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Jan 2019 · 130
mary Jan 2019
he took up the whole train car
covered completely the doors that slid open when i stepped towards the train
his shoulders spread out like eagle’s wings
four heads taller than me, he had tree root limbs and a beer mug hand that gripped the pole next to him like he planned to pull it from the floor
the shifting of his weight rocked the tunnel and i wondered with timid curiosity
how no one else could feel it
ten more seconds and the doors will close again
ten more seconds and the train will drag itself away
ten more seconds and the mountain of a man in that car will be gone

but i had no ten seconds
i hopped over the threshold
he stayed still and silent as a fit myself neatly in next to him
looking up to his face was for naught
i found only woolen beard
and the greenbluegray of thick tattoo lines
how there could be enough ink in the world to cover those arms, i didn't know, but covered they were
left and right nearly all around


the bare skin on the inside of his forearm pulled my eyesight in that direction
it was smooth where there were no rivers of ink
it was smooth until i saw them
ridges and bumps
horizontal across that vulnerable white
horizontal except for the deepest ones;
were straight down
his scars were old
i could tell that
whiter than the ivory he already was
wanting to fade,
stretching out
little limbs
trying to
to sink
back in

who knows if they ever will

scar tissue
they say
is stronger than the rest
and that skin was strong
Jul 2018 · 126
mary Jul 2018
i am laying on the green moleskin couch of my living room
the quilt my aunt made for my grandmother is my shroud
i am motionless
i blink
my eyelids burn on the insides
it is 1:56 am
we have been broken up for a grand total of 9 hours
i want you back

i have sent you 9 messages in the past five minutes.
one for each hour
my dog breathes as if sleep is all she’s ever known
the heating vents crack and rattle
my house sobs almost as loud as i did
i listen

as i lay on my shrine
i am the center of the universe
while everything i’ve ever known swirls around me
i do not move
not because the thought of never having you around me again is crippling
but because i do not want to shake and destroy any more galaxies
in this,
i am not selfish
i tell myself
i am not selfish
but the problem is i know what i’ve done
and soon i realize
my sacrifice
was still for me
not you
i shake

finally up
i open the fridge
the thing i stopped doing so often
thanks to you
i stare
i see a morgue
cartons and bowls
bottles and cans
and ready to be dissected
by the scalpel that is my brain
telling me
the only way to feel better
is to replace you
with as many calories as possible
and by disregarding serving sizes
i do the math

— The End —