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Ghazal Nov 2014
I went to your apartment yesterday,
You weren't there, but everything still
Felt like home.

As I opened the door, your
Familiar fragrance hugged me tight,
Just as you used to.

My favorite shirt lay crumpled on the bed,
As if you'd left it naughtily there to remind me
How I've ruined it one too many times.

I grabbed it and smelled it deep,
I inhaled the scent of your chest, your shoulders,
Your arms, oh your arms that I love so much.

I lay on your bed with my senses
Buried inside your shirt, inside your beautiful self,
I cried and I laughed at the same time.

Little had changed in your room
Since I'd left.
I wished this room mirrored our lives.

I hoped you'd return early,
And find me curled up inside the blanket
Of those million memories we'd created together,

But you didn't come, and it got dark outside,
And suffocating and unwelcoming,
And lonely inside.

I left, clutching the keys firmly in my palm,
They're all I have now, to spare me of the pain,
That stings me day and night.
Ghazal Nov 2014
Whirlwind romances aren't
Meant to be clung on to.
You ride the wave,
And when the peak is through,

You have to deeply inhale,
And no matter how distraught
you may be, jump instantly
With no second thoughts.

But I forgot to open my eyes,
When I did, I was all alone,
The ****** had ebbed and
You, my darling, were long gone,

Leaving me entangled forever
In this dark trough of gloom,
Where time is slow and evil
And the ghost of silence looms.

Whirlwind romances aren't
Meant to be clung on to.
I wish I'd remembered,
And jumped off with you.
Ghazal Nov 2014
A soft, pink, closed bud
She lay in my palm,
Her untouched, unexplored,
Sparkling pristine charm
Made me desirous of uncovering
The little secrets her innocent depths held,
Though surely there wouldn't be too many,
She was but a little flowerlet.
So, slowly and gently I
Let my fingers unfold
The sheets of her petals hiding
Her stories untold,
I drove into her likes and dislikes,
Her passions, her fears,
I thought that was all but I
Was guided again, into another layer.
A little darker than before, with
Melancholic tales, guilts and regrets,
Punctuated by naughty quirks and unique mirth,
******* me deeper into her nest,
Her nest so ruffled, how she hid it
Within her kempt exterior,
Each depth bizzarely twisting
Into yet another dazzling sphere.
I lost myself inside of her then,
And continue to be, perennially-
Amazed, astonished, perplexed, dazed
At the extravagant flower she turned out to be.
Ghazal Oct 2014
The look in your eyes
Sets a soft, mellow
Musical pace that
Our hands follow
And rhythmically
They waltz,
My fingers partnering
With yours,
I shiver when
Your eager fingers
Turn adventurous,
They settle and linger
Over my lips that
Reflexly part,
My heightened breaths
Mirror my heart's
Frantic desirous
Almost climactic state,
Our fever grows delirious,
It won't now abate,
Until and unless
We satiate
And soothe it,
With fire, passionate.
I'd rehearsed this moment
You probably had too,
But as you lean closer,
Everything's impromptu,
You're nearer than
You've ever been,
Overwhelmed I stare at
Your intoxicating sheen,
We grow bolder and
The moment draws nigh,
But just when we're about to
Reach that amorous high,
I suddenly withdraw!
The silence enquires.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
But I don't know why!
'I've ruined it,
Like I've always done,
Our beautiful instant,
Our moment has gone!'
I rue to myself,
When you take me aback,
And with renewed vigor
Breathe on my neck,
Then, as your gentle kisses,
To my lips, slowly progress,
I note, when it's Love,
The moment never passes.
Ghazal Oct 2014
You probably saw her sometime, but
Didn't spare her more than a second look,
Demure girl, purple kurta-white salwar,
Quite routine, nothing out of the books.

Oh but I saw her, the true her,
Slender hands controlling a sturdy Enfield,
Salwar flapping wildly, freely against the wind.
Must admit, I couldn't stop looking!
And she totally made my day :D
Ghazal Oct 2014
My eyes are closed but
I can still appreciate,
Vividly, the shade
You emanate

My painted inamorato,
My radiant Sun,
Fiery, all-enveloping,
Verily, the One.
Ghazal Oct 2014
Oh Winter, I welcome you,
Your nippy air, your kindling hues,
And the tint they cast on my moods,
Oh Winter, if only you knew,

The simple pleasures your arrival bears-
The precious sleep that only your lullaby brings,
The sudden love for rich food you excite,
And so many other little 'winter things'-

Things like colourful gloves and socks,
And poor unsheltered, chilled pink nose tip,
And age-old pseudo-smoking out cold breath,
And cherry/strawberry/cocoa balms to coat the lips,

Doodling a beloved's name on a frosted window,
And tugging blanket under toes in bed, snugly,
The evening nap feeling more easing than ever,
Followed by heavenly gulps of warm milky coffee.

Oh Winter, despite, as the time of
Separation and Forlornness being ill-famed,
Each time you visit, you touch my senses
And leave them pleasantly tingling and inflamed.

For summer may be bright, sunny and sky-blue,
But you can be an enticing dark, a passionate maroon,
You mischievous cupid hiding under the garb of cosiness,
Refilling hearts with yearnings anew.

Welcome, dear Season of Romance,
Time to commence the routine all over again,
Of you- enthusing me with deep cold-warm sentiments,
And me- writing poems celebrating this eternal game.
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