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Dec 2014 · 493
I am because you are.
George Achongo Dec 2014
When the trumpets of joy are blown, everyone shall pave the way for you to pass
In this life you have only one decision to make-how to love someone
You have only one chance to biuld your future
You have one body that will go to one grave
You have only one soul that will go to one God
You have only one heart that you will share with one man
The world was created for man to live in
Life was created for to enjoy
People have their own world, we can create ours too
Where the blue mountains shall sink in the the west...
Nov 2014 · 452
As a man
George Achongo Nov 2014
As a young budding man I saw my grandma took an offence with the world.
  She guarded me well from what she thought could corrupt my mind and later life
  About women, she only told me how to win their hearts.
  About cooking she told not to come close to the smoke chambers, it never meant for men.
  Let your woman sit whatever way she feels free in the kitchen, let her feel there is no watchtower over her head, you're suffocating her.
  Let her wipe her running nose with her dress, let her dry the sweat with her hands.
  Let her scratch whatever part of her body that needs the attention of her nails.
  Let the air pass through her, let the air escape her freely without feeling embarassed of the presence of a watchman.
  Let her feel comfortable with everything scattered in the kitchen while in the business of mixing different raw foods to what can make her house be strong.
  And my grandma added that when she is let to do all these things, the food will be nice and enjoyable.
  Because she said a woman has only three places to feel freely, in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in the bedroom but it is only in the kitchen she does her important things in the open.
  Never get use to buying food stuffs to your wife, give her the money and let her do the shopping herself, for she must be able to know what you, her and the rest like, she knows what food made men strong.
  All these things made women what they were, they made women lay strong foundation of love, hope and growth, for men are only good at bossing when it comes to family matters, women are good at making things happen.
  Such women made their men feel strong worthy, respected and responsible and their egoes elevated.
  But todays woman feels like she is the other man in the house, she wants a man to cook, wash the plates, change the nappies all in the name of 'LOVE', what again do they call it? LOVE, God forbid.
  As men we need to let women be women and you be you as men, for with the growth of time men's esteen has gone to its record low.
  Men, women, lets make it possible to work for us for we can only be what we are!
Nov 2014 · 505
She Never Was
George Achongo Nov 2014
I was once told I was never lovable to stay in a woman's heart

I believed the lie that I was never meant to love

But not too long ayear my heart pounded for some dawnstar love

She pounded with hateful love

At first I found it wow and I envied how she showed that love

But with the birth of time she showed me why she was passionate about that love

She was seeking revenge agaisnt him whom she found cheating on her

I was just a mere revenge tool to her

I was just a *** pet to her

I was just a *** stick to her

And since I knew this, I called it quits

But in my mind I remembered I was told that I wans't meant to love

I've decided not to believe that lie

I've gone back to square one, to look for someone to love

And today I swear I'm meeting my love or haven't you found me lovable?

Cause she was not jus she!
Sep 2014 · 688
My Shuttle your shuttle.
George Achongo Sep 2014
Life is a shuttle that everyone is his own stop point
We all have a choice to reach anywhere we want
It's amazing sometimes we seam not to understand how to drive it
But whether you know or not, somehow you'll reach where you decide to be
This is what it is; its a stream where each one of us rows his own canoe up or down it
Life is like a forest which is because trees are
Its like a warfare
We conquire it second by second as it comes
Relax! Take it easy, don't think too hard about it because you are not the author of life
For the Author did it just for you
Mine is simple, life is what you are
Look at it critically, grade it like the author would, and then look up, say thank you to the Author for what He created is good!
Aug 2014 · 355
You Carried My Heart Away
George Achongo Aug 2014
Someone saw you were beautiful,
I too saw you beautiful,
When I saw you, I wanted to see you,
You wanted to see me too,
And so we planned to see each other,
And then I saw it,
And you too saw it,
I was satsfied,
You were satisfied,
Our hearts got st'fied,
We loved it,
And it was like wow!
Please! Don't tell her I saw you first,
Lest you forget,
He too doesn't know I saw you first,
But rem, its wrong to be silent after such a wonderful SUPPER!
I know you SUFFER!
He's come its not like it to you,
She's come its not like it to me,
For you carried my heart away!
Aug 2014 · 422
Me? No!
George Achongo Aug 2014
I know some life is about to end now, its not just mine.

I know some soul is about to be mourned in the next immediate second, its not just you.

Each day we all as MEN have 24 hours, whether lame, upright, poor, rich, ignorant, informed, or just stupid or not so stupid-we all live for something- A REASON!

So, what are you living for? Do you live because others live?

Me? I live to impact your life. To inspire hope, determination and self-belief.

Each morning before the sun sprauts from the eastern hills, I lay on my knees for this purpose.

And before the sun sinks on that far end of the Western mounts I look up to Him who liveth above to accomplish this purpose.

And until I meet you, I will not die. Coz Its not just me! For I am because you are!
Aug 2014 · 438
I Did It.
George Achongo Aug 2014
I did it because
It was the right thing to do- I could,
Yes, to rescue my mother from hospital,
Yes, to rescue my brother, sister from hunger,
I had to do it,
To help myself from stavation,
I had to do it,
To help my father who was bent on his knees,
I had to do it,
I couldn't only do it if I was rest assured of my fathers ability, my mother's help, my siblings' stomatch, to sharpen my life, yes!
I had to do it,
Though the sting is killin' me after so long,
I have to confess-that I did it,
Yes, I 'picked' the money,
Not her-who was slained, t's was me,
Lies were kinder to me,
Truth could have sent me to the grave,
I would be now gone,
I'm sorry to she,
Forgive me!

— The End —