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I watched in silence, and from afar, as the new lighthouse was being built
I watched as the foundations were laid
I watched as the men, women, and creatures built that damnable tower
I watched them as they built up the first walls, then reinforced them against time itself
I saw a weakness where others could not
I watched as the sleek new tower rose from the ground
I watched as it was completed, the new light giving hope to those you need
I watched in silence, and from afar, as the new lighthouse was torn down by myself
The sleek new tower falling as easily as the original
I watched in silence, and from afar, as the process was repeated
A new tower, an old source of hope
No tower shall exist in the place of the original
For there shall be no hope in this dark corner
I continued to watch in silence, as another tower was constructed...
In the darkness stood a lone shadow
However, this shadow stood out in a unique way
It was darker, yet brighter, than the darkness around it
Acting as a beacon towards unwanted attention
It brought creatures towards itself, unknowing of its uniqueness
They were curious, but in their curiosity, they caused harm
The Shadow retreated, crossing vast distances across the land
Through deep caverns
Scaling impossible cliffs
Until it finally reached the tallest mountain
The creatures did not stop, they hounded the Shadow
Following it over impossible landscapes
Upon reaching the peak, the Shadow had but one choice
It ascended into the heavens above, where it was safe, and could not be followed
Without the darkness around it, it shone brighter, and darker than it
Becoming the Light of the darkened world below
There are two forces that are always with us
Chaos is unpredictable, unreasonable, unsatiable, a maelstrom, a shadow
It requires very little to succeed
It can take over our lives in flash
And we would never know it
For it is invisible, unnoticed
Order is organization, clarity, peace, a clear day, a light in the dark
It requires dedication and hard work in order to succeed
Sometimes it does not
When it does succeed, it is noticed from the the moment it exists in your life
Within me, there lies a dormant creature
That, when provoked will defend itself from harm
I know not how much strength it has
Only that, you should wish to be elsewhere when it awakens
This shroud of darkness is overwhelming
I stumble blindly through it, hoping to grasp onto something familiar
The most powerful of lanterns cannot, will not, pierce this shroud
The darkness, in itself, is alive, moving to engulf this world
Much like light, which only wishes to illuminate this world
But will not, for fear of being extinguished by the darkness
However, there is one torch, one light that defies this shroud
It tries tirelessly to pierce the shroud, continually failing
Until one day, the darkness relents under the powerful gaze, and recedes back
Allowing a single ray of light through
Although the ray is slim and starting to recede, it gives hope
Hope that light will touch this world again
This hope was not just limited to the inhabitants, but also to the lanterns, and torches, and any source of light
This hope became something the darkness feared
It became a force, a force so powerful that is caused lanterns and torches to ignite on their own
Other objects that shouldn't have, emitted a powerful light
The powerful light, which was everywhere, eroded the darkness away
The light triumphing over the darkness
The torch, the one that defied shone brighter than ever in the skys above, destroying any trace of the dark
Soon, the darkness was gone, even the shadows
Save for one shadow, MY shadow
And what a curious shadow it was
There was a shadow in this light one time
It was a curious shadow, for nothing was casting it
When I moved towards it, it too moved
When I moved away from it, it followed me
Wherever I went, the shadow was there
And then I realized, something so obvious
The shadow, however curious it was, belonged to me
Only once, was there light in this darkness
It was quickly extinguished, for reasons unknown
But while it was a blazing light
I traveled to it, over vast distances
Once I got close, I could see it falter
The closer I got, the more it seemed to
As I was near upon it, it blinked out
The building that housed it, a lighthouse in shape
Crumbled into ruins, into dust, leaving no trace
Only once, was there light in this darkness
And that one time, was the one time I felt hope
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