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O Lord Jesus,  you are the beginning and end.
You have map out each of our lives completely.
For you know our every move before we do them.
You whom walk on water while you lived on the earth.
You O Lord whom spoke everything into existence
You whom was born , so that you could give your life.
On the cross that you could take our sins upon you.
Then raise up again back to life, so that we can be rescued.
From a life that is destine for eternal damnation away from you.
 May 2014 Georgia Martin
 May 2014 Georgia Martin
I am stranger to the taste
of candor, honor, or courage

a bland and simple fruit.

Exceptional at nothing,
I am exceptionally nothing--

withered from the stem,
the whole way through.

However I have seen
the pallor in your cheek:
a tempting succulence.

Salvation rests beneath
your ripened skin.

I will break the unmarked flesh

I will learn

to be
honorable too,

once I have had

the whole of you.
 Jun 2013 Georgia Martin
safe respite from a scary movie
i woke with bags under my eyes
heartbeats under dryer sheets

you could carry me quite far
i loved for you to grasp my hands
they smelled of sweat and cinnamon

first cigarette sixth kiss
you wrote me notes, i burnt them all
of you i do not speak

you whispered as i wore
your granite jacket; i have yet to tell you that
it's been my favorite color since

you were damp new leaves
weathering fall's best storm
and i destroyed you just as completely

wet rain long fingers
i rest and watch you speak
i believe
you may be
the final sequence
A poem for the humans I've fallen in love with.
 May 2013 Georgia Martin
 May 2013 Georgia Martin
Your eye
is the single thing.

I will fill it
with summer weeds
little stalks
no wrinkles
weighed with rain, like lungs of June.

I will fill it
with the hush of grass
with sun
your quiet lips like prayers, on my tongue.

You must never meet
puckered soil
wasted stems
no sickness
in this summer age.

Your eye will never fill
with these
wringing hands--
this ceiling without a star.

I will care for you.
 Apr 2013 Georgia Martin
I want to be
in a flesh warm home
with walls the color
of bone.

One of the homes
where ugly is kept
'neath fresh white faces

and all that lies
'hind lily frames
inevitably erases.
 Apr 2013 Georgia Martin
You always come to mind at dark.

Your flesh dissolves
through my open hands--

your scent becomes fleet
and pale.

Sometimes I'll inhale
a warm clove of you

but more often

I inhale you through.
 Apr 2013 Georgia Martin
I was told that the people you love
turn to ghosts inside of you
and like this, they survive.

But no one's ever told
how it feels to become the ghosts
that loathe being kept alive.
I've been gone, feedback is very welcome.
 Apr 2013 Georgia Martin
I've learned to submerge
in sparse droplets of
your scent and skin

I let them melt on my tongue
so that they may sustain
my body for months

I will bathe in this for a moment
but your fresh wet scent
will linger

and I refuse to quench this thirst

though I know I'm going to drown.
Work in progress, what do you think of it.
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