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Nov 2018 · 160
Gerardo Manllo Nov 2018
traveling the world around my neck
like a big hug, it comforts, does not suffocate
Toronto to Lisbon
Dallas to Spain
each and every city reminds me of your name

it felt my song and my tears it wept
apparently you're not someone I can forget
for dreams came true while it warmed my chest
those dreams were empty 'cause you were not there

forever with me, like it or not
although it was yours, to me you passed it on
miles and miles, we're still far from each other
always holding on tight to your scarf, multicolor
May 2018 · 285
I didn't see you
Gerardo Manllo May 2018
One last cup of coffee
Before the end of the week
Before I jump in this path
Before I lift my feet

You saw me
I didn't see you
I can only imagine the thrill

Heart racing
Beat pumping
Wondering if you look good
From your hair to your outfit
Thinkin' "should I say hello?"
Whisperin' "look, there he goes"
I know we're both too afraid
To let each other go

Do not worry
I know how it works
One day you'll just smile
And greet me, "hello"
I'm not sure how
I'm not sure why
But that's all it takes
For my girl to come back.
Apr 2018 · 175
Gerardo Manllo Apr 2018
Si te escribo un verso mas
Te voy a besar
Jan 2018 · 226
I don't miss you
Gerardo Manllo Jan 2018
I don't miss you
Not on cold nights
Or on drunken getaways

I don't miss you
Not in the park wearing a hoodie
Or in your house making a smoothie

I don't miss you
Not in every heartbeat
Or in each breath

I don't miss you
Not even a little
Not at all

I'll keep repeating these things
Until the day comes
That I can finally say
Today, I don't miss you
Jan 2018 · 183
Gerardo Manllo Jan 2018
Yo seguí y me fuí
Tu te fuiste con el que sigue
Jan 2018 · 216
In the corner of my eye
Gerardo Manllo Jan 2018
Every time I'm in the street
People passing by
None of them look at me
Not even off the corner of their eyes

But every time I smell your perfume
I always turn around
In the hope that it's you
In the corner of my eye
Jan 2018 · 244
Not even close
Gerardo Manllo Jan 2018
They say every rose has its thorn
But you're not a rose
Not even close
You're a loaded gun
That aimed and shot
Straight through my heart
Jan 2018 · 165
god or me
Gerardo Manllo Jan 2018
you know I don't believe in you
maybe someday I did
but today, that feeling
has left every cell of me

you filled my life with light
every time I woke up
started my days with the calmness
of you being in my thought

you held me in your arms
you were my path
I don't know what the next step is
but I won't take it by your side

this isn't my story
or perhaps, it can be
if it's about my story with god
or your story with me
Jan 2018 · 212
o dios o conmigo
Gerardo Manllo Jan 2018
sabes que no creo en ti
si algun dia lo hice
hoy ese sentimiento ya no existe

llenabas mi vida de luz
al despertar cada mañana
empezar el dia sabiendo
que contigo no me detenia nada

fuiste mi soporte
fuiste mi camino
no se como vivir ahora
solo se que no es contigo

esta no es mi historia
o tal vez si lo ha sido
es verdad si yo hablo de dios
o si cuentas tu historia conmigo
Jan 2018 · 179
Gerardo Manllo Jan 2018
aqui estoy
acostado pensando en ti
donde todo empezo
un año ha pasado
y solo tengo tu recuerdo enjaulado

un sueño cumplido
no deje de ser tu mejor amigo
solo me converti en tu mejor motivo

viajamos juntos
descubrimos juntos
el mundo en nuestras manos
destruido por tus pensamientos vagos

pensar en ti
el sol de la mañana
entrando en la ventana
despertandonos de un sueño
para verme en tu mirada

dormir contigo
despertar a tu lado
vivir el sueño
para siempre enamorados

nunca entendere que paso
nunca podre sacarte de mi corazon

mi mejor amiga
convertida en mi novia
y en menos de un año
te rendiste con nuestra historia
Jan 2018 · 407
Que sabes tu de dolor
Gerardo Manllo Jan 2018
no era hombre
era solo un niño
la primera vez que senti frio

intente alejarme del juego del amor
pensaba que era yo un perdedor
y llegaste tu y todo cambio
senti lleno otra vez mi corazon

crei que eras feliz
crei que yo era suficiente
crei que a pesar de tu pasado
tendrias el valor de confiar libremente
que inocente

dices que te duele
que nunca habias querido tanto
que sabes tu de dolor
si nunca te has ahogado en llanto
que sabes tu de dolor
si me pegaste donde mas me duele
que sabes tu de dolor

ahora vivo del recuerdo
que alimenta mi esperanza
a veces me siento un idiota
por creerme yo estas palabras

he sufrido tanto
que el olvido ya es amigo
que la soledad ya es diaria
que no dejo de soñar contigo

te quiero tanto
que a pesar de todo lo escrito
te deseo de corazon
que jamas te toque vivirlo

— The End —