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1.0k · Jan 2013
GeordieTheMonk Jan 2013
Approval hangs over my head like a giant black cloud.

It’s always there…always promising a down pour, but only delivering earth shaking thunder….
....lightning that suddenly flashes out of the heavy darkness and strikes the ground of my life,
rupturing my ear drums, causing me to cower with my head between my legs, eyes clinched, crying as loud as I can in a vain effort to drown out the overwhelming noise.

That’s not all…it starts fires too.  

A dry cloud.

If I manage to gain enough courage to move from my hiding place, I can scramble to maybe two or three of the small but growing fires that were recently started. I frantically dance upon these little fires, spitting out angry curses like my mouth is full of sand, and crying at the same time…

...desperate to put the fires out, wishing my tears of frustration were so voluminous as to drench them altogether but they just fall from my cheeks as I madly stomp and spin…hissing as they evaporate…useless in the growing flames.

There are the occasional victories.

A fire, that after great effort, is finally extinguished.

As I pause, panting and smiling for just that instant, I become aware of how much I stink of soot and sweat and dirt, and my eyes take in all the smoldering hot spots. Dozens…hundreds. The fires still burning just beneath the surface of the dry needles and twigs.

They’re everywhere.

Thunder rolls again and I look up, desperate for rain.
June 2005
1.0k · Apr 2013
The Edge of the Desert
GeordieTheMonk Apr 2013
Its so beautiful and dangerous out there.
Danger without beauty would keep me in my chair.
Beauty without danger: I really don't care.

Water trickles through the shrubs stretching the bound,
pushing back the sandy matte where just yesterday found,
the little Bird on the margin, making her sweet sound.

Even desert birds need water to keep them alive
in the hot desert sun where very few survive,
my little bird drinks from her well and she thrives.

Yes, the desert beckons; the dangerous beauty calls.
The desert bird is made to fly among dunes and dry falls.
The well contains water, but the well has walls:

The walls between what is and what will surely be.
The walls between what you wish, and what you cannot see.
The walls around a heart that is learning to be free.

Fly, little bird, by all means fly,
but do not forget that there are limits even limits to the sky:
Places no bird can go, though other birds have tried.

Stretch your wings and venture out, then flurry back again.
Take your time, Desert Bird....drink at the well and then,
A little further into the desert: Beauty, Danger, God be with you. Amen.
650 · Jan 2013
The Stone Called Weary
GeordieTheMonk Jan 2013
The trees reach up too high today,

they tear at the hem of a cloud

A bridal train in tatters

ribbons of a heavenly shroud.

The waves reach not so high today

as to cover up the shore

They leave me room for walking

and I find I’m wanting more...

...more space more room more mind more prayer,

more heart more soul more vision

A growing space inside of me

crying out for a decision

Today I feel the emptiness

where once he stood with me

The Stone whose name is Weariness

forever there will be.

I found it today; the Stone called Weary;

nestled as it was in the sand.

I wept as I carried it, this Stone called Weary;

it marks where I used to stand.
649 · Apr 2013
Open Water
GeordieTheMonk Apr 2013
Inland Waters are safe and Sound, gentle winds and trees surround.

Cove and inlet, shore and bay, lighthouse, markers show me the way.

But open water, ocean swell, boundless vista who can tell,

which way is home which way to Hell?

Christ of the Mysteries, can I trust you on the sea?
593 · Apr 2013
And so love flows...
GeordieTheMonk Apr 2013
Like a low hanging branch, or the sound of a gunshot, the thought startles me and seizes my attention:

"What if I'm MEANT to be still, hungry and tired most of the time?"

It makes sense if you think about it for more than a few seconds:
"If I'm made to love with a sacrificial love, then no matter the amount of a thing I possess, I will give more than I can afford and trust God to replace what I need."

If I only ever give to the beloved from my excess, from my "extra", what does this say about the quality of my love? The beloved will only receive what I do not keep for myself.


But if I give from deep within my personal stores, from that which sustains me, it shows an entirely different kind of love. It says that the beloved matters more than my own entertainment, comfort and rest.


Dig as deeply as you wish in most human hearts; lift the heavy blankets and layers of fabric, the stacks of wet newspaper, moldy photo albums, jewelry, old ticket stubs, stained sheets and once worn bride's maid dresses...cast aside the ribbon-bound greeting cards, the scribbled promises and panting pleas, and you will find beneath it all something cheap: love extended from personal excess.

But look no further than the quiet servant, to the one whose name no one knows, and there before you, without guile, disguise or adornment, without shame, motive, nuance or intricacy,  burns a glaring love. Fueled by the mystery of the Great Other, relentless in its devotion to the beloved, all consuming:


"If the Great Other does not replenish my stores....I will die. To love another with sacrificial love then, is simply to trust the Great Other."

I become the conduit for love which flows in from outside the clamoring, panicky and CHEAP efforts of those who hoard their resources. I daily empty my stores, I become still, I become hungry and I become tired as I see to the needs of the beloved. I make room for the Great Other to replace what is needed....and so love flows.
574 · Jan 2013
GeordieTheMonk Jan 2013
Land of sidewalk ends
Old house hides in the brush
New house hides behind old
Where the Empire has stalled, and now recedes
No more boundaries to push
No more shocking words…they’ve all been tamed
No more sacred words, “Jesus is so Zen”.
No where left to go
Dreams unrealized
Plans, never agreed to.
Life in the Suburban, Western Unites States...where sidewalks just end...
512 · Dec 2012
GeordieTheMonk Dec 2012
A canyon-wide bond, not deep, still strong
Memories numb, dusty and old emerge from the dark, drive back the cold...
...Of years apart.
510 · Dec 2012
My Ribs
GeordieTheMonk Dec 2012
Stretched to breaking
Ancestor's gap
Pride swelling, creaking strain...
With pride.
479 · Dec 2012
GeordieTheMonk Dec 2012
Playground bully, thick lipped and ruddy he stalks through my world.
Dreams and plans scatter before him, scurrying away like a flock of birds.

"it’s only pain.”, I hear a voice from somewhere behind me say.

When will I stand up to him? See beyond his beady, un-blinking eyes into the empty fear that drives him, that makes him weak?

Fear is our common enemy.  It drives his fists into my mouth, and it drives the blood from my heart...poor, lost heart.

"it’s only pain.”, I hear a voice from somewhere behind me say.

It is.
It is the outcome. It is not the creator.
It is a verb, not a noun.

Bully. *******.


I'm done with you.
*It was a simple thought with far reaching implications. What if..what IF...I relegated pain (pain of all kinds, physical, emotional, spiritual) to a place of relative insignificance? What if it held little sway over my decision making? I mean, what IS the power of pain over us? WHY does an unpleasant sensation seem to trump all other motivations and hi-jack our lives..our identities? Certainly pain can alter our pace, even cause us to modify our path to some extent, but why does it so frequently alter our destination? What would happen if I simply refused to surrender these most important things to pain?*
396 · Mar 2013
Four Springs
GeordieTheMonk Mar 2013
It's always dawn somewhere...
the fruit of our spinning West to East.

It's always Spring somewhere...
The child of our tilting; just the least.

Ever, always, wobbling forward we turn...
On the edge of freezing, just about to burn.

Four times 'round the sun we go.

Four winds, four calms, four snow.

Pausing briefly to watch him die...
Spring stumbled into that quiet space.

Four times more she wandered in...
Surprised to find his empty place.
4 years since my father died. I miss you, Dad.

— The End —