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Dec 2014 · 476
To Dust
George C Dec 2014
Where is the end and what is the end,
Is the end the place where time will bend,
Is the end the place where recollection occurs,
Of all the peaks passed and valleys endured,
Will we be saved,
Or will we be taken away,
Is there a choice


only to dust we turn
Dec 2014 · 384
The Fate of Free Will
George C Dec 2014
There was faith in his absent mind.

Or was it just the mere need to be blind?
Is faith imaginary,
Or is this imagination his only reality?

He is free
Oct 2014 · 487
I wish I could be shallow
George C Oct 2014
I who am enlightened, enlightens.

Althought the greatest fear or evil of all is indeed omniscience.

Fear omniscience.

The people who don't have the will to think deeper are technically happier

We should not be able to know that everything is nothing.
Knowledge brings us deeper and deeper and deeper with an absolute, ultimate ending at nothing
It's like a tunnel that everyone's in but there's no way of going back except: UNDERSTANDING
But then again understanding is a knowledge. The loop.
The third eye exists, this is the third eye.
Third eye is the "loop" realization.

But one thing is what can save anyone. That's when the thinking ends.
Where it all ends is when thoughts are reached with another's, that's when thinkings done, and that something else is the savior. A soul.
Oct 2014 · 522
With Time I Fly
George C Oct 2014
It's just a buncha **** I wish could do,
Yet with this **** strife I'm only subdued,
Clueless on what to wait on now,
Constantly a smile flipped into a frown,
I wonder what it takes to not be so bound,
Constantly punished I question what's the cause,
The fate, karma, or just God's given smiteful pause
Feb 2014 · 805
George C Feb 2014
Water drips from the sink
A body races a droplet's fall
Witnessed by nothing but a
Third eye
A sequential cry,
Above it all
Jan 2014 · 553
One Sense
George C Jan 2014
The almost-soulless ring of a soft piano key,
Every single one
A separate thought,
Like the,
Smooth lullaby-like tones of silence
Jan 2014 · 2.6k
A Permanent Winter pt 1
George C Jan 2014
A man lonely and so cold,
Trying hard to grasp an aura
He assumes to trust to not reveal the hidden,
Until unknown souls spot the flaw

Cowardly thoughts he fails to hold back,
Paranoid, so paranoid his nerves become barbed,
His mind darkened as he's blinded,
His words cruelly reversing any remaining trust,
His screams so beyond chilling they sear the mere
Love left in a heart

Though only so few understand to not blame,
To not blame a man ensconced by a cold world,
Only trying to survive with a fire he himself sadly creates
Jan 2014 · 2.0k
George C Jan 2014
The darkness of where you sit
Ensures you get goosebumps
Until that one little light is lit,

The darkness of where you sit
Ensures your insides crawl in you then crumble,
Until that one little light is lit

The darkness of where you sit
Will wait until you embrace it's lack of color,
Until you embrace its untroubled silence,
Until you embrace its weakened will,
Its calm shroud of absence,
Its unexpected peace.

So restrain.
No light needs to be lit
Dec 2013 · 461
George C Dec 2013
There will never be such a thing like
Floating up to the surface to try again,
So embrace your depths,
Along with another's arms
This isn't love
Nov 2013 · 482
George C Nov 2013
So quick to always speak the mind
Yet stumble over those same thoughts

Controlled thinking,
Doesn't really
Does it?
Nov 2013 · 935
George C Nov 2013
You are never gone but forgotten,
As if you still glide by my mind,
Every night when I lay to go blind,
And every day to which I awaken,
You never cease keeping me shaken,
As if my desire for something like you,
Is something that is simply in me, imbued,
Certainly and powerfully confused,

And so I held a definite truth,
Destroyed to become a part of an imagination,
Sadly always more-so a fantasy of our youth

Now as we understand,
Plagued by truth,
The magic of naïveness,
Will always be

Gone but never forgotten
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
The Unlucky Outside Shade
George C Nov 2013
They can feel you falling away,
Never longer the same, Never longer,
Unable to break,
And may someone who feels for you,
Help you out of the rays of the sun,
May they help you glide by its shadows,
For the most obvious reasons,
Though that very few
Can purely

And so with those thoughts I swiftly walk by the dark street,
With a light in the distance but so far away its,
Dimmed to me.

