good at it too.
You're only 10 but I am now sure from what you were telling me today
about the five page play you are writing
that you have achieved the point in your life at which
you are pretty much the smartest person here...
in this waiting room.
You sing a lot...
And you run around the house twirling
like butterflies used to do before they turned plastic.
You make me smile and laugh
You remind me what its like not to think about
how many minutes are left until I get to leave.
You talk to animals like they are babies
You draw pictures of flowers and little
cottages nestled in the woods
where they should be.
You still think boys are gross...
I envy that trait.
You don't over-think ****.
So innocent, so straight to the point.
You are an annoying little *****.
But I love you.
And I hope you know that.
You are my sister
I will always be here
for you.
Jan 2012 · 1.8k
Living room
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
You tuned my guitar all funny
I kept it that way
Saying "I like the way it sounds..."
And I do
But I mostly keep it this way because
I like to sit in my living room
And play my guitar tuned to F
And imaging you sitting here
Weeks before
In the same place
Playing the same guitar
The same way you like to tune it.
Jan 2012 · 1.0k
Knife of Stone
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
I have a sore back today
It made me think of you

Today while I was skiing,
Actually, while I was crashing
There in the air inches from the ice I was destined to hit
I was thinking
I thought of you
And how I hate you for that
You ****.
You make me love you like that
And then you tell me
"Oh yeah...I left you for that girl you kinda dated..."
And  I was supposed to be okay?

Tell me you never wanted this to die.
And you were the one who stabbed it in the heart
With your knife of stone
With frozen tears on your cheeks
With the blood on your hands
So please,
Take that to your own grave,
Not mine.

And now I am here
With a sore back
Thinking about you again
Thinking about how I hate you
And thinking about how I love you
And thinking about my stupid cramping stomach
And thinking about that ibuprofen that I took
And and wondering why it's not working
And wondering if I should take more
To end it all...
Jan 2012 · 899
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
I felt that you loved me
I did
But I felt like an object

You toyed with my heart
You left me behind
You called me a fool.
But alas,
I fell in love

You used me...
Your pair of lips.
Your hand to hold.
Your shoulder to cry on.
Your female object.

The body to show.
My legs,
My chest,
My ****.

I'm not your ******* property.

I wish I didn't love you.
I wish I wasn't an object.

You choose me,
A monster of self doubt.
You told me I was beautiful
Told me that I had no reason
No reason to disfigure my own body.

You only made it worse.
And I hope it slowly eats away at you
Editing the way you used to life,
So confident
So capable.

I hope that I,
The object
The simple doll
for your abuse,
The girl with the legs,
The girl with the heart,
Changed you,
The man of ice,
The man
I am sad to say
I love.
Jan 2012 · 613
Stronger than I am
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
What makes you think
That I can go home
After another day of living
without you
near to you
so close...yet even farther
watching you move on,
And be okay...
Not shed a single tear.

You think
I've forgotten.
You think I'm stronger than I am.

What happened to...
The way you held me close against your body
making our heartbeats meat?
The way you would sweep my short hair
out of my eyes
just so you could see me?
The way we would lie together
under the stars...
never wanting to let go?

What makes you think that
I can...
That I could ever...
Watch you with someone else and
       be okay?
You think I'm
       Stronger than I am.
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
I lie alone

Wearing your old shirt
Soft against my chest
I inhale the smell of you
your breath
your hair

I miss you
The way you would
wrap your strong
arms around me
protecting me from
the world itself

My eyes flooding
with tears
Cool air filtering through
the screen
Stars sprinkled across
the sky
a blue canvas.

Is it too late
To tell you-
Don't forget me.
Jan 2012 · 1.1k
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
She has a secret
Hidden behind long sleeves,

Hiding behind the smile.
On the inside she's broken.
Covers her face with
a mask.

Hours spent
Tears shed.
Dark crimson streaks
cover her
pale arms.

Trees sway
Thunder cracks
Illuminating the dark
sullen household.
Pencil in hand
Teeth clenched
Breathing heavily.

She wishes
Only wishes it
wasn't this way.
It never went this way.

She sits.
She waits for
him to come back.
Jan 2012 · 573
Thats How it All Started
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Rain down the windows
Like tears
Thats how it all started.

Your words in my ear
Your love in my heart
Your palm against mine


You winded me
Swept the air from my lungs
Why did you do it?

You told me you loved me.
You protected me from
the monsters under my bed.
Told me that nothing else

And then
it didn't.

You were my knight
in shining armor.
My shoulder
to cry on.

You ripped out the
I was healing...
You were helping me.

Look at me now.

