We drop a bomb here
we destroy a forest there
why should we even care.
We scar our precious lands
we blacken our waters
who cares about our sons and daughters.
Lets take what we can, here it lies
and again mother earth cries.
We can build a dam there
we will drain this lake here
it's okay the animals have nothing to fear.
We cut through a mountain
we pave over a field
but it's okay the earth heals.
The *** of gold, there it lies
and again mother earth cries.
We've hurt her so bad
we've really torn her down
and yet she let's us stay around.
She doesn't ask for much
all she can do is give and give
but the human race won't let her live.
Here's our lady, we don't hear her cries
instead mother earth slowly dies.
Available in UNFINISHED SONGS on Amazon.com