And so I think for someone else,
Not myself
For once,
As I hear the baby cry its cry and sob its sob,
While I walk,
As I hear some other mom tell her daughter,
That next year it won't be a school night,
Next year she can sleep over,
Next year she can do this
And do that,
Just be prepared.

And so with those thoughts I swiftly walk by the dark street,
With a light in the distance but so far away its,
Dimmed to me.

Sometime afterwards,
I'm hit by the intoxication of imagination,
The visuals that form spontaneous speech,
And words that form anything but sentences,
Though they form expression,
Nothing like this, though.

And so with those thoughts I swiftly walk by the dark street,
With a light in the distance but so far away its,
Dimmed to me.

And So I'll walk again,
Maybe in this night or,
Maybe in the upcoming day,
Well really,
In the upcoming true episode of life that hits me soonest,
Nothing of the sort regarding the past,
Nothing of the sort regarding now,
And nothing of the sort regarding the future,
Whatever hits me that is a timeless presence.

The whole problem is that the timeless presence is one of a kind,
One of a kind that barely anyone is willing to find,
And I dare someone to slash me blind,
The timeless peace that is yet with my life aligned,
Will find me when I find it
Sep 2013 · 817
George C Sep 2013
When I forget you it's gonna be the end of time,
It'l be when that last word you say,
Continues on as a beautiful fading chime,
Fading away as I grab it,
Through that blurry well-known threshold,
That separates us from us,
That separates me from me,
So on I can go,
And on you can show,
That it's something,
Like a voice,
that can be carried,
Through an illusionary eternity
Sep 2013 · 785
George C Sep 2013
I guess you could say
It'l be a soon to be mystery,
Something new,
Where thoughts just won't align,
Something that we've all once embraced,
A long long time ago,
When no thoughts were traced,
By ourselves,
Because of the fear of ourselves,
It was a long long time ago,
When nothing was understood,
And once things hit you,
They puncture the very center of your soul,
And it depends on who you are for how to take it,
How to take the hate,
How to take death,
And how to take fate,
But I think it's safe to say,
Eventually everything goes away,
A scary and traumatizing thought but
The key is to take it differently,
Once everything goes away,
It doesn't really go away,
It stays for the right people to embrace,
And the wrong people to jealously face,
But its up to you to create,
And the mystery, is really...
What is it, and who are you?
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
She Walks the Daisy Fields
George C Sep 2013
Her mind free, floating among the beautiful vacancy,
Cloudless skies with a limitless view,
Smooth pedals gliding among her bare shins,
With every delicate step...

Revealed in the distance on her voyage,
Is a home on the range,
Where she spent her whole life,
Except a life a little different,
From the one of this day
The only difference -

The home on the range,
Singled out from any other place around,
A place so strange,
Where nothing ever survives a change

The single gray cloud...
Showering the home on the range,
A simple darkness,
The only darkness,
Never going away,
Never going away.

She's unsure whether if,
She'l stay,
Alone, in the vacancy,
Unchained from the home on the range,
Alone, but among a beauty,

And so maybe not only for this day,
Maybe she'l roam for a while

Her mind free, floating among the beautiful vacancy,
Cloudless skies with an unlimited view,
Smooth pedals gliding among her bare shins,
With every delicate step
Bit of writer's block...
Just a desire to put a certain thought down in words
Sep 2013 · 730
Shackled Runner
George C Sep 2013
Abandoning consciousness because of the absence of sense,
No thinking, not anymore no, no thinking,
And so here he is walking past mom and dad
Cap tilted down to hide a bloodshot mess,
Fearful thoughts beating on his temples,
And so he barely makes it,
To a guilty sleep

And the same tomorrow,
A creation of sorrow..