Thats how it all started.
Why my words rarely escape my lips anymore.
Jan 2012 · 741
If You Were to Love Me
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
If you were to love me,
I wouldn't want your hands on my *******, your fingers running over my body.
I would want to hold your hand and walk down the beach at dusk.
Or to rest my head on your chest as I drift in and out of sleep and you to whisper into my ear "You're beautiful."
I want you to scoop me up in your arms and tell me you want to grow old with me.
I want to be called your everything, not **** or hot, but beautiful, intelligent, amazing...even though I'm not.
I want you to appreciate me for flaws many, and nothing else.
Cameron Roy
Jan 2012 · 503
For you
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Never see me cry.
Never see me pray...
Pray for the lives of
Loved ones...strangers...and you.
You are no longer in my reach.
I never thought I'd have to let you go.
And now here, alone
I can't stop thinking of you...
Dreaming of you.
And when I'm going, I will breathe
My last breath
For you.
Jan 2012 · 454
I know
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
You don't love him like I do.
              I love


I know him better than you do
             I know how he love
I know the words he says
             I know how he deals with
the pain
            Pain caused by
Jan 2012 · 678
The small things...
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
That small strip of complete darkness between the headlights
      and the taillights of the car in front.
Only the ones you love can hurt you, with one word make a thousand tears fall.
      I'm making a collage.
Taking smart things, quotes, words and memories...placing them into an envelop in a black box in the back of a       closet behind a locked door in my mind.

I think of him, I think of her, how their minds work, how they work together--perfection.
      I strive for that, we all sometime.
A single raindrop causing an earthquake. A single heartbeat, causing everything to stop.
      I hope he remembers how it felt. I hope he wants it back...just a little, just enough to make a difference.
A single word causing the heart to break...
      You stuck a crowbar in and pulled the gap just a bit wider. Ibuprofen doesn't help the pain.

  Sitting in the rain, pants soaked through. A drop on my leg, a drop on my nose one on my elbow and a single raindrop on one of my toes...and a drop on my lower lip, a kiss from mother nature.

       A warm dog dreaming on the floor. Toes twitching, eyes fluttering.
Crickets, stars. Wet paint, a crow perched.

      Just remember me.
Jan 2012 · 545
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
You confused me,
      I fall in love too fast.
  Falling into a pit of depression...

      I really did like you.
I thought, just for a second
      that you would be the one.

When you held me close to your chest
      when you held my hand so tight
           when you made the butterflies come back

I miss you, I miss him too...

     Maybe I miss him more...maybe I do
but what I miss about you
     is a fresh wound,
not a flesh wound.
Jan 2012 · 772
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
I had a dream...
that I was sitting
and the water was rising
up to my jaw

You were above me
watching me drown
watching the tears run
down my cheeks
watching my outstretched
watching me leave.
Jan 2012 · 926
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Scars begin to fade
leaves begin to fall
don't let that make you

I lost you
let you slip between my

It still haunts me
after this year
without sunshine.
Jan 2012 · 1.6k
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Skin, bones, tendins
Keeping us together
We're machines
Built to work
Built to break...
under the pressure

The heart
It keeps us going
But its ready
Ready to split
In two


Repair me
Hold me in your arms
Never let me go.
Jan 2012 · 911
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Rain blurs my vision like tears
       or maybe they are tears
    who knows
            at this point
    who cares
            not you

I only wish it was
  wish you loved me
           like you did

I remember the day
          the secret love
   the trust.
Jan 2012 · 4.7k
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Everyone makes mistakes
       and everyone deserves a second chance.

So give me a second chance
       let me sweep you off your feet

Let me tell you how much I love you
       how many tears i have shed for you

Let me redeem myself and tell you what I've
       done to make you notice me...
Jan 2012 · 654
Ugly Sink
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Dear Ugly Sink,
      You drip an
innocent rhythm
in tune with the
beat of my heart.
To hear your words
those few
painful words
a comfort,
a heartbreak...

I miss you.
Jan 2012 · 508
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Underneath the skin
      blood runs through my veins
My heart beats a steady rhythm
      breathing slowly filling my lungs with air

It all just stopped
my blood ran cold
my heart seised its pattern
my lungs gave up

You said things
I didn't think you
were worthy of saying
Let me go,
Let me be who I am
let me sleep never to
Jan 2012 · 769
The Fall
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
The place where her cold hands
      gripped his perfect arm

he cut
      sheer satisfaction
blood shed
      tears fall
she broke him

Tripping on the edge
      he just got pushed
        one step closer
to the fall
Jan 2012 · 705
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Now the pain is both.
Emotional and physical.
Fall to the floor
Cold concrete on
my bear thighs
A frozen tear on
my cheek

Paint peeling and chipping
Exposing the bare wall
Shy, scared
Jan 2012 · 639
Ginger Gray Jan 2012
Light lacing its way through your lashes
Looking into my eyes
Holding my hands
Golden flecks in your dark chocolate hair
Eyes glowing amber
Nothing holding you back
Kiss my lips
Let me fly
Make me forget,
The tears,
The harsh words,
All the times I was filled up with fear.
Just promise me
You won't forget me.
"All the times I was filled up with fear" - from the song he wrote me...I will never forget you<3

— The End —