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Geno Cattouse Jul 2015
A million  drops of blood fell to the earthen
floor where it seems a million years before
a spirit visited  my soul and gave me insight.
my pain  found deliverance
♧♧♧ a stroke from the mystic
Expressions  stitched with barbed  wire encircled my brow. Paid penance  for a negligent heart.
A blurred dismissal of truth an ode to one's  youth.

                  A Ragged
Magician in frayed costume. No rabbits to flurrish  from threadworn sleeves nor doves to take flight with flapping relief.
a gift. Golden bangles fall from wrist.
Times fold over and over in rythym  as prescribed  by delusion.
The belted restrictions of perception only imply. Four  square confinement  to adorn the journey.
Geno Cattouse Apr 2015
The rain pelted down angrily on rusted red corrugated zinc. It pounded it's message home on a tropical night. Thunder rolled on massive cumulus wheels.The oceans roiled to deep but still he could not sleep.
                  His favorite lullaby had failed
       A tropical concoction. to no avail. and so.

With fingers clasped behind his head and staring at the candles dance on wall and ceiling.

                  No answers came calling though wished upon, no squall brought mournful musings... Nothing to cling to till dawns awakening..
A vacancy there. His stares unending to pierce the roof and ceiling again to see the heavens in eyes of mind....A vacancy still. no takers.
minutes turned to hours.  Ah but wait.. no the wind now lashes pelting drops a harsh tattoo and cascade.
Sleep in it the bed you made.

Come quiet morning
Come with the sun come hither. The guttural croak. Croak and response of the plague. Frogs in swamped places now boast and make merry and willfully taunting. a sing song of nature.

goes on ... and you with laced fingers and no answers..
Geno Cattouse Apr 2015
Some say a draw
Some say a quit

Enough   is enough  Lets move on

I say why wait for a consensus, a meeting of the minds.
But.... more sides to this than Rubik's Cube
So you pull your opinion of choice.
I got mine cocked and aimed.

who wants to start the end my friend.
Take a deep breath.
We have arrived.
A Stalemate.
Geno Cattouse Apr 2015
Bitter cold winters kept me far and wrapped away but today the well beckons me.. the bucket and winch tied to my rope of hope. So one foot following the next with thawing frosty breath.
I zeke.. Ezekiel.

The well of depth and revelation. My witherd soul cries for transfusion.
Clarity from dark delusion..

The stinging cold as I place my hands on  the frozen stone and lean forward to gaze deep to the murky bottom. Answers fermented but potent distilled.
Zeke..I am Ezekiel...the bucket drops swiftly to the limited...submerges.. seeking answers.

There it rises as I turn the handle slowly.
There it rises with hidden freedom.
There.Ezekiel's answe lies within the inner.

Begin again..zeke
Rewind...questions will always exceed begin
Again...another day has been granted.
Begin again... Renew the You within
Geno Cattouse Apr 2015
Di seasons dey come an go
      But Rasta stay in flow.

Naturalnes in thinnking..linking I with.eternal.
Rewine I.
Rewind me
Return me like bran nue perspect.

Reewine I an push play.
Geno Cattouse Nov 2014
Just as you were coming within the weather changed and out you ran for sunny frolics
The music echoed from a distant window from another world in another time.

I wondered who you were then, the wind carried your essence along but changed you in hidden ways as you came back into focus a stranger thing.

My mind sought stick figures to flesh you out again in the old images of you but none were to be found all occupied with scripted lives ad blinders tied securely. Surely this a vision of things to come.
I wash my hands now.

This is how it carries over to the next eternal.
white smoke as leader in curling wisps of magic sliding under doors and past restrictions into forbidden places to see the useable the occult.

The ticking clock like booming thunder reminds me like sand slipping downward in the hourglass by grain by drop by seconds by the minute.
Clear as the morning chill brings focus and transition to the new day
my will in question
my very essence queried
a distinct sense of reality wafting gently to ground like a bloodhound on task, there will be answers and resolutions
all has been written regardless so we dance.
Geno Cattouse Nov 2014
The Mountain beckoned me and so.
I climbed to summit.
Every crevice as toe hold and ragged purchase for thumb and finger.
                                       A voice did whisper "do not look down nor linger"
                                       The pinnacle it resisted me and so did I malinger frequently. But by and by with force of will I clambered up to heaven' sill then stood and scanned horizon.

The setting sun did welcome me as it sank low to slumber.
It touched me gently cross my brow then pointed out to distant range that ran quite high and resolute.

" Greater challenges await my friend before you enter Heaven's gate" said the mountain. And less you forget, your  reward will be the journey not the destination set.
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