But it's only saying one thing to wear a tilted cap covering the eyes,
You're only living to die,
Only dying a lie
For a friend
Sep 2013 · 464
George C Sep 2013
Lets share that sight of waves

Every wave, in the dark
Every breath exchanged

Lets make it so only the moon
Can witness us,
And spotlight our truth
Aug 2013 · 334
The Illusion of Life
George C Aug 2013
We sleep for a about a fourth of our lives,
While dreaming for 6 years,
And upon waking up,
Most of these dreams,
Are forgotten

The only happy life
Is forgotten

The fantasy,
Is forgotten.

And so we live,
And die, every night,

And we actually wake up,
As we lay down,
...Without knowing so
Aug 2013 · 451
Usual Issues
George C Aug 2013
See that's the issue with these usual issues
They get old
Really old
So old, that
Every word
I hear
Never ceases to make my ears bleed,
******* these issues,
These issues, These issues

Well ****..
Every couple of days,
Mom needs a refill of tissues
Jun 2013 · 1.9k
You, Lone Wolf
George C Jun 2013
It seems as if,
You only witness the death of time,
And fail to experience it

Making this mistake is horrid,
Watching death as it luridly kills

No, Please

Encounter me
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
George C Jun 2013
Leaning over the balcony smoking a cigarette,
Exhaling life and Inhaling death,
Head hanging low,
Hopeless **** up.

Throwing away everything hoping to get something,
Releasing tears that burn,
Salty tears, on a
Torn face
For a friend
Jun 2013 · 641
Stream of Unconciousness
George C Jun 2013
Depths concealed behind
the drapes of Impossibility,
Treasure chests locked up under
the restrictions of Vision

Travel a location none other than
the Ocean,
To unveil the beauty of wild Secrecy

Drift into the limbo dimension,
Of baby blue instead of white

Letting fate evenutally take control
To carry into to a Bottomless pit

A pit where only Darkness resides
Bred by the colors of all light,
A simple absurd nature
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
George C Jun 2013
So I want to hear why,
The devil is a bad guy,
Doesn't he punish evil-doers?
But I don't want to hear
That he's the good guy.
He's an Ordinary guy,
A guy with bad and, well,
Good qualities

Defined by image is a man
With red hands
Also defined by image is a man
With invisible yet almighty hands

Defined by truth is an Ordinary guy
George C Jun 2013
Letting opportunity slip
Struggling to find a motive.
When everything crumbles down
Happiness in the end causing a frown
Sad things making you drown.
Some people are physically put together perfection,
Yet mentally sloppy,
Born original,
But now dying a copy.
And endurance to find the point is fading out
Time will come to take away what life's about
And slowly, lights will dim so that all you see
Is the sight you had first seen
And some shallow thinking,
Leaving you in the deep end,
Rays of light glimmering in a blur,
So peaceful,
Creating the only thing that causes a beginning
The end
May 2013 · 706
Relative (Haiku)
George C May 2013
Thunder strikes my hearing
Foreshadowed by lightning
Demise before death
May 2013 · 687
A Night's Last Thought
George C May 2013
Darkness in a room where I lay forever
Embodied by a world that guarantees

So I'll lift spirits up and ask,
To trap me in a graceful heaven
Created by a simple unconscionable love.

