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 Nov 2012 George
T Zanahary
 Nov 2012 George
T Zanahary
Yesterday, tomorrow
the life before was.
I’ve met you before

                                                                                        as we sat down
                                                           i watched worlds align
                                                               in your movements
                                                                                  and stars become
                                                     black                                           holes
                                                                                      in jealousy
                                                              you are beautiful
                                                                                        you are beauty

we drank the night
to day;
dizzy, star-struck,
watching time stop
in our swaying movements

                                                                                                  too bad
                                                          she couldn’t hold her liquor
                                                              our drunken timelines
                                                                       in stumbled
                                                                                      skipping steps
                                                           i enjoyed
                                                                         our spinning thoughts
                                                                  and tongues sharing
                                                           aged language
                                                   alongside new bottles
                                                                                  until i was forced
                                                           to watch her phase
                                                                            in and out
                                                                                           of herself

that moon *****
must’ve had more
than she could handle,
because the next day
there was a new face
on her course,
wasting happy hours
shouting sad times
to morose microphones,

                                                                                         if you fail
                                                                                           to sing
                                                               your anger will
                                                                   leave you to scream
                                                                       and shout
                                                            stunningly simple

masking taxation of
tie-ins’ infusion inbreeding,
demonization of sharing similarities
left time socially awkward
and unacceptably indulgent
of the mindless self

                                                                                 tonight i will
                                                                       join myself in song
                                                it will be a hymn
                                                     rhythm saved by him
                                                          we’ll circle ‘til its begin

we’ve refin
 Oct 2012 George
Cara Samantha
I sing the blues because you and I
Are not the same

    You are the ravenous night
      The meteors that crash and burn
        That wicked breath, coming from a rotten core
           Filling up my lungs like liquid metal

    You are the cold I feel
       When I forget my coat on the chair
         That evil temptress that lures me in
           And then strangles me until I see white


                                     I want you to be the summer rain
                                 The neutral waves that roll over my toes
                              The words from my childhood stories
Caressing my mind with visions of castles in the sky

                                               I want you to be the eyes of a doe
                                         Who’s innocence has yet to be lost
                                      The soft snow that kisses my nose
And playfully bites my skin while dancing in circles

Then I wouldn’t have to sing the blues
Because I'd still love you
 Sep 2012 George
Kaleigh Kinner
Lost in myself, I cannot feel
Control I aim, I stumble and fall
Believing you, that's why I lose
Emotionless, I'm falling apart

Reaching for you but falling through
Confused I am, I'm losing ground
Embraced by you in my own mind
Holding on to the sweet beliefs

Calling out my own reality,
Screaming out all my fears
Overwhelmed by all insanity,
Sacrificed a thousand tears

Calling out in pain my weaknesses,
Fighting to get back whole
Overwhelmed by madness,
Lost in the darkness of my soul.

— The End —