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The first one was a work in progress, She and me were figuring out how to live as wasted youth; young and dumb and full of love, all of which never tested upon another before. Little did we know that life is long and ugly, full of beauty and despair. Eventually falling back into earth's dirt, back into the mix and matter of it all.

The second, Lovely as the most brisk of winds... But flawed as a broken winged little bird, cursed to only exist among the terra creatures. She couldn't be what she could be without being a skeleton, a living contridictory to what we believe. Lover of debasement, Self deprecation and goddess of starvation; I was your believer, your boulder in the sandstorm, the step you hiked to get beyond the person I loved. As flawed in this life as we were, I loved you beyond my own ability to even perceive.

The third, The one I still can't refer to without tears or despair. The end all and be all for my being. I met you in a moment that was random and cost nothing yet cost most of all, You stole my heart and part of my soul. I told a friend the night of... "I met a girl tonight and it made my night, she struck me in a way kinda like lighting might".  Its over now and when all said and done, Life belongs to us and us alone. The three taught me to be me, As in be one and none, be the tree and the dirt, the best and the brightest, hardest and most hurt and above all, keep moving; even if it means forward then back again. Forever and than again and again and again.
Three Loves, Lots of drinks
If *** is sweet and death is bitter, then love is both. It will always and forever... Break your heart.
Lovely little Lover, I mean Liver. Sorry, I'm a little drunk. I'd just like to say, no matter how the world phrases you, You are a perfect part of me. Just like my Heart or my Soul, the only exception being of course you work much harder for us then the rest of those louts. We are always one. My one wish is that I could filter you out, as you do me. Make our hurts go away, our silly feelings but a whisper in the breeze of life. Cause when faced with the whole picture, all we'd like is to live 3 sheets to the wind and when finally stricken with death; to die as a real animal, alone without worry as to what comes next.

I love you.
Yours, G.
If a person can be judged solely on one's socks, then I do believe I am a man of modest yet righteous means. For you to determine my grit as a mortal with the substance not concerning the shields I wear upon my feet, means you are without proper ability of dissection of one's character. I love one other, as the Earth loves the Sun; immeasurably. And most honestly, I try to see my surroundings as if I believe that every blade of grass could be converted into a trumpet that speaks to the ages in any moment in time.
Ghost in a shell. Soul in hell. I just wanna yell! But instead my eyes swell and burst into wells. Deep and dark, down I fell. I want to escape my cage and fly away but if I can, only time will tell.
What do we call something that has no name? How do we say something that without the words to convey? Do we call it god, or the universe or maybe Love? My heart just says it hurts. My head reminds me none of us matter. My body feels the world and tells me the weight of it is too heavy for my soul. My self says nothing, as it is bound beneath a steady concoction of klonopin and Duloxetine. But my dreams, they say everything I can't or won't and they never serender to anything or anyone no matter the pain of living upon this caluss earth.

So I sleep and relish in my own deceptions, for when I think of waken life, what is the difference in the end?
When you all look inside, all you'll find a beast too dark to name.
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