And just as a last thought,
I'll laugh at my nightmare
And I'll strive to never be
A shadow in memories
May 2013 · 484
Gone By (Haiku)
George C May 2013
Approaching deep sleep
The one and only short spark
Of true timeless peace
May 2013 · 650
George C May 2013
Sitting in a room with 20 people,
Dimmed lights, door closed, voices lowered,
Vision wavy and I'm thinking slow,
Only thing normally appearing is her on the opposite end
Hell did I see her crystal clear,
Reflecting the dimmed light into my eyes,
It's her mere sight,
Smile traded for a smile back,
Definitely felt something right,
Everyone shifts to the couches in the lightless room,
I knew it was going to happen soon,
She and I exchange whispers,
While Jealousy caves in on the others,
Everything happens so slow ,
Yet the time races, there's no tomorrow,
And as we approach each others' close aura,
Her friend sears her with a gaze as if she has no idea,
Go on now open the the box of Pandora,
As lips almost touch they take her, they leave,
Claiming to be past curfew, as if I'd believe,
Though I don't understand what had just occurred,
Nothing happened yet they fled like birds,
I feel sad and mad and even recent memory is blurred,
Only thing I see clear is her,
As she walks away sad and stirred,
No form of goodbye exchanged,
Everything simply deferred,
I go home.
And I wonder why she gave me this curse,
Mentally attached, ****, put my thoughts in a hearse,
Nothing could happen that's worse.
Someone tell me why,
Her earring is currently clung onto my shirt
No idea what to call this
Don't even know if its a poem
May 2013 · 871
George C May 2013
Branches fall as time goes
Roots strengthen as health flows
And leaves fall out of reach.

Winter hits with strong chills
The inside becomes cold
Frozen from life
Numb by strife.

Though seasonal growth will come about
The figure of itself will change from a pout
But seasonal death will once again pilfer.

Vast change resulting in the same thing
Sounds a little like how insanity sings
So waiting will be best, till I see

A lengthy hope will
Fall, fall, fall
Out of reach
May 2013 · 443
Phantom Fantasy
George C May 2013
As a piano is played
I'll falter into a never ending gaze,
Imagination beautifully crazed
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
The Expectation Puzzle
George C Apr 2013
There is always a cold and uncomfortable bench
A bench for each and every person to reassess life
To sit and discover the simple gaze to the end of vision
And the random yet not so aimless wonder that uncontrollably arrives
To define the hidden pure happiness that doesn't bloom
A possibly imaginative belief
Only present after a life's defeat
Apr 2013 · 843
George C Apr 2013
As so far back he cares to remember
He pictures seeing his old man lose the temper
And the angels face is one to be punished
The same angel that protects from old mans rage
Forcefully putting herself in another place
It's been going on for uncounted years
Simply put, hair fallen out for fear
Every day it would happen inside
Kept away from everyone till the day that he died
And now the anger lives on through their son
He who saw, caught it all, a whole childhood raw
Everything, so dark, covering up to hide the marks
But under force there's an attempt to justify a returning
Pretend that he's just a hurt person
Let the little one be the last to pray
Please don't stay
Apr 2013 · 739
George C Apr 2013
The fact that a nightmare becomes truth
Shatters hope for a life of dreamt fantasy
Dare to blame me for a life uncouth
Traumatize whats left of me
Apr 2013 · 417
Visible (Haiku)
George C Apr 2013
Foggy to the minds
Yet so clear to many hearts
Apr 2013 · 510
A Little Something Profound
George C Apr 2013
On my silent walks home
When I see people
I try to make a movie
In my mind
About their life
Maybe compare it
To mine
For no known reason
Apr 2013 · 769
I Really Do Wonder
George C Apr 2013
Some nights, I may act like all that's in me is love
But really, my mind is just giving me a little shove
Every single time, I end up regretting and forgetting
Not caring about the days we spent from the sun rising to setting
Only remembering a little fun we had
Many say this is sad
Judge me, tell me that on the inside I'm bad
But hell do I know that those few nights are special
I tend to pour out everything of me, and make her feel celestial
Just understand that whatever you call me
Fake, shallow, untrustworthy
I don't mean to be like this
A simple someone to reminisce
'Cause after I give her the world
Nothing is left and feelings are hurled

I'll disappear real fast with no explanation
Leaving her while stealing her only elation
For no reason leaving her where she was led

