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1.5k · Mar 2017
George Raitt Mar 2017
Step out the back door.
Chickens peck my toes. Mistake?
Or do they want food?
1.4k · Jun 2016
Capital Museum (Beijing)
George Raitt Jun 2016
You know things are past
When they are put in a museum.
Thus the lived present passes
Into history and the architecture
Of the museum declares
The future to the excited
Children who cavort and shout,
Racing from exhibit to exhibit.
George Raitt Aug 2016
It is late dry season.
The creek bed an empty, rocky,
Corridor to remaining pools.
Climbing a slight crest,
An improbable rock,
Artfully shaped and poised,
Balanced atop a tall pillar,
Reveals the hand of nature.
Below rock ledges polished
By water and burnished by sun
Lies a deep pool of clear water.
Lilly pads float on long tendrils.
Purple lotus flowers open to the sun.
In the water, the Lilly pads,
Impossibly green, cling
To the surface, on which
Water skimmers dart to and fro,
Dragon fly hover, and lazy fish
Swim by, all unperturbed
by the floating human.
Across the pool's outlet, tall saplings
Of grevillea sway in the light breeze.
Parrots balance in the swaying tops,
Their orange shoulder colours
Match the grevillea flowers.
A lone fruit bat, separated
From the colony, climbs hand
Over hand, up and down branches,
To share the nectar.
In the afternoon shade
Of paper bark trees and
White barked eucalypts,
Sitting on the smooth rock,
Which gives comfort without
Being comfortable, the warmth
Of the rock against wet skin
Links us to others who have lain here
Sharing these sensations.
The European name for this place, on Mt Charnley Station, in the Kimberley, is inadequate. You will know it when you see it.
The parrots are more correctly called "rainbow lorikeets".
924 · Jun 2016
For Marianne Moore
George Raitt Jun 2016
You had given up by the 1970s,
Just as I realised the 'art'
in accountancy is to reveal the beauty
in the numbers; and later,
writing contracts for a living,
that 'art' is in the beauty of the words.
Thank you for your verse:
Poetry is in everything,
including business documents,
that captures our imagination.
Refer to her 1921 poem in the Norton Anthology, which I paraphrase: "Poetry...  I too dislike it ... Reading it however with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in it after all, a place for the genuine ..."
656 · Nov 2016
Beach, morning
George Raitt Nov 2016
At the high water
Mark, urchins sit perfectly
At rest in the sand.

Spines still shiny red.
Sand swept clean by receding
Water. Too late now.
George Raitt Jun 2016
There are no words
For that feeling
That precedes tears.
The eyes lose their sparkle
And focus, chin falls, and
Lips tremble.
The loneliness of it all
Seems worse in the crowd
Jostling at the change of lights,
Pedestrians, scooters, cyclists,
Cars turning, ignoring us all
Standing like sheep,
Huddled together for safety.
In this strange city
I have no language to ask
'Are you all right?'
And in the moment of
This thought arising,
That cannot be put into words,
The lights change and the tide
Of the pressing throng turns,
Sweeping us on without
Another thought.
541 · Oct 2015
George Raitt Oct 2015
Inside my helmet
First my right ear then my left
Asks my mind to scratch.
523 · Aug 2016
Mindil beach
George Raitt Aug 2016
When the red glow of sunset
Shines its last,
Will we stroll, bored,
Unconcerned, a slight
Sheen of sweat
On our pallid complexion?
Or like the hermit *****
Beneath my feet,
Live each day in a hurry?
I think they were in fact soldier *****.
509 · Jul 2016
George Raitt Jul 2016
At last the wind fades away.
In the clear night sky
Stars send their message
From the past.
Through the stillness,
The roar and thunder
Of waves breaking on the reef.
Protection from the turmoil
Of the outside world.
503 · Apr 2017
George Raitt Apr 2017
Mastered by man, trees
Adapt to survive, waiting
Till tyranny ends.
We have s national bonsai collection  (not in Japan), created by local artists these last 60 years, amazing, but...
George Raitt May 2019
Love, said the rose, is a perfume.
Love is a murmur, said the water.
Love is a sigh, said the zephyr.
Love, said the light, is a flame.

Oh, how you have lied! (Quanto mendito!)
Love is a tear.
Josefa wrote in Spanish. I read her bio on Wikipedia only after posting this!!
476 · Oct 2016
George Raitt Oct 2016
Jabiru. Brolga.
Kookaburra. King parrots,
Blue wrens, now black swans.
George Raitt Aug 2016
I saw your dot painting
In the Art Gallery of the NT.
Dots on the theme of green
Attracted me, drawing me close
To read the curator's note:
"This painting expresses
The sensation of floating
In water and feeling
It's healing force."
Your painting and my poem
On the Lilly pond refer
To this same truth.
Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, synthetic polymer paint on linen, 152 cm x 92 cm.
466 · Aug 2015
George Raitt Aug 2015
It takes a long time
To burn out an old tree stump
Aged beyond measure.
437 · Dec 2015
George Raitt Dec 2015
Carving a polystyrene heart.
Turning the white shape,
In hands held close to my chest.
Slicing with the sharp blade,
Suddenly my hands are stained
Scarlet - can a styrene heart bleed?
Just ink on my sweaty hands.
The carved heart takes its place
In a sand mould - vaporised
By molten metal to become
My cold, cast iron, heart.
432 · May 2015
George Raitt May 2015
Fallen leaves piled high.
Rustle crunch kick, footsteps slide.
Why walk around them?
425 · Apr 2015
George Raitt Apr 2015
Through coconut oil
Sun burns, Sweat beads. Undeterred,
Green ants explore me.
415 · Dec 2015
Old book, old film
George Raitt Dec 2015
Book of short stories,
Published 1927. Passed
To my mother by her father,
Then to me. A receipt from
Some forgotten purchase,
From March 2001,
Marks a page, a short story
"The Last Leaf".
The camera pulls back
From a close-up: one defiant vine
Leaf on a snow swept wall,
A sign of hope to the child, near death,
Who gazes on it from her window
In the new day dawning.
The camera pans down
To the ground below; fallen ladder,
Artists brushes and the figure,
Presumed dead, of the has-been artist beneath his last great work.
Eyes water; sniffles won't stop.
Try to think.
Restored faith in altruism?
Distrust of poets and their power?
It all comes crashing down to this -
Mother, father, self.
394 · Apr 2015
Seattle 5am, 19th Floor
George Raitt Apr 2015
Woken by the unexpected pre-dawn chatter of birds,
From the furthest reaches of the darkness below,
A woman's voice screams
"Who do you fucken think you are?"
391 · Nov 2015
George Raitt Nov 2015
I can still hear
My maiden aunt's voice
As she said of my cousin,
'Stephen's a wonder!'
I was envious then,
But that was 50 years ago.
At his funeral the other day
His friends paid tribute
To the man they still call
"The Wonder".
388 · Oct 2016
George Raitt Oct 2016
Mars, Antares and
Jupiter moved apart, but
Still see each other.
For months they have been a tight triangle in the sky overhead, but have now separated.
388 · Sep 2016
George Raitt Sep 2016
Is it only gods who cast
Their form onto stone
When their work is done?
Looking for rock art,
My companion said
I stood up too fast
After searching in vain
Under an overhang.
As I turned to continue
The search, the scaly bark
Of a tree sparkled
Like silver crystals,
The dry Savannah grasses
Glowed white like an
Over-exposed photograph.
The path between them led
To a gallery where a larger
Than life-sized Wandjina
Lay full length on the wall.
The touch of untold fingers
Revealed a gendered image.
From her head rose
A strange protuberance.
I had seen similar
In a distant dream:
heart pounding,
I had confronted
An unearthly feline.
Nothing since, until
An Inca figurine in an
Exhibition years later.
All remain unexplained.
Athena being born
From the head of Zeus?
382 · May 2015
George Raitt May 2015
Can the camera and the poet capture
What the mind cannot see?
Is the 'candy cigarette' the voice
Calling the sitter and the viewer alike?
Is it because our number did not
Come up
That we want the voice in McDonald's
'Outside Saigon' to be real?
Google should identify the photo and poem concerned. Does it matter?
382 · Dec 2015
George Raitt Dec 2015
Crank case cover. Fingers
Help bolts find their thread.
381 · Jun 2015
George Raitt Jun 2015
Golden light warms
hilltops above our valley.
Campfire smoke rises.
370 · Mar 2015
Morning yoga
George Raitt Mar 2015
stretching taller than I am,
Muscles tense, breath contracts,
Warmth of the sun rising
Beyond the hill-crest touches
My body facing that way.
Gently the breeze, still cool
From the clear night,
Let's me know what it is
To stand midway, neither
One nor the other.
368 · Jan 2016
George Raitt Jan 2016
The emergency department of a hospital in an outback town.
The unrelenting gaze of the camera.
We watch a father try to comfort his young son.
Medical science cannot explain the boy's fits; further tests do not help.
The camera repeatedly focuses on the father's hands: rough hands
With dirt under the fingernails
Tenderly trying to comfort the boy.
Another patient, a young man who fell from his motorbike a week ago
And now has constant headaches.
His partner, a young woman wearing a high-viz work shirt, looks into the camera to tell his story; her eyes
Show us her innermost fears.
It turns out he is OK. Not so the elderly
Woman suffering from terminal cancer Who fell and bashed her head.
With good cheer she lets the doctors fix her up
So she can go home. A postscript tells us the cancer later took its expected course.
Time for something more cheery? How about
A documentary about a mass wedding
Performed by the Reverend Moon?
Young people from every continent
Gather to marry people they do not know.
Arranged by parents and the church.
Blessings of peace and love to them.
People submit to the strangest things.
George Raitt May 2019
After two thousand
Years of human strife, sparrows
Chirp and play within.
Most likely the tree was a cypress, three stories tall.
357 · Nov 2015
George Raitt Nov 2015
Every day the wind
Has erased your footsteps from
The previous day.
353 · May 2016
North westerly
George Raitt May 2016
A strong north westerly wind
blows out of a clear sky.
Walking this shore of sand
swept high, covering rocky ground,
firm and cool under foot,
brings back memories of last October,
the first swim of summer,
the warming sun, the still-too-cold water.
Long before that, sailing to windward
against a north westerly wind and sea,
plugging away against spray and waves,
seemingly endless, till at last, calm water.
The words of the novel  stop my tracks:
"So we beat on, boats against the current,
borne back ceaselessly into the past."
Looking out to sea under today's clear sky,
the sun slowly warms after a swim, likely
the last of this summer, before
our coldest months, wind and showers
sweep in from the southern ocean,
until October comes round again.
The thought warms me, and turning
into the wind and sunshine, I walk
back home along the beach.
345 · Mar 2017
High level
George Raitt Mar 2017
The lake is full now.
Lapping the spillway. Under
Water, last year's beach.
344 · Nov 2015
George Raitt Nov 2015
Unseen snow below.
Against the blue sky the burnt
Bleached branches of eucalypts.
339 · Dec 2015
George Raitt Dec 2015
Flickering candle.
Citronella smells so nice.
Don't feel mozzies bite.
337 · Jul 2016
Toward Ceduna
George Raitt Jul 2016
Winter rains. Winter
Sun. Mile after mile wheat fields
Sprout fluorescent green.
334 · Jun 2021
After the storm
George Raitt Jun 2021
Trees keep falling down.
We saw, cut, drag them away.
More fuel for the fire.
324 · May 2019
Museum of Fine Arts
George Raitt May 2019
Portraits row on row
Display early British and
American art.

Notable old men,
Newly weds, and families.
Pinned like butterflies.
321 · Sep 2016
George Raitt Sep 2016
In the wee hours, when
I step out the  tent, moonlight.
Orion watches.
316 · Apr 2016
George Raitt Apr 2016
All my verses past
And future, glow and shimmer.
Coals in the campfire.
311 · Aug 2016
Mt Charnley Station
George Raitt Aug 2016
Lilly pads, water
skimmers, dragon fly, small fish,
ignore floating me.
This is enough, but I had to go back. There is more.
311 · Feb 2016
Not yoga
George Raitt Feb 2016
Lying, not stretching.
New leaves green above. The sky
Mesmerising blue.
310 · Jun 2016
George Raitt Jun 2016
The past is not what we thought
It was at the time. It is
What we now wish it to be.
It must be thus
If we are to change
Our future.
310 · Dec 2015
George Raitt Dec 2015
I think it was Ashbery who said it,
But I've looked high and low
Without finding the source.
Like snow silently falling
While you are sleeping,
Till the tent pole breaks
Under the accumulated weight,
And you struggle outside
Naked in the beauty of the night.
Nature keeps on plugging away
While we are otherwise occupied.
309 · May 2016
George Raitt May 2016
I wish to acknowledge my sources.
The "ursprung" of the work of art
Brings to mind the source of the Nile,
A field of knee-high grass rippling
In a gentle breeze beneath a clear sky,
Water springs up from the ground
To begin its journey to the sea.
Beyond the hill-crest white turbulent
Clouds rise majestic and threatening,
Carrying moisture borne by the wind
From far away; who knows where
The cycle begins and ends?
George Raitt Aug 2015
When I told my kids
One was seen in the car park
My son ran inside.
That was 15 years ago. Now someone has titled a book after it.
302 · Oct 2015
George Raitt Oct 2015
To write a poem
In seventeen syllables
Is very diffic.
Not my own, but I like it!
302 · May 2016
No translation needed
George Raitt May 2016
Written in water
On stone path, calligrapher's
Words evaporate.
297 · May 2016
No shadow
George Raitt May 2016
You cannot get lost in the bush
Because you are where you are.
Walk in any direction
And you will come out somewhere.
In a film I didn't like at first,
The lead characters are lost
In a swamp searching
For rare orchids; the guide,
The orchid thief, sets up a stick
To find the Sun's shadow,
Musing "It's not about collecting
The thing itself; it's about getting
Immersed in something;
Having it become part of your life;
It's a kind of direction".
Then he knocks over the stick.
There is no shadow to help us.
He and I chose a direction to go,
And it took us away from all that.
Acknowledgment to Charlie Kaufman.
296 · Mar 2017
George Raitt Mar 2017
Twist the T-bar, tamp.
Lift out, dump soil. Drive crowbar
To soften. Repeat.

Drop post into hole.
Pummel rocks and soil to fill.
Feel the firm fence post.
George Raitt Oct 2016
I never listened
To your lyrics, until now.
My dream has a place.

I cannot regret
Leaving, nor can I return
To it as it was.
Very moving lyrics. The melody rings a bell, but I listened to the lyrics as if for the first time only the other day. The places of childhood remain real even if the people are only now faded in memory.
295 · Dec 2017
Museum (Liverpool)
George Raitt Dec 2017
The white piano.
Sound recording endlessly
Playing 'Imagine'.
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