Now someone tell me,
Am I the only one trapped in this emptiness of mind
Equivalent vision in this world to the blind
Am I the only one to never care in the end
It would be lucky if I even stay a friend
Every single **** time hah
Mar 2013 · 331
Silently (Haiku)
George C Mar 2013
Softly step through to
A world unguided to few
Experience truth
Mar 2013 · 618
The Final Words
George C Mar 2013
A single night where coming home can be at peace
A single moment when the hatred would cease
A single day to wake up and feel the pain release
It just doesn't exist

Dead love of another surrounds my mood
Sickening grudge fails to remain contained
And despair quickly quakes my mind
Leaving me simply, too tired

I'll say one thing,
After everyone dies
Mar 2013 · 499
Refusing to Think
George C Mar 2013
So many things piercing the brain
Pacing up and down while peeking through panes
Pacing up and down while dealing with the pain
Doing the same thing over and over slowly going insane
Beginning to understand the hate for loved ones, even so approaching bane

Everything sinking into ears
So similar to the evil bringing tears

And you, lay on the couch with a beer
******* hypocrite, continue to sneer  

Feel being held away from the doors
Unable to escape,
Be bound to this floor
Mar 2013 · 706
George C Mar 2013
I found you
I love you
I enjoy you
I understand you
I connect with you
I unlink you
I unlearn you
I neglect you
I hate you
I lose you

Where are you
The new you
Mar 2013 · 556
George C Mar 2013
Stretched smiles and
shrunk eyes and
pink cheeks.

Hands up and
head high and
restless feet.

Lights bright and
people shine and
everyone's kind

Its all a joke.
Just a poke.
Go on, pretend to cope.
Feb 2013 · 612
The Blazed Words
George C Feb 2013
Signs of Satan solidifies the air in his lungs
Lavishly he leans and proceeds with his fun
Finger on the trigger with the bullet waiting in the gun
Cry on the inside and regret what you've done
Too late, too late, too late
You're not gonna wanna run
The fading of the last bit of you has begun
Be shunned
Feb 2013 · 349
Something else
George C Feb 2013
Laying down in the silence of night
Surrounded by nothing but nothing
Staring at a bright screen where I write
Exchanging thoughts and remaining caught
Up by the mind of another
Feb 2013 · 643
George C Feb 2013
Dark red blood seeps through the cracks of the cement,
As innocent life is slowly drained out of the body,
While memories flash through the mind at incredible speed,
And all pain fades away with consciousnesses.
Soft eyelids shut,
Tight hands start to unclench,
Slow breath calmly falters,
A relative life,
Forever altered
Feb 2013 · 577
My Worry
George C Feb 2013
With so much to do
In such little time
Again and again a problem
A problem coming repetitively with time

Even more, the issues stack up like a castle of cards
Fast to blow over, reek havoc and die

The enemy is time
The lack of time
The cruelty of time

The feeling of being overwhelmed,
Instilled into my mind,
Till it reaches a peak,
And my problems die
Feb 2013 · 405
Simple Wishes
George C Feb 2013
Desire to connect,
Sharing heart and mind

Desire to satisfy,
Beauty causes to go blind

Desire to stare,
So pupils can align

Desire to feel,
So hands can bind

Desire to live,
Together leave everything aside, behind
Feb 2013 · 689
Connecting Thoughts
George C Feb 2013
Staring at swaying trees
Gazing at invisible leaves
Understanding what everyone conceives
Wondering what and why they believe

Slowly following all the clouds
Birds flying along in crowds
Observing how all align aloud
Step back kneel and bow
George C Feb 2013
Run away, now, run
Here comes the light of the sun
Shadow along life
Feb 2013 · 512
Thanks for the Notice
George C Feb 2013
I uncover myself to certain people
Though I do so in a way that results
In a cover for others.
A pointless discovery,
An altering knowledge.
Call it mystery
Call it a history
Feb 2013 · 339
I've Been Told This Morning
George C Feb 2013
You don't let people know who you really are (1)
You don't let people know who you really
You don't let people know who you
You don't let people know who (2)
You don't let people know (3)
You don't let people (4)
You don't let
You don't
You is the answer
this might not make any